Child Street Musciains

In Tehran


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
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Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

I don't know about "these children" but you can adopt from Iran

by Anonymouse on

I know families who have adopted and one parent must be Iranian with Iranian passport and shenasnameh and then go through the adoption process, whatever it may be, but people have done it.

Many of "these children" often have parents or families but are too poor to depend on their parents or caretakers. 

Everything is sacred.


Does anyone know about adoption laws in Iran?

by Onlyiran on

Can we adopt street children like these and bring them outside of Iran?  does anyone know if that's possible?  If possible, this could be a good way of providing these children with stable and productive lives that they are missing.   


I think I met them a year ago. They are a year older.

by Anonymouse on


poster Abarmard says: I help all that I can

by Darveesh on

and comes here and flaunts it.




I help all that I can

by Abarmard on

And it never seems to be enough. There are too many poor and helpless in Iran and here not too far from my own neighborhood. My point was the fruits of capitalism generate residues that some unfortunate class must suffer from. That's the reality where ever you go.

Now if we had a Northern European system, I believe that we can get rid of this social sickness. But we are following Russian style, and if lucky, Malaysian type of economics. These scenes will not go away no matter what how you decide to spend your resource capital, unless fundamental changes are made. I do not believe that most people here who criticize me would agree on a fair system that will take care of these kids.


Warp logic

by MRX1 on

Abarmrad, your logic or lack of it is warp logic. The phenomena of street kids in Iran is unique, we never had that in three thousned years of Iran history!!!! but some how in thirty years of rulling mullah we have managed to aquire this nasty thirld world disease. 

Another interesting factor: thirty some years a go we comapred ourself with europe's best and blamed our short comming's on the government and if not on the ailing shah, now we compare ourself with Bangeladesh, Ethopia, somalia and any other piss poor thirld world country out there to feel good about ourself! it is indeed trajic.



Hassan Khomeini for President 1392

by i_support_khamenie on

Lotfan Agha Hassan, ba oon sorate Noraneet biya wa een Ahmaghi Nejadra az sahn rozegar mahv kon.



by Demo on

Wish these poor kids could read the most soothing comment of Mr. Abarmard (regarding their poverty) before they go to sleep with hungry stomachs & with no ceilings above their heads!!!!!!


به‌ به‌ چه زیبا مکتوب کردید پسر من ابرمرد


                                                                                                               بسمه تعالی

شما، آقای ابرمرد، واقعا فرزند راستین انقلاب اسلامی هستید.  شما درک میکنید که ما باید همیشه به کمتر، بدتر و پست تر از خودمان نگاه کنیم و آنها را الگوی خود قرار دهیم.  بالفرض در حول این قضیهٔ بچه‌های خیابانی ما نباید که به یک کشوری مثل سوئد بنگریم و آنرا الگوی خود قرار دهیم. چرا؟  به این علت که در سوئد بچهٔ خیابانی وجود ندارد حتی با اینکه مانند ما درامد نفت هم ندارد.  بجای آن ما باید به یک کشوری که یک مافیای دزد و آدمکش آنرا میگرداند-همانند روسیه-- نگاه کنیم و آنرا الگوی خود قرار دهیم، بخاطر اینکه اگر اینکار را کنیم خودمان در مقایسه با توالتی که کشور روسییه هست مانند بهشت برین میشویم.  همینطور به نظر میاید که شما فنّ زیبای عوض کردن موضوع و سفسطه -- که یکی‌ از دستاوردهای بزرگ انقلاب اسلامی هست-را هم به شکل استادانه یاد گرفته و به کار میبرید.  علی‌الخصوص لازم است که هر وقت که کسی‌ دربارهٔ هر گونه خطای جمهوری اسلامی در هر موضوعی سخن می‌گوید یک فرد متعهد و مؤمن-مثل شما-باید عللفور وسط حرف پریده و دربارهٔ یک کشور جهنمی که از جمهوری اسلامی در آن موضوع بدتر است سخن بگوید.  حالا گیرم که آن کشور صومالی یا سودان یا کنگو یا حتی هایتی باشد.  خجالت را کنار بگذارید، قیافهٔ حق بجانب بگیرید و هر چه به فکرتان رسید-حتی اگر برای سگ‌ تو کوچه هم مضحک به سمع میاید، بدون خجالت بگویید. 

باید به شما بگویم احسنت و صد احسنت.  شما رمز انقلاب اسلامی را درک کرده‌اید و همانند دیگر فرزندان رستین انقلاب مروج فرهنگ سفسطه و گدا پروری جمهوری اسلامی ایران هستید.  از درگاه خداوند متعال سلامتی‌ و طول عمر کثیری برای شما خواستارم، به اذن الله.  

السلام علیکم و رحمت الله و برکاته


Abarmard, when you see these kids like this

by oktaby on

All you can think of is how screwed up Russia is?



But Mullah nassrullah, the fat cowardly leader of hezbullah...

by fooladi on

is safe and sound in his hiding place, a luxurious villa in North tehran, courtesy of velayate vaghih regime. That is all that matters to some apparently. Who cares about a few bare foot kids with no roof over their head? We do of course, 99% ogf Iranians who want the entire leadership of valyate vaghih hanged in front of turkish embassy.... 

Long Live Iran 


Huge, powerful, and rich in oil and gas

by Abarmard on

Imagine a country that is powerful, technologically advanced, can sell weapons to buyers and make billions, has the support of "rogue" nations and provides them with its obsolete technologies for high price, huge oil reserves, gas reserves, pipe lines, and has the influence to force neighbors cooperate in selling those...And has 25 million people in poverty line. The Country is Russia, what's their excuse?


There is only so much money

by MRX1 on

well there is only so much money right? you can't be stealing billions, spending rest of it on old soviet crap and chinese junk, hamas, hezbolah, syria, lebonon and god knows who else and what else and then expecting people to have a middle class life style. Question of priorities I suppose. According to the regime's latest stat 50% of people in Iran leave on the poverty or below poverty line in a country that has the second largest gas reserve in the world. go figure....



by Majid on




باز حدّاقل دم مردم عادی گرم که زیر بال و پر این بچّه ها رو میگیرند، احمق بینژاد که این ماه سرش شلوغ بود نتونست نفت رو سر سفرهء این طفلکی ها بیاره!  





by Iraniandudee3 on

They remind of the gyspy kids we saw in the streets of Iran selling gerdoo, sad stuff.


I am extremely happy that Hamas & Hezabollah

by Onlyiran on

receive billions of dollars of Iran's money every year.  Hassan Nasrollah needs more chelo kabaob to get even fatter and Hezbollah operatives need more free, all expense vacations in northern Iran.  

Who gives a s**t about Iranian children?  They're so....Iranian...It's not like they're Palestinian, Lebanese or Turkish or any other nationality that we should care for or anything.   



by Doctor X on

Are these poor souls not sent to school?????????????????????

This are such heart breaking images...