Islamic Dating Advice

Love, lust, sin, fear, marriage, sigheh... Islam has the answer


Ari Siletz


Ari Siletz

Ouch! Easy on the Freudian slips, advice lady. How about just kneeing the bastard in the groin?

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

it pretty much sounds like those catholic sisters advises like be happy all the time just don't miss the sunday confession so you'll be blessed and..     .Maziar


مقداری آموختیم


از اون جواب سوال اول که فقط از همون مثلث عشقش خوشمون اومد. از جواب سوال دوم اما دستگیرمان شد که کردن هم جزو صوابها است


Chadori Chicks

by O. on

I could not take more than a few mintues of that, too much.

These ladies have delusional disorder, but then religiousity is a mental
health issue itself.



color scheme

by fidelio5 on

where do they find such ghastly and tasteless color combos?

 must be the Hadith. gross


Ali P jan

by Doctor X on


Vagheh  gara bash baba:)

Doosti between a man (boy) or a woman (girl) does not just happen outta the blue. It always has its roots in sexual attraction and certain feelings, which if amounts to nothing at the end,  then probably stays in the "friendship" format of course with some Tah moondeh sexual feeleengzzz:)

Velkom to de twentee feerssttt centeryy:))

Darius Kadivar

Mr. PreeeZiiiDeeeeeent Needs Advice ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Ali P.

baaz sareh maa kolaah raft....

by Ali P. on

Hold it, hold it...!

Does "doost boodan" of a girl and a boy,necessarily mean a sexual relationship?

(When did this happen, and how come I didn't get the memo!)

Is an asexual relationship  a sin too?