Leila Vaziri

World record holder in backstroke interviewed by Rudi Bakhtiar


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She's American not Iranian

by HHH on

She's sweet and she's a great athlete but she's born and raised in America, speaks American, and eats cereals.

An Iranian is born and raised in Iran, speaks Farsi and eats Noono-panir with chaii.

We have to stop counting other people's accomplishments as ours. What Cyrus the Great did in 500BC has nothing to do with us, they were different people and mostly migrated away.

We have to start producing ourselves, we can't sit on our ass and keep being proud of others we call our own. That's some kind of fraud.


She should swim for Iran

by iroooni on

Are there IRI sanctioned swim suites for women swimers?


Very proud of her and wish her the best of success

by Bavafa on



Your mom! That explains the swimming! Real Hybrid! Wonderful!

by obama on

We sure are proud of an athlete like you! Girl power! It take talent, smarts, dedication, hard work, stamina, parental and brother's support! Unlike modeling showing skin! You are the star and beautiful too! Congratulations!

Best of luck to you!


So Proud Of You

by Rahaii on


Leila Jaa,

Watching your interview brought tears to my eyes. Another Success story of another Iranian.


All Iranians in florida


Proud of her!

by Onlyiran on

Great Job, and more success in the future.