Obama praises santions

Security Council sanctions aren't as tough as originally proposed

AP: President Barack Obama heralded new U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program as the toughest ever Wednesday, but still left the door open for future diplomacy. "Actions do have consequences and today the Iranian government will face some of those consequences," Obama said, speaking at the White House shortly after the Security Council vote. The sanctions target Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard, ballistic missiles and nuclear-related investments, but aren't as tough as what the Obama administration had originally proposed. The resolution passed 12-2 with Turkey and Brazil voting "no" and Lebanon abstaining >>>


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roo to beram?

by amgw4 on

I don't recall that expression. Explain it? How do you pronounce it and what does it mean? I thought roo means nerve.


We have a saying in Farsi

by MahmoudAhmadinejad on

We have a saying in Farsi for shameless people. We tell them "roo to beram or roo to beram". It is written and said the same way, but they have a very different meanings. That is what I say to Obama.

Darius Kadivar

Good Points Benross Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on



I don't think harsher

by benross on

I don't think harsher sanctions, which included gasoline embargo, was ever in the plan. Or if it was in the plan, I'm glad it didn't materialize. It is typical that you come to a bargaining table with some demands that you don't expect to be fulfilled, in order to avoid bargaining on some more important demands. The current sanctions are very much targeted at IRI. If it affects Iranian people, it will affect them by IRI policies. Gasoline sanction on the other hand, would have affected Iranians directly.

This is not a quick change in Iran. But it's a golden opportunity for Iranians to regroup and provide an alternative to this regime. And I don't think anybody undermine the importance of this opportunity.


"America the free" or

by MahmoudAhmadinejad on

"America the free" or "America the slave to Israel" 


Had this been McCain endless bitching

by TheEnemyHateMe on

would have ensued this post.Endless use of the term 'Neocon' and prevalent hatred towards Republicans and conservatives and basically America in general would have been on display. I love Obama for shutting these people up..

Genghis Khan

Enough of blah, blah, blah

by Genghis Khan on

The one, and only real solution will sound boom, boom, boom.

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.

Darius Kadivar

Great Speech. Thanks for Remembering Neda's Sacrifice too !

by Darius Kadivar on


Even if The Brazilians and Turkey will be blowing against the wind Let's Hope at least that the Chinese and Russians won't change their stance in the course of the year ...



If I was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I would say.

by MahmoudAhmadinejad on

International community consists of 195 countries not 5 or 6nations.  Unless Obama meant "the criminal nations of the international community" then that makes sense.


Obama makes good speeches, but is turning out

by amgw4 on

to be a failed president. Things are really really really bad here in the US right now. Unemployment, wars,  . . . all the things he said he would fix are now worse.