Tehran Streets

Going for a ride


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi
dingo daddy En passant

The roads do look very nice in this video

by dingo daddy En passant on

Thanks to Shah's public projects.


our house is in this clip!

by fooladi on

I wont say where though, agent amgw would report me and I get in trouble when I go back home  for asoora/tashooa (not for sine zani:))

But thanks for the great video, enjoyed it a lot.


amgw4: What a bunch of baloney

by AMIR1973 on

The only people who have "Jew on the Brain" 24/7 are Islamists and their Neo-Nazi sidekicks like David Duke.


COP jan

by Onlyiran on

You have a point.  We have to give koochekmehr credit.  He hasn't mentioned the word Israel in all his drivel on the other thread.  It's actually kind of, well, refreshing. :-))


Isreal this, Zionist that

by Cost-of-Progress on

Please - Please come up with something else. Learn from the newcomer, bozorgmehr..... 






amgw4 -

by Onlyiran on

This site is mostly the same articles you see in Israeli propaganda and a bunch of Jews and Israelis sharing their opinions on Iran.

And why are you here on this site again, spamming every thread?  Are you a part of that Jewish / Israeli conspiracy? 


no this site relates everything to Israel

by amgw4 on

This site is mostly the same articles you see in Israeli propaganda and a bunch of Jews and Israelis sharing their opinions on Iran. That's fine but why do you have to call it Iranian.com?



by cyclicforward on

You relate everything to Israel. Your mentality is totally messed up. Stop watching the IRI TV so much. It is only lies and don't take it seriously.


amgw4: I will try Hamas.org, if you like

by AMIR1973 on

Salam arz mikonam amgw4. Mesl inkeh shoma sabeghan "alirezag" boodind, nah? Kholase, omidvaram keh shoma movaffaq bashid ba Jahad-e Moqaddas-e Hamas bar elayheh Sheytan-e Bozorg. Lotf konid yeh kami az Emam Khomeini tareef konid, amma az fasel-e yeh door dar Gharb. Ghabool ast?


A zionist ate my lunch

by Cost-of-Progress on

But Islamic Regime burned my house.





Amir why don't you try jpost.com

by amgw4 on

Why are there so many Israelis on "iranian" dot com. Give the website to Iranians.


Oh yeah, IRI's road & infrastructure are worthy of envy by West

by AMIR1973 on

That's why IRI has the highest rate of deaths from car accidents in the world (more than twice the rate of the U.S., 5 times the rate of Canada and 7 times the rate of Germany, with its autobahns!) --because of the IRI's highly advanced state of technology and infrastructure. The IRI's supporters who live in the West keep telling us how much life is better in the IRI for most people than it is in the West. Okay.



how could traffic be worse than in NYC?

by amgw4 on

That's a ridiculous statement. NYC traffic is a disaster with old unmaintained pothole laden streets in all but the most expensive areas, and traffic jams all over. Only a tiny minority even dare have a car in New york city because the traffic is so bad.


just came back from Tehran

by iamfine on

Traffic was horrible, much worse than the New york traffic. But for some reason, it was normal to Tehranians and seldom you noticed accidents. The air quality was poor. Above all, those motor cycles were all over with no fear of getting hit by the car.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on


for a joy ride through the streets of tehran and trying to guess the neighborhoods.......

some of those driving in a one way street was hillariouse,Any body gradutes from(law less) tehran's driving school should be able to drive in the west with closed eyes.             Maziar