Weapon X

"I am an Iranian"

MySpace: Weapon X was born in Brooklyn, NY on Sept 17. 1981. The son of two Iranian immigrants here under political asylum the Weapon was exposed to books and music early in life. By the age of three he was reading simple childrens books and headphones on his head were a regular fixture. After spending his early childhood in NY his parents decided to make the move to Los Angeles, California in hopes of finding a better future and a better environment for the family. Almost immediately X already didnt fit in and often times didnt get along with the teachers or his classmates. X began getting into fights with other children who decided it would be fun to mock his name and heritage. Fighting seemed to be the only way to get any respect. It also landed him in lots of trouble at school and at home. This would help him develop a tougher skin that would become invaluable to him in later years. It was what also what would bring trouble his way throughout his late teens >>>


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
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Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
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Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Nice tune.

by پیام on

Thank you Weapon X

a pimp named slickback

he sucks!

by a pimp named slickback on

I hear better hiphop outa Michael Bolton. Wzzaup with da dj dude? It's like DUDE THE 70'S CALLED, they want their lameass easy listenin' grooves back. diasppointin

Immortal Guard

Check this out!

by Immortal Guard on

I like the Donald Duck laugh at 2:01:





Weapon X

by damond on




by jasonrobardas on

 I am not a fan of rap , but I sure like this dude and his music . Truly a cross culturl phenomenon ,  showing rap has the potential to be such an expressive medium .

Sargord Pirouz

Ugh. And  I thought the

by Sargord Pirouz on

Ugh. And  I thought the Tehrangelas scene was the worst. I stand corrected.