Ali Shamkhani

Navy Admiral

Former Minister of Defense talks about historical figures of the Islamic Republic.


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hamsade ghadimi

fear this

by hamsade ghadimi on

that's iran where educated people drive cabs and uneducated work in pizza shops.  and where the corrupt and uneducated have "oil" revenue on their table.  it seems that you're a professional when it comes to measuring testicular fortitude.  is that how you came to the west, measuring, feeling, weighing testicular fortitude.  or did you do that just for the tips?


This video is under

by onlyinamrica on



"No Fear"

by Onlyiran on

Please post a copy of your service record in the Iranian military.  Otherwise, stop preaching "courage" to others and kindly STFU!

No Fear

Its pathetic, really.

by No Fear on

Many of you escaped the war and left Iran because of it. I don't care if you are an educated person who drives a cab now , or an uneducated one who works in a pizza shop. you all have one thing in common and that is the lack of testicular fortitude to stick around and defend the country that you love so much!

But one thing that you lack under the belly, you gained by the width of your mouth to open it whenever you can to criticize and belittle a war veteran who risked his life defending Iran.

If this is not pathetic, i don't know what else is.


همه ساکت، شیت هد اعظم، آقای بدون ترس، فرمارید.


We were told, by your VF, to get the hell out since Iran did not need educated people and if she did, Khomeini would tell a few "talabeh" to come from Ghom to do the job.  And, we ceratinly saw what happened when uneducated, incompetent and oghdehi people took over the running of the country.


This is not Iran and you have no menbar to preach about war or

by oktaby on

what happened or character. Take your filthy mouth and mind elsewhere. 


No Fear

Don't disrespect the Veterans

by No Fear on

I don't like Shamkhani's political views and his alliance with Rafsanjani and Khatami. You could even see that he didn't call the Green movement a "Fetneh". It is clear where he stands.

However, as a person who disagrees with him on so many levels, i have a lot of respect for him as a war veteran. He defended his pragmatic views in regards to the war and he made sense.

When Abbasi called him up with that dumb question at the end, his reply was straight forward and could be applied to many of you here.

Where were you during the war?


I wonder what BaniSadr would have to say about this interview?

by MM on

I believe the armed-forces in Iran are under direct supervision of VF.  Am I mistaking?


"ایران بدون ولایت معنا ندارد".


"آدم بسیار بزرگی‌ است امام".

"ما صدام رو شکست دادیم. با پیروزی عراق رو شکست دادیم"

"پیروزی رزمندگان اسلام"

او با مصاحبه گر‌ نوکر صفت صحبت می‌کند که قبل از اینکه او دهان خود را باز کند بنی صدر را بکوبد (مزقلی که احتیاج به کوبیدن ندارد) بعد فورا کلمهٔ "فتنه" را تقدیم این مثلا افسر می‌کنه و پشتش سوالات قشنگی‌ رو براش ردیف می‌کنه که اون هر توری می‌خواد قصه بگه.

مزخرف که دیگه مالیات نداره.

این چیزیی که شما را اینقدر تحت تاثیر گذاشت؟

همون سپاهی که اقتصاد ایران رو گرفته؟ که بزرگترین قاچاقچی منطقه و شاید دنیاست؟ 

اونهایی که فرهنگ و تاریخ ایران رو به بازی گرفتن، زنهای ایران رو چادر به سر کردن، و جوونای ایران تو زندونشون میمیرن، تجاوز میشن، کتک میخورن.....

اینهم یکی‌ از همون لاتهای بی‌ سرو پاییه که بسیجی‌ و سپاه رو به جون مردم میندازه. یونیفورم این چاقوکش‌ها را آدم نما می‌کنه ولی‌ آدم نمی‌کنه

 با خوش روی و طنز هم وسط دعوا نرخ طی‌ می‌کنه و هر رجزی می‌خواد می‌خونه. ` اتمی‌  کاری نمیکنه و با شیمیایی فرقی‌ ندراره... `. آره فلان فلان شده با خاک و خون مردم ایران کر کری بخون تا وقتت برسه.

اینان "مرد" نیستن. مرد نمان. 



Islamist "Admiral"

by Fred on

This self appointed “naval Admiral” has another think coming if he thinks people have Alzheimer.

Iran and Iranians are indebted to the late Admiral Madani for not allowing “Admiral” Shamkhani’s brethrens annex the jewel of Iran, Khuzestan.


very interesting

by Abarmard on

Interesting personality and great interview