Mohammad Reza Shajarian

Sadegh Saba's special BBC documentary on Iranian master

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

You too JJ?

by Aarash4545 on

I have noticed that you have sensored my comment on Shajarian the "turn coat". If I wrote the same thing on let's say khaamenei or any of his lackies would you have romved it? I doubt it! What's the deal?

I thought nothing was sacred in your site!!!!!!????????

Ein aakhoond-zadeh keh post beh shoghl-e pedr zad o tark-e Eslaam kard o motrebi pisheh gereft, va saalhaa dar Jashn-e Honar-e Shiraaz pish-e Shahbaanoo Farah honar namaaei mikard, yek baar ghabl az enghelaab va yek baar ham akhiran enghelaabi shod o be pakhsh-e sedaayash az raadiol e'teraaz kard.

Az khodforoushaan-e haftaad roo har chi begi bar miaad. Maa mellat key bidaar mishim khodaa faghat midoon-e!!!!!!!


can he go back to Iran?

by Rastgoo on

Or is he in exhile?  He said a lot of things on this show that could get him into trouble.  Even saying that he wasn't for the revolution and that he didn't believe all the promises (implication was from Khomeini).


Thank you GS

by Rastgoo on

Thank you Ghormeh Sabzi.  I don't know how you find the time to do all this but we all appreciate it.  This was the first time that I actually got to see Shajarian the man.  Admirable.



by yolanda on

Shajarian will give a talk at UCLA on May 18:

Maryam Hojjat

Thanks GS!

by Maryam Hojjat on

I enjoyed it and got to know Ostad Shajarian better.  He is a man who loves his country and his countrymen.  May GOD bless & protect him.



Would have been

by MRX1 on

nice if BBC spent fraction of the time they spent on Shajarian  on Shojaedin shafa instea dof half page remeberance with negative tune.


A Must See ...

by R2-D2 on

Will come back later to see All of it