Professors axed

Academics and faculty members forced to out of universities


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Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
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Palang-e Teez-Dandaan....

by Aarash4545 on

Dear Babak,

The shah also thought like you. He was kind-hearted and didn't wish to harm his own people, and behold what happened to him. Human rights stopped him from executing a few hundred ring leaders and saving the country and his reign. Let's learn from our mistakes. Human rights and all that is beautiful, but my friend, as the old saying goes:  "Tarahhom bar palang-e teez dandaan---Setamkaari bovad bar goosfandan".

Never again!

Be omid-e roozhhay-e behtar!

Babak K.

Aarash4545 I agree with

by Babak K. on


I agree with most of the things you said.  Look at Abdul-kareem Soroush who was one of the architects of the so-called Cultural Revolution (Enghlab Farhangi) but now turned into a gentle critic of the regime without offering any appology to Iranian nation, and the victims of his cultural revolution.  However, we are not them. We the people of Vojdan should even defend these people and likes of Soroush.  At the dawn of Democratic Iran, our main task will be defending the basic human rights of the people who killed, totured and raped and jailed our people, and brought countless forms of sufferings to our nation.  That is what will make us different from them.

Babak K.


About time!

by Aarash4545 on

I don't know these professors personally, but a look at their photos tells me they're at the end of their career anyway. Most of them are probably the turncoats who sold us all in Iran Univsrsities' so-called "Paak-saazy". Let them get a taste of the dish they served us 30 years ago. May they all rot in hell along with their "Tahkeem-e vahdat" propaganda. I won't hire these so-called professor's even as a technician in my own lab!