Bushehr Closer to Launch

Iran set to load fuel to core of first atomic plant

Reuters: Iran will move closer to the start-up of its first nuclear power plant on Tuesday when it plans to load fuel into the core of the Bushehr reactor, a senior lawmaker said on Monday. Iran says the Russian-built 1,000-megawatt nuclear plant will start producing energy in early 2011 after years of delays and that its launch shows the West is wrong to accuse it of seeking to develop atomic bombs. "Despite all efforts and policies of America and the European Union to put sanctions on Iran, the fuel of the Bushehr power plant will be loaded into its core tomorrow," MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi was quoted as saying by official media >>>


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The prize for the "best" comment so far goes to "b-vafa"!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 "Iran is the best country in the world all other countries are run by little girls or Israel."

Now dear "B_vafa", dont forget to add the little girls to the entities to be "wiped off the map of the earth" !

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Love to find out

by MRX1 on

I would love to find out how much this old soviet style nuclear reactor has costed us so far? seriously, can one of you IRIsupporters finaly give us this number?

I don't particualrly care if it works or not. It's probably better if it never does that way we will have to deal with chernobyl fiasco problem in our back yard but then again life has no value in islamic paradise any way, so turn it on as soon as possible!

B- Vafa

Go Iran

by B- Vafa on

Iran is the best country in the world all other countries are run by little

girls or Israel.


well, it was about time...

by Homayun on

Well it was about time to get that thing going..the sooner the better we will be less dependent on fosile fuel.. 

My Moto: Be Positive, Optimistic and don't fall in routines