Wikipedia: Hassan Abbasi is an Iranian political analyst and strategist, the head of the Center for Doctrinal Analysis, an independent political strategic think-tank in the Islamic Republic. Abassi is a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war and lectures frequently at universities throughout Iran on various political topics >>>
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Immortal Guard
by mash Ghanbar on Wed Oct 06, 2010 05:03 PM PDTWho the hell cares?? why should we care about the image we are projecting to other countries in the world? Let them go and take care of their own affairs. Who are we, the New police state in the region now? The new gate keepers of the middle east? Are we another millitary state like cuba or North korea? what benefits do we gain from being looked up to as champions of the poor In that region? Is it going to put dinner on tables or is it going to cut down the drug abuse and consumption/addiction rate or is it gonna create jobs.... What is in it for us the people??
Look at you promoting the "war mentality" . I can not even believe you wrote down those words. Hooray,... We must be proud of ourselves to have Ready to go on a moment's notice recruits When the "opportunity" to destroy and perpetuate war and mayham Comes knocking, they will join the battle! what are we doing here, Asking for it? Unbelievable.
Immortal Guard
by mash Ghanbar on Wed Oct 06, 2010 04:48 PM PDTWow. You just exploded with words there didn't you:))
I am sticking what you have written. Pay close attention and you will see. Open those pretty eyes of yours and keep the wide open.
1- No . there is no denigrating of anyone's opinion or personality involved Here. You are messing around with the facts and covering them up. that is what the real problem is. Your last post had absolutely nothing to do with what chogock had written, You went totally off the road and came up with something totally unrelated to than and now you are making all kinds of accusations. for instance, he claimed that Isreali' companies have a strong presence on NASDAQ and that is so important and You took this to mean that Happiness was being measured by the fluctuations of Stock market??? You are one heckuva spinner.
2-that is a very good point, Someone should actually follow up on that and pose this question to those in charge. But do you honestly think something or anything would come out of it? or is it going to be another Merry-go-around, and we will be given the same run around over and over.
3- You can not even be sure that the progress has actually taken place and you can not be certain about that. You aremaking that claim on so many shaky grounds. First of all, there IS NO bilateral relationship tobegin with. Inherent in the nature of a nation standing on its feet , would be the efficiency of the economy and the ability to meet the employment demands of the vast majority, You can not claim that you all self-sufficient and that you are actually reaping benefits of sanctions imposed on you, while you have an growing rate of Unemployment and other social Ills ravaging your nation and putting in on the verge of Unprecedented instability. All the likes of you would want to do, Is Use nice words and chant meanigless slogans to create a false impression,. Thinking that people are dumb and can not see for themselves. Not this time. It is over.
technical products?? LOL. Right. You mean the ones they import from china ... cuba...?
4- You have really no right to criticize numbers and stats generated by western governments after the mess that iranwent through last year.. They lost all credibility when it comes to The number wars. The stats coming outta western countries and experts are Far far more credible, reliable, and realistic to work with and interpret than any set of data coming out of Iran. Takes a fool to deny this,.
5- Big fat Lie. True that in The US the unemployment rate may be more than what is reported, By that amounts to a difference of few percentage points and not TWICE that being reported.
Of course. The stats are subject to so many variables. But this is not the case Only inthe west. Iranian "experts" have mastered the craft and have made a science out of it. Your claim has no leg to stand on here.
از سه راه افسریه تا غزه
comradeWed Oct 06, 2010 04:12 PM PDT
مشکل این حاج آقا عباسی اینست که فکر میکند همه ملتها (
منجمله ملتهای لبنان و فلسطین) در همان یک مشت بچه حاضر در در این سالن
خلاصه میشود.
جواب سوال بالاخره چی شد؟ فلسطین و لبنان چرا باید جور تامین امنیت رژیم آخوندهای ایران را بکشند.
Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.
Another angle....
by Immortal Guard on Wed Oct 06, 2010 03:22 PM PDTIt is not only Iran's military doctrine of asymmetric warfare and its functional aspects that enter into consideration.
What is equally important is the image Iran is projecting onto the wider region and the whole Muslim world. That Iran despite sanctions is standing up to the arrogant West and challenging indirectly a strong army supplied with sophisticated weapons and is still able to bloody its nose and give it a run for its money! It is this spirit of resistance and its effect on the ordinary people in the streets of the Middle-East that is crucial. In a way Iran is seen as a champion of the rights of the downtrodden people of the Middle-East.
So although Hamas and Hezbollah do the bidding on behalf of Iran other people in the Middle-East although not actively involved in the struggle subscribe to the vision, purpose and intent of that struggle. So once opportunity knocks on their door they are already ready recruits and have been conditioned to join the battle! Because they see that intelligent underdogs can achieve things despite material inferiority.
On the other hand the ordinary Israeli soldiers do not demonstrate the same kind of resolve which characterized their previous generations who fled war, misery and Holocaust in Europe. One sees in the faces of the ordinary soldiers that they are demoralized and would rather go back to the beach and/or report to the military for just working!
Israel lost the 34 days war.
by No Fear on Wed Oct 06, 2010 02:52 PM PDTThe whole world including israelis public opinion and their government all agree that military obejectives were not met, to weaken hezbollah and to destroy their capabilities to launch rockets in to israel. Today, hezbollah posses far more capable missiles which puts the entire Israel under its range. Hezbollah is stronger today while Israel's image has been seriously harmed.
I bet more sophisticated missile systems installed by IRGC in southern lebanon are still maintained and operated by IRGC personnel who have the launch codes exclusively to themselves. The Quds forces also operate radar and listening sites in southern lebanon to provide early warning to Tehran in case of a possible air raids from israel.
The israelis know how close we are breathing down their neck.
Prostitution problem!
by Immortal Guard on Wed Oct 06, 2010 02:43 PM PDTYou know why they are really mad about the Iranian prostitutes in Dubai? Well because all the beautiful and good-looking ones go to Dubai since they make much more money in Dubai. Some of the high-class Iranian courtesans even hitch up with the rich Arab sheiks and make big box. So the mullahs back home (except the big ones) end up with the ugly ones back in Iran! That's the real reason behind it.
By the way talking about prostitution; it is becoming a rampant problem in all Western countries. Just check the internet! This is due to two reasons.
At least countries like Iran where the larger population is traditional and close to one-half still live in rural areas is more immune to problems with prostitution!
Iranian prostitution problem and inteligence ministery?
by choghok on Wed Oct 06, 2010 01:56 PM PDTI read about him criticizing intelignce ministery for not seeing into Iranian girls are sold as prostitutes in around the world. Well, as always in Iran self learned "experts" come with comments that are so stupid one has to be basiji to to beleive in them.
How ca an inteligence ministry fight poverty and economical problems of a country? I mean sure they can arrest some people and come with accusations that US and Israel is behind this but what more can they do? Can they put a bread on poor peoples table in Iran like Khomeini Hendi promised? Can they pay people's bills? And one does not need to go to Dubai to see iranian prostitutes, Iranian cities have enough of them, and now by the law that government is passing they will make prostitution legal, so maybe they are making it so that iranian girls would not need to go outside to prostitute, they would do it in the country, problem solved.
by Simorgh5555 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 01:01 PM PDTAll of Israel's military strikes on Gaza and Lebanon have achieved their military objectives: In Lebanon, the Beirut government has been forced to reign in on Hezbollah and in Gaza Hamas has had to have a reality check about its ultmiate goal to destroy Israel. However, I crticize Israel because of the human calamity and suffering of the Lebanese and Israelis. I also believe that Israel's national and security interest- as well as Iran's- will be best served by attacking the source of terror: the terrorists who are occupying Iran. If Israel launches an effective miliatry operation with the support of real Iranians who are opposed to the regime then many of the problems of the Middle East region will be solved.
Do not attack Hamas or Hezbollah: starve them of the oxygen which suports them : The terrorists in our beloved Iran.
Simorgh then Choghok!
by Immortal Guard on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:46 PM PDTHow come the opposition in collaboration with Israel hasn't been able to pull off anything major in Iran? You mean the Green movement is the best they have been able to doso far?
You mean Israel is going to hit harder than it did in 2006 and 2008-2009? Yaap maybe they will use their A-bombs. This indicates lots of pent-up anger seething below the surface! Change your blog name to Asghar Taragheh!
Look I think Israel should evacuate the Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt given that Egypt is next door! This way Egypt like Jordan will also end up with a sizeable resentful Palestinian population who can act as a catalyst for political upheavel at the right time.
Hey Choghok at university I knew these extremely smart and bright Egyptian identical twins and they used to tell me the same thing about the Jews. They said the Jews are so stupid they think we are at peace with them. We just will use them for a while and when the time is ripe we will enslave them like the good old Pharaoh times.
by Simorgh5555 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:43 PM PDTYou can be sure of one thing about Hassan Abbasi: He will hang. :)
I learned a lot from this man
by IRI on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:33 PM PDTYou can sit hours and hours and listen to this intelligent man. He is one of the stars of the Islamic Republic and flowers of revolution. Wish him well and hope that these kinds of people have more opportunities to promote the country and serve people.
by Simorgh5555 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:32 PM PDTWhen I suggested that the USA and Israel should carry out strategic military action against the Islamic Republic I was howled down for being a coward.
The apologists of the terrorist Islamic government now support the war weary and devestated population of Gaza and Lebanon to fight their war for them. what Abbasi is saying is of course nothing new and the Islamic Republic has often used Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah as proxies in their undeclared war against Israel. This shows not only the cowardly nature of the terrorists in Tehran but their fake concern for the welfare of the Palestinians who have had to bear the horrific Israeli reprisals.
Gaza does not pose a real security threat to Israel and rockets launched from there have not reached further that Sderot - and even then there were no human casualties. However, attacks from South Lebanon have potential to do damage to Israel.
Nevertheless, if Hamas and Hezbollah make the terrible mistake of engaging in any hostilities with Israel at the behest of Iran then the real victims then you will witness an unprecedented human tragedy in Lebanon and Gaza. The Israeli navy and airforce will level Gaza and Lebanon and the belligerent elements in Israel will win support not only to re-occupy Gaza but to evacuate the entire population in the interest of security. Neither m the Americans nor the Europeans will be able to stop them as Israel will play the role of the victim being assailed by terrorists on all sides. The pro-Israeli Western media will certainly see to it that this image is portrayed effectively.
If the Palestinians and Lebanese are duped by the terrorists in Tehran to fight their war for them then they will be the architect of their own misfortune. It simply is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What the Israelis should do - and what they should have done in their own national interest instead of their misguided military adventures in the past - is to target the terrorist infrastructure inside Iran. Iranian patriots in exile should join forces with our Israeli friends in a collaborative effort to bring down this regime once and for all.
Thank you imortal guard!
by choghok on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:14 PM PDTJust like the wise words from Ahmaghinejads mouth your logic and reason struck all of us. I am just happy there are some of you in with "real" knowledge to keep us all poorly informed souls in our place, just like our basiji brothers did with elderly, students and ordinary people in Iran.
Thanks once again.
Palestinians consider Iranians inferior
by Sheila K on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:07 PM PDTmany Iranian Basijies who were trained with some Palestinians in Syria camps share their stories about how Palestinians and Lebanese feel about Iranians--they consider Iranians inferior and Persian language retarded.
mash Ghanbar!
by Immortal Guard on Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:48 AM PDTStick to what I have written.
Some of you guys are all tension-filled mad commentators emotionally lashing out at anybody questioning the underpinnings of your arguments or your line of reasoning. Stop denigrating other people. It will only underline your weaknesses.
I agree with you that economically most Iranians are not doing well. The economic well-being of the Iranians is the least and last concern of this government. One might put the question to Mr. Hasan Abbasi's counterpart in the ministry of health and welfare. How come according to Mr. Abbasi Iranian defense doctrine has been far more innovative but Iranian welfare programs and social and economic well-being programs have failed to demonstrate the same level of ingenuity!
Progress after the revolution in terms of infrastructural development has happened although if there was no revolution this would have happened at a much faster pace. But Iranians can take pride in the fact that despite all the sanctions imposed on them and hostilities lavished on them they have been able to not only make some progress but also still stand on their feet! Of course in any bilateral relationship intransigence on both sides makes the weaker party suffer more.
A good side-effect of the sanctions although at a very painful and high price to the Iranian people has been that they are more self-sufficient in terms of technical products for internal consumption.
But in Western democracies it is common practice to throw around numbers which most people neither check to verify nor can understand and put into any context. These numbers are new mumbo-jumo to tell people that some "expert" is telling you whether things are fine or not! In many Western democracies some of the numbers used during the election campaigns are completely false. It just makes good political theater. Case in point the presidential debate in France between Segolene Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy!
The numbers also depend on their definition. Look at the definition of unemployment in US, Canada, UK, France and Germany and you will find different definitions. Even the US media have pointed out that "real" unemployment figures are almost twice that reported!
by mash Ghanbar on Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:53 AM PDTEnough with the Harto Poort.
Choghock represents the real picture in today's society. The fact is that many iranians who previously belonged to the middle class now are living near or below the poverty line, simply because they have had their salaries and benefits more than halved. Can you honestly deny that?Relative or absolute, they do exist and people are having to Grapple with them in their daily lives.
by Immortal Guard on Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:39 AM PDTThe problem with your analysis is that you are a victim of the reality you have created. There used to be a time when you could keep a healthy distance from that artificial reality of yours and think out of the box and even mould that reality in different ways to suit the changing times. Now you have become utterly predictable.Your web is thinning and shrinking everyday and you are still touting it as all-encompassing. Wake up and smell the coffee.
You are acting as the chief calibrator of the economy and social norms and are presenting your measuring stick as the ultimate and absolute one. All those figures that you are reciting are relative and not absolute. You cannot measure happiness with NASDAQ's fluctuations. You cannot put a dollar figure on everything! So stop beating that measuring stick of yours on other people's heads!
I admire Israel for its successful industrial development. They can serve as a model for the other small countries such as Greece and Armenia. Except Greece and Armenia are not plagued nearly as much by acute security problems as the Israelis/Jews. Also the Greeks and Armenians abroad do not have a siege mentality and their community centers are not fortified bunkers with several layers of security like the Jewish ones. Etc. etc. Put a dollar figure on that!
his analysis made sense, but
by iamfine on Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:20 AM PDTHis analysis about helping lebanon made sense, but the real question is: Do we get help from Hamas and Hezbollah when help is needed. Definitely, in the case of Iran-Iraq war that was not the case. So, to help them is a waste of time and we should pay more attention to our economy and unemployment.
The outcome
by choghok on Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:07 AM PDTI think the best way is to look on what has happened since the revolution in Iran, iranians average income was 1/3 of what it was just after the revolution 5 years a go, now with Ahmaghinejad and his thugs with diplomas from Cambridge I guess we are even less than 1/3.
Now look at Israel, they have for sure backed from Lebanon but kept some parts of it firstly, secondly they have lots of Hizbollah terrorists locked up and thirdly they have shown that no attack from Hizbollah is tolerated by attacking Lebanon pretty harsh, this made lebanese know not to mess with Israel if they want to live in peace.
They also have developed their industry, not just military that is one of the most advanced in the world but also IT, Israel has more companies in Nasdaq than any other nation after USA.
They keep on making strong allies, latest it is russia who is going to buy very advanced military systems from them. That could be one of the reasons why Russians did not sell their s300 anti rockets to IRI.
We do not even need to discuss israelis average income since it is way way better than Iran and increasing all the time.
I would guess that seeing all this development in Israel one must think why would they risk it all by attacking another country? specially a big country like Iran. What would they gain? It is now shown that you can not even keep a country like Afghanistan under command, what would happen in Iran then?
Imagine by John Lennon!
by Immortal Guard on Wed Oct 06, 2010 09:51 AM PDTIn 2006 Israel was unable to achieve its military objectives against Hezbollah and it was just shooting in the dark. It took out its anger on the civilian infrastructure and civilian people of Lebanon in order to punish them for harboring Hezbollah.
In 2008-2009 Israel again used disproportionate military force against a densely populated area and was subsequently accused of crimes against humanity.
This time imagine a combined Hezbollah-Hamas attack with both sides being better armed than before. There are reports of Hezbollah having Scud missiles. I think this time Tel Aviv which used to be a red line will be hit as well.
Israel's heavy-handed military approaches only smack of the tactical inflexibility of its armed forces which are primarily designed for conventional warfare. So one could say that the IDF is using a hammer to squash an annoying fly and it has trouble doing it!
Asymmetric and guerilla warefare and terrorism are meant to irritate the enemy and to sap its morale!
As for sophisticated US military equipment Egypt and Saudi Arabia are getting lots of them and once there is an Islamic revolution in Egypt they can turn that top-notch equipment against Israel!
He's the proof
by statira on Wed Oct 06, 2010 09:42 AM PDTthat iranian gov support terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. yeah, according to this idiot, Iran should not spend money on sophisticated army supplies because U.S destroys them instead give thefund and training to Arab terrorists in Lebonan and Hamas to terrorize the world. I bet if Israel attacked Iran, those arab terrorists dont give a dam and dont do anything to help Iran. Looks like he forgot the Iran-Iraq war when Palestinian begar, Aragat sided Iraq despite being funded by Khomeini's regime.
Why not?
by MRX1 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 07:15 AM PDTDar keshvar khar to khar, you got to be spending money on some thing right? It's not like any body really works hard for the money. they are pumping the oil with the all the equipments left and paid from previous regime and waste the money on these kind of things. The money that is wasted in Palestine, Gaza surley is peanuts if compared to the amount that these guys stole and burned on soviet and chinese junks for thirty years...........
P.S you know that some body is laughing in Gaza every time these idiots send money there!
Felesteeneeha Barayeh Iranian MeeJangand ?
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Oct 06, 2010 03:11 AM PDTAjab ...
Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein:
Yasser Arafat and MKO Leader Rajavi:
Yasser Arafat and Maryam Rajavi:
More interested in hearing
by Sargord Pirouz on Wed Oct 06, 2010 03:00 AM PDTMore interested in hearing Jafari and Suleimani's views on the matter.
He is absolutely right.
by No Fear on Wed Oct 06, 2010 02:51 AM PDTSupporting Hamas and Hezbollah is very cheap and inexpensive when you consider the cost of a single fighter jet if you were to purchase it from Russia or US. Official reports puts the financial aid to Hezbollah at 150 million dollars a year. If you consider the military aid and training support from Iran to Hezbollah, our total aid to them should be double ( a million dollars a day ) or triple the official estimate. Even at this rate, this is a very cheap expense for Iran.
I sincerely believe the failure of Israel to finish off hezbollah in the 34 days war, also prevented Israel and US to attack Iran since their first objective was not met to secure Israel's nothern borders.
We should continue our support to Hamas and Hezbollah both financially and militarily as our first line of defense against possible Israelis attack.
Iran's strategical borders are far beyond our legal borders.
Look who's talking?
by afyoun on Wed Oct 06, 2010 02:46 AM PDTAs far as I remember one of the main arguments of revolutionaries prior and after revolution in Iran was Shah's spending on defense and not allocating "anything" to the poor - which btw back then had turned Iran to the fifth defense power in the world and as a result, not allowing a single country even dare thinking on offending Iran. Despite the fact that Iran has always had countless enemies in the region and international scenes.
And now, the very same ignorant who once we were "unanimous" with is reasoning the military spending. Shame on us. We deserve it.
In my eyes, it shows how ignorant we were, are and will be, unless we change drastically. No religion, ideology, doctrine, philosophy, etc. should be standing above Iran. Once we reached this level of enlightenment then our motherland will be free and of course resilient. Please let us grow up a bit.
Btw, I don't follow his "rational" mind on comapiring proxy war spending with attacking a supertanker !? Gooz be shaghigheh che kar dare?
if this is the thinker
by mahmoudg on Tue Oct 05, 2010 09:24 PM PDTin this terrorist regime, then i reasses my time frame for how long this regime will last. I have said it would take 2 weeks once the surgical attacks start. Now with morons like this the regime will fall in less than one week.
Interesting analysis
by Benyamin on Tue Oct 05, 2010 09:05 PM PDTHe said "the country has apointed ministeries to deal with poverty and economy and so forth... but if they are not doing a good job and we end up having so many poor people is because of their mismanagement"
Then I conclud, either the defence budget should be more than half of the entire yearly fiscal budget or most of Islamic Republic`s ministers and manegares are illiterate and stupid and wasting national wealth.
Either way it makes the top people look really bad and dumb since all these stupid people that could have been educated only at junior high level or even less are reporting to Khameneii or Ahmadinejad.
maybe we should take control of the country so it would be managed right. The young guy he kept on mentioning was obviously worried and to mr. Abbasi`s stupidity he(the young student) got his answer and that is how the green movement was created.
Funny title, "political analyst and strategist"
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Tue Oct 05, 2010 08:18 PM PDTFor a crazed anti jew, anti bahai, anti Iranian terrorist, who spent the entire war years behind the lines reporting on brave front line soldiers who were not following "khate emam"!
His claims of being "fearless" were put under a huge question mark after his arrest by US forces in Mosul, Iraq a few years back. Where he reportedly after being slapped twice by an irate 18 year old US soldier started talking like a "bolbol" telling the amazed US soldier what he wanted to know and lots more. As the result of his willing cofessions, dozens of leading terrorists of the fat boy moghtaba sadr's gang were despatched to hell by US army sniper squads.
Islamic Army
by Iran Paidar 1st on Tue Oct 05, 2010 08:05 PM PDTInstead of having Army, Navy and Air Force, just fund terrorist cells across the world so you have proxies to fight for you.