Husband Cheats? No problem.

Solution is for the wife to have more sex with husband


more from Tapesh
mash Ghanbar

How sad...

by mash Ghanbar on

There is plenty of Sexual one-sidedness...Sexual bias... Sexual-narrowmindedness , sexual-authocracy ... unfairness...imbalance...

There is no... Sexual-democracy... Sexual -pluralism. Sexual-understanding. Sexual-socialism...Free sexual speech...

looks like we need a Sexual tea party in iran to rise to the challenge, step up to the plate!!



by yolanda on

Sakineh received stoning sentence for adultery.....this cheating husband is recommended for more sex...(the wife has to use sex to lure him back)......come on......where is the fairness?

It sounds like the wife is indirectly blamed for causing the hubby's infidelity!


An "Moolah" Within???

by Demo on

"In Islam"?? "Shak"??, "Yaghiin??" "Vozoo??" "Ahkam??" "Mystery Person??" GOD Damnation??" And still going & going & going. Just imagine the unthinkable "power" in the creation of the "COSMICS" & the lowliness "make up" in the writings of the "COMICS" under the one & only one creator's name!!! How low do we go!!

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

It is 2010.

What if the wife is cheating?

Same deal?



by Benyamin on

This guy has no medical or psycological background and yet is talking about a period of time in which women don`t have any sexual desires in any given month on Iran`s national tv!

I have no idea where and how he has obtained this information. As far as I know a woman or a doctor would have been the best to answer to this kind of question. I also think that if you have a feeling that your spouse is cheating on you then you are usualy right and you should investigate it.

In islam, if you have a "shak" on anything you have to treat it as "yaghin=make sure". for instance, if you are parying and you forget to take a vozoo and you cant remember then you have to take a vozoo and repeat your prayer. Interesting enough this order is ordained in all of their "ahkam" and suddenly if you have a feeling that your spouse is having an affair the recomandation is to compete with the mystery person and perhaps invite her to bed so your husband would feel great and god wont "damn" you either.

first orgy and now this?


آخوند خبره در ارضای شهوت!!!!


ای مرد حساب و ای ولی شیطان چرا غرایض زن و مرد را داخل دین اسلام می کنی؟؟؟ این چرندیات چه است میگویی؟؟؟ قرآن را حداقل یکبار درعمر کوتاه خود بخوان که بدور و منزه است از این لاطائلات تو. با روایات دروغین مردم را بنام اسلام می فریبی. آن روایات همه و همه ساخته ذهن مغشوش تو و همقطاران خودت است که نه از خدا وحشت دارید و نه از روز جزا.