Man dressed as woman dances in mosque

"Omar Koshoon" or similar ritual


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Persian Ru Paul seen in protest has other duties 2

by MM on

what else does (s)he do well?


Talented guy!

by choghok on

I wonder how many of these beleivers went home having sex with their wives thinking of the bearded lady.


To Shahabshahab

by masoudA on

Arabs attacked Iran when Omar became Khalifeh#2 after Aboubakr.   He was the guy who issued the attack order  - and he is the one hated by Iranians and killed by an Iranin who is being called abu lolo in this clip of omar-koshoon ceremony.  


True face

by Parthianshot91 on

The true face of the Islamic revolution. Be proud Khomanie of your islamists  :)


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

 "I'd rather be hated for w

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Shiite is such a crazy sect

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Bearded strip dancers in the mosque

Legalized prostitution & unlimited temporaries (Sigheh)

Cutting and beating oneself

Building and worshiping shrines 

Imams: dead, alive and hidden

No wonder that even the spelling is so ... Shiite!


TO: MasoudA

by shahabshahab on

You asked: Am I missing something? Yes, you are missing something: The Omar who attacked Iran was Omar Vaghas. The Omar (Khalifeh) who Shites like to kill is the Isalmic Khalifeh, leader, who never set foort in Iran and was supposeldy a scholar as well.


شیعه گری و تضاد آن با اسلام


اگر قرآن را بخوانید متوجه خواهید شد که حرف اصلی آن پرستش خدای یگانه و تسلیم به الله میباشد و بیش از 90 درصد تعلیمات شیعی و سنی  با تعالیم قرآت در تضاد کامل است و دلیل اصلی عقب ماندگی کشورهای اسلامی نیز همین است.  مثلا در قرآن آمده که خدا به محمد گفته که ای محمد با قرآن دین اسلام را کامل کردم و هیچ صحبتی که بعد از فوت محمد چه کسی خلیفه شود در قرآن نشده برای اینکه  انتخاب خلیفه یک موضوع سیاسی و اجتماعی بوده و نه مذهبی لذا در این مورد هیچ نوح وحی به محمد نفرستاد. حالا بعد از 1400 سال فرقه های سنی و شیعی بجای پیروی از تعالیم  قرآنی  و پیشرفت در جامعه بشری به این موضوع خسته کننده که خلافت خق علی بوده یا عثمان گیر میدهند.  اگر انتخاب علی آتقدر برای خدا مهم میبود حداقل یکبار نام علی را در قرآن ذکر میکرد.  همین موضوع در باره پدیده امام زمان نیز صدق میکند. نه در قرآن به چنین موضوعی اشاره شده است و نه یک عقل سالم و بدون تعصب میتواند قبول کند که نجات بشریت بدست یک بچه 5 ساله که شایعه شده است در چاهی حدود 1200 سال پیش ناپدید شده اتفاق خواهد افتاد. متاسفانه بخاطر سیاستهای استبدادی اینن آقایان خرافات  در دایران بسیار رواج یافته است

to learn about the real Islam visit

Immortal Guard

Omar Omaroo Sag Pedaroo!

by Immortal Guard on

Omar Omaroo Sag Pedaroo!

That's why Persians refer going to the washroom as visiting the Khalif!

"Rafteh boodam khedmateh khalifeh!"


I am surprised at the comments

by masoudA on

Omar attacked and ruined Persia - A persian killed Omar - and Iranians have been celebrating ever since......what about this looks or sounds IR or bassiji to you?   Am I missing something?

BTW - the dancer is a masked woman.   


basiji party

by azadi5 on

so, this is how basijis party, have a bearded man in drag and dance :)


This video kills me laughing

by divaneh on

I first saw it last year in IC. This is Jashn Omar Koshan and it's obvious that enmity of the Iranians with this khalif was because he was the one who launched the invasion of Iran and was the ruler of the invading forces. Also the fact that he was killed by an Iranian in a very brave act that cost him his life, made the event doubly dear to Iranians.

I find his dance and what they are singing absolutely hilarious and have been singing it myself in the moments of joy since I first saw this video. This is what should really be happening in the mosques. I am sorry if it annoys the Sunnis but this in my view does not have a religious angle.


Get over it

by jasonrobardas on

    1400 years have passed . they are still bitter about who gained the political power after Mohammad . According to them,  Ali deserved the  "caliphate authority" because he was "related" to mohammad . What kind of a flawed  logic is that ???????


IRI is coming out of closet! :-))

by Khar on



Very funny

by statira on

It reminded me of my childhood when with our neighbor kids we sang songs for Omar and abubekr. Iranians in general hate Omar because of his dogmatic, radical view plus he was very unfair toward Iranians. God bless Piroz Abu lulu.

Bishtare shera ke barayeh Omar mikhoondeem, ye kam bitarbiatieh

Omar nagoo tarand bood        Sende labe kharand bood.

Omar raft bala gardaneh  Seda zad ay naneh  Sandogh keke az maneh.


Very funny

by statira on

It reminded me of my childhood when with our neighbor kids we sung songs for Omar and abubekr. Iranians in general hate Omar because of his dogmatic, radical view plus he was very unfair toward Iranians. God bless Piroz Abu lulu.

Bishtare shera ke barayeh Omar mikhoondeem, ye kam bitarbiatieh

Omar nagoo tarand bood        Sende labe kharand bood.

Omar raft bala gardaneh  Seda zad ay naneh  Sandogh keke az maneh.


Caught between Islamic heaven and hell!

by Milan on

On the one hand they show contempt toward female bodies; on the other hand, they feed their sexual appetite. And so has been the legacy of all organized religions in manufacturing sick psychosexual behaviors.



by yolanda on

Why not let the real women with the authentic body parts dance?


So Sorry Exhibition

by Peykan on

These radical Shiites are celebrating the assassination of the second caliphate of Islam, hence cheering for "Abo Lu-Lu", his assassin. During such ceremonies which were unheard of since the Qajar era, everything is allowed!

It would be hard to pinpoint the reasons for such semipublic mass hysteria. Aside from the good old religious fanaticism and hatred among the sects, the facts that Omar, the 2nd caliphate, invaded Iran and the assassin (Pirouz a.k.a. Abo Lu-Lu) was an Iranian, may come to play.

Bahram Moshiri's account of the events:




by comrade on

For the past three decades mosques have always been used as a distribution center for the rationed goods and commodities, from fridges and stoves in the old days to the subconscious sexual fantasies nowadays.  

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.