Quran-burning plan suspended

New twists in US pastor's stunt

Al Jazeera: The Florida pastor who threatened to burn copies of the Quran has suspended the plan in the face of condemnation by the US government and international outrage. Hours later though, Terry Jones, who heads the Dove World Outreach Centre church, said the plan was only suspended because he was "lied to" over a deal to call off the event in exchange for a promise to move a planned Islamic centre away from New York's Ground Zero, and may still reconsider. The burning had been planned to coincide with the ninth anniversary on Saturday of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. But Interpol, the Pentagon and others warned that such an act would provoke violent acts around the world by outraged Muslims.



Mola Nasrallah is disappointed...

by AMIR1973 on

Mola Nasrallah is disappointed that this moronic pastor in Florida will not go forward with his plans to burn the Quran. Now, he will have to look for some other bullsh*t to sell the idea that Muslims in the U.S. are oppressed--which they most certainly are not. West-residing IRI Groupies are anti-American terrorist enablers who try to distract folks from the real threat of Islamism. Muslims in the U.S. lead much freer and more prosperous lives, with greater opportunities, than most Muslims in Muslim-majority countries. And let's not forget: Islamists are the Number One killers of Muslims. 


Rea, you nailed it!

by Majid on

And thanks.

This is exactly what it's all about, and before you know it this "SHAYYAD" is going to write a book or two and some idiots are going to buy it and........it's 2012, he is Sarah Palin's running mate! another Joe the plumber or Joe the six pack!

From a hole in the wall in Florida to front page of every news paper in the world!

He is plain and simple a "SHAYYAD" just like his cousins in IRR, the only thing missing is....RISH, AMMAAMEH and a FATWA!



Beam me up, Scotty !

by Rea on

If I were to announce burning the bible in my courtyard tomorrow, would you all send me a check ?  ;o)


"Attention! On your marks, Start! "

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

But you're doing an excellent  job of that already!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

then it's time for the hatemongers to double their efforts to make the world hate muslims even more. They can start here and now.

Attention! On your marks, Start!

Hoshang Targol

Another great contribution by Prof. Juan Cole

by Hoshang Targol on

Now, when the Defense Secreatary of the U.S.( the most extensive armed forces in the histroy of civilization) has to make a phone call to  a two-bit preacher, with a congregation of less than 40, you know something has hit the fan!

Could it be that media was the instigator of this whole affair from the begining? "Media as a Security Threat to America," you be the judge!  



Let him burn it!

by asadabad on

forget negotiating with him.  they are only lending more credibility to idiots like him by offering to bargain.  there will always be bigots, you can't allow yourself to be taken hostage, otherwise you will embolden them.


A church being a publishing house...

by comrade on

Only naive readers get caught up in the rivalry between competing authors.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



Oh no!

by al-dang on


doesn't Quran have a burning plan?

Hoshang Targol

To SP ( aka Hajji Firooz) : How about your hatred of Iranian

by Hoshang Targol on

peopel's struggle for freedom, and your non-stop apologizing, lying, conniving,... for the murderous thugs in Iran?

Sargord Pirouz

Talk about being under

by Sargord Pirouz on

Talk about being under immense pressure from powerful forces. Fortunately, he wilted. 

(Kind'a reminds me of the Wallace wilting under pressure from Johnson in the 1960s. Similar motives of hate, in both instances.)