Bahrain and Saudi governments condemned

Ahmad Khatami slams US-backed Arab tyranny

Press TV: A senior Iranian cleric has condemned the Saudi-led military invasion of Bahrain, criticizing the West for its hypocritical stance towards human rights. Tehran's interim Friday Prayers leader went on to point to efforts by Western media outlets to distort the reality of the people's revolt in Bahrain. “This uprising pursues the same objectives as the uprising of the people of Egypt and Libya,” he added. The cleric emphasized that the revolution in Bahrain is not a matter of Shia and Sunni and condemned decrees (fatwas) by extremist Wahhabi leaders who permit spilling the blood of their 'opponents and their families.' “Don't think that killing and massacre will sustain your rule,” Ayatollah Khatami addressed the Al Saud family. “Every drop of blood that is shed from an innocent will bring you closer to downfall,” he warned >>>


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And I A Parallel Universe This Khatami does not murder Iranians

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

However in this Universe he is a Hypocrit that murderd many Iranians to secure his own ideas.  He is a true dictator.  One of many ruling Iran.


خفشو خر مگس


خفشو خر مگس


مهرداد جان


با شما کاملاَ موافقم. آخوند هر چی گردن کلفت تر، حرامزاده تر. این بابا که اصلاَ گردن نداره و کله پوکش چسبیده به شانه اش.

bacheh irany

are you kidding me???

by bacheh irany on

these people are so dilusional.....seriously can't seem to get the hell over themselves with this "holier than thou" view they have.

this guy would be one of the first in my list of "teer-baran"...unfortunately violence seems to be the only way. 



Divaneh jaan

by Bavafa on

عجب نداره، بین آخوند‌های حرامزاده این معمولیه



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رییس زندان اوین را بفرست تا بهشان عدل و داد و انسان دوستی یاد بدهد. عجب حرامزاده ای است این بابا.