Har Chi Agha Began

Ahmadinejad: Supreme Leader said don't, so we won't



You be a man :)

by comments on

If Imam farts, it doesn't mean that you can't fart.


Persian BBC questionare

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A few weeks ago I read a questionare in Persian BBC asking people whether Iranians who live outside of Iran should comment in Iran affairs.  I got annoyed immediately.  I thought Iranians who live in Iran are so isolated from the real world, and they can't have any constructive roles in their ruling government.  For example, they know nothing about what human rights is.

Now I remember whenever I travel to Iran I see a larger cultural gaps.  What I hear in the State TV is not much different from what majority of Iranians are.  So if you want to influence them you have to learn their language and psychology.  For example, Iranians are muslim so someone religoun-less like me has no influence when indicating his honest thoughts.  It's certainly a more pressure and time consuming to tream your thoughts and impress majorities in Iran.



by Milan on

If Imam wills it, bend over and take it like a man!


Shallow influences shallows.

by comments on

There is no correlations between "wisdom" and education.  Education makes you think twice before making a decistion and comment.

Does Ahmadinejad care that Tavana or comments were not impressed with his talk or answer?  You have to know your audiences to influece them efficently.  I think some people need more clear statement, which I usually don't include in the list of my audiences in this website.  But, just because of sympathy:

Shallow people needs to hear/approach shallow sentences/words to be influenced.  This is the only reason that Iranian government have been stable as always.  You can't do much work if you open up your thought.  You can influence to make your words/sentences based on what your audiences are.  Audiences are Iranians who live in Iran, which forms the majority. 


The Shallow People

by Tavana on

"They started by some false degrees, but they educated their children and many of those at the top of the government has valid degrees."

Shallow people, shallow regime, shallow leader, shallow president, shallow comments, shallow everything! How in the world does either 'valid' or 'invalid' degree bring wisdom for its beholder? Listen e.g to Ahmadinejad's response to the pre-written/pre-rehearsed question by the very shallow reporter. His response is as shallow as it gets like his own intelligence! Only shallow people could tolerate a shallow man like him as their president. No doubt about it.


I hate to say...

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The reason that the Iranian goverment has been stable for many years because they are intelegent and they know how to communicate based on their listeners/audiences.  They cover majority of Iranians who live in Iran.  They started by some false degrees, but they educated their children and many of those at the top of the government has valid degrees.  There is no correlation between honesty and education, but education made their analysis power/misleading stronger.  How Hitler became Hitler?  Why don't you review Hitler's strengh in communicating with people?  Were all Germans stupid or criminals? or pscychology tricks played the main role for Hitlers' fans. 

My point: we have to find the solution based on intelegence and communications rather than violence approach.  Iranian government has a long term experience in dealing with violence.  It's not difficult to kill someone, but it's really difficult to influence others.  I support anyone who opposes the Iranian government by non-violence approaches, any one despite of their murderous background.  This is my start. 

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

 AN's answer.