Iranians Cooking for Japan Victims

Warm food prepred by Iranian Red Crescent team


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

  • I will give credit where due.Good job IR. Now would you please do the same for our own people?
  • Iran is doing a lot that is not being recognized. There are 1 million Afghan refugees in Iran. That is over 1% of our population. They do not get the best treatment. But it is better than nothing. No other nation lets this mnay in.
  • Iran is also a providing a refgue for Iraqi both Kurd and Shia who needs somewhere.

I remember and intrerview with an Iraqi Shia. He was angry and fed up with the war. When asked "what are you going to do". He said we (meaning him and his family) "are going to move to Iran". So for all its faults Iran is still a refuge for people.

Remember both Afghanistan and Eastern Iraq were parts of Iran. In fact Ctesiphone some 10 miles from Bagdad was the Capitol of Sassanids. By all right many Iraqi are simply Arabic speaking Iranians. IMHO Eastern Iraq *is* a part of Iran.


i wonder what Tazi arabs

by alx1711 on

i wonder what Tazi arabs provided.

Malakh, Sosmar & hummos ... lol


can some 1 plz translate

by alx1711 on

can some 1 plz translate the Japanese to english...

One day i will visit Japan. 


Need for Recognition

by Monda on

No matter who does it, humanitarian attempts are nice and needed.  


good work

by IranMarzban on

iranians always helping others 


Sorry to ruining it for you

by choghok on

I read an article in newspapers a couple of months ago where they rated countries depnding how giving and generous its people were. It was not just based on the amount people gave but how much they would work for good cause themselves and many other things weighted in. The amount they helped was also compared with the GDP of the country so they would not expect a guy from Afghanistan would pay as much as say a person from Swiss. I remember that Iran was not even among the first 50, they were far down and below many poor nations.

 I remember also that top countries were New Zeeland and Australia. 

We must think that in Iran there is a "charity" post box in every 50 meters, and people pouring money into shrines and giving "nazri", but still we are far behind. so I think this shows that you can not feed humanity to people by religion and force. 


One thing that Iranians are good at

by statira on

 is feeding others.

Red Wine

پیام همدردی

Red Wine

پیام همدردی آقای افشین قطبی به مردم ژاپن :



Thoughtful and thank you indeed.

by comments on

Thank you indeed.  Almost all Iranians live inside the Iran and majority of them are so kind to provide help and assistant to others in Iran or outside.  Iranians are not Iranian governments.  Aknowledging beautiful things are done by Iranians doesn't present any respects for the Iranian governments.  There are so good doings are going on as well.  If mullas fart, it doesn't mean than we are not supposed to fart.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on


جمعه این هفته یک ماه خواهد شد که آن زلزله و سپس آن سونامی سهمناک به ژاپن ضربه زد... ضربه یی که قطعاً سالیان سال در افکار ملت خوب ژاپن باقی‌ خواد ماند.

نزدیک به ۳۰،۰۰۰ نفر جان خود را از دست داده اند، بیش از ۷ شهر کوچک و بزرگ که در نزدیکی‌ اقیانوس بوده اند،تقریبا با خاک یکسان شده اند و یا به زیر آب رفته اند. نزدیک به ۲ میلیون نفر بی‌ خانمان شده اند و نزدیک به ۴۰ میلیون نفر از این حادثه ضربه شدید اقتصادی خورده اند، از لحاظ کشاورزی بیش از ۳۵% ژاپن آسیب دیده است.از لحاظ صنعت ماهیگیری بیش از ۴۵% و یا شاید بیشتر !

جریان فوکوشیما هنوز بغرنج و غیر قابل باور است،تا قبل از این حادثه..ژاپن همواره گزارشات درستی‌ ارائه کرده است ولی‌ حال گفته میشود که اکثراً بی‌ پایه و اساس بوده است و تقریبا بیش از نمی از منطقه آسیا-پاسیفیک در خطر جریانات رادیوکتیو قرار دارند.

ولی‌ مردم ژاپن در حال مبارزه با این جریان هستند،به ندرت گزارشی پیدا میشود که نشان دهد که ژاپنیها هم صدای دولتشان نیستند،گاهگداری نا رضایتی‌ دیده میشود اما آن را به خارجیها نمیگویند و در جلوی خارجیها این گونه وانمود میکنند که انگاری هیچ اتفاقی پیش نیامده است !

این تنها ایستگاهی نیست که ایرانی‌ها علم کرده اند در آنجا، اینجور که شنیدیم در میاگی هم ایستگاه غذا ایجاد شده است،غذا‌ها بنا بر طبع ژاپنیها پخته میشود.

این موجب افتخار ما است که در کنار ژاپنیها مانده ایم و به هر نحوی که شده است به ایشان کمک میرسانیم.

خداوند بنده گان مهربان و خیّر را دوست دارد.


"چون ايران


"چون ايران نباشد تن من مباد"


ey val

by Golinedairani on

"چون ايران نباشد تن من مباد"  Great comment Jahanshah I agree adam zuresh miad BUT THEIR COATS ARE GREEN SOOOT SOOOT

Jahanshah Javid

zooram miyaad begam

by Jahanshah Javid on

but thank you!