Little too friendly

Harassing tourists


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

They Should Know Better

by HHH on

Woman is dressed too provocatively for these dehati men so they touch her and harass her thinking she's easy. Tourists, apecially female, should not go through any country using bikes because even in America some lowlife will target them and catchup with them somewhere remote out of sights.



by yolanda on

I doubt the lady felt comfortable with a male stranger touching her belly! They need a courtesy & etiquette training!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

They had fun with the tourists,

a harmless ritual at that.

At The End

no wallets were taken

no one got hurt, and the tourists went on their merry way

What a Wonderful ending.

Bano Atefeh

Do not worry about other countries problems

by Bano Atefeh on

To start I am not living in US; so save your racist order when is needed!!

Second, not every Moslem country is an Arab speaking. Read! Oh, I forgot, you do not have the necessary equipment for it.

Third, what happened in this short video is called battery and not assault. Get your vocabulary straight.

Fourth. Do not worry about other countries problems when sexual harassment is a huge issue in US. Based on survey 1 in 5 Air Forces US women are victims of sexual assault and harassment! and at finally, just go away.



by Raoul1955 on

Here in the US we don't treat people like that as it is considered an 'assault' when you touch people unless folks know each other.
I do however agree with you that folks in the US, Canada, and the entire Western world are more savage and disgusting that those wonderful people in the arabo-islamic world.  My suggestion to all those ladies who share 'my opinion' is to stay in those arabo-islamic nations, and if you are here, please leave ASAP before you get assaulted.

allah-akbar to all the arabo-islamic folks,
Grand Imam Raoul

Bano Atefeh

This only happens in a third world country!! Really?

by Bano Atefeh on

 Women randomly get harassed, raped, beaten up everywhere, including US more than anywhere in the world!!



Yes, True and sad.

by comments on

"a third world country where there are walls built between the genders, THEY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER, and the youth have no way to find fun IN A MODERATE and NORMAL WAY, recreation......"

Unfortunately, everything is dictated and taught by the government, and people are growing up that way.....

Meanwhile, we shouldn't forget that there are always some crazy people in every country.  Am I becoming too positive?



by yolanda on

The guy on green jersey put his hand on the blond lady's stomach......the lady looked startled! OMG!


what a shame!

by jasonrobardas on

That only happens in a third world country where there are walls built between the genders and the youth have no way to find fun , recreation and to release some of the pressure built in ! Just put yourself in their shoes and you will see how scary such a mob can be .


where is this ?

by azadi5 on

I couldn't understand anything those men were saying. were they speaking kurdish?

David ET

You can see fear in their eyes

by David ET on

lucky they weren't gang raped but then thats day time.