People Rush Inside Bank

First day of government's cash assistance program



It's tragically hilarious.

by ariane on

It's tragically hilarious. Hats off to the government. They have identified how petty we Iranians are and they are taking advantage of it.

David ET

چیز جدیدی نیست

David ET

ایران سر هرچی‌ باشه مردم حمله میکنند، از قیمه تا وام


Dude looks like a lady

by choghok on

some of those guys were dressed well in hijab.


The beginning of the end

by Rastgoo on

My fellow well off Green Iranians, this is the beginning of the end for this regime.  These are the Blue Iranians (blue collar) whom do not make enough to stay above the official poverty line.  They often go to bed hungry and their 7-14 year old kids work after school.  About half of the urban population is under the line.  The government is and has been counting on their support and as evident by the looks in the Green demonstrations these people have not joined the Greens yet.  But god help the regime when the inflation eats away the $40/person handouts instead of the subsidies.  We can then be certain that the Blues will join the Greens and this corrupt and incompetent regime will fall.  Whose side is Ahmadinejad on really?  BTW the reference to "Blue" is not mine and I read it in a clever article authored byDariush Zahedi and Hamed Aleaziz.


massive Inflation, unemployment, grinding poverty...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

These are the " economic achievements" of this corrupt islamist dictatorship operating under the fake title of a republic...

The real, big money  BTW, can be located inside  the swiss and london bank accounts of khamenei, ahmadinezhad, lebanese gangster hassan nassrullah and all their extended family and cronies... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

hajj khnom

Sad to watch

by hajj khnom on

And there is nothing funny about it! Kids must eat, bills must be paid!


To those IRI supporters or those sitting around the "gowd":

by Benyamin on

This is why the revolution has failed. There is no dignity or integrity left to the people. The numbnuts Iranian leader is paying cash out to once a proud nation.

I could see many "guys" wearing "roosari" to cover their faces.

Sorry to see this, I really am.



by yolanda on

It reminds me of the day after X-mas sale!

The door opening guy is smart......he opened the door, and ran away immediately! LOL!


reminds me of black friday

by azadi5 on

in usa.