Refugees in Turkey

Plastering non-Islamic Iranian flags on IRI embassy wall in Ankara



Is any one in Australia

by alx1711 on

Is any one in Australia interested in raiding "Parasite Islamic  embassy" of Iran in Canberra ?

 I know guys who are willling to do it, we are waiting for a right time & moment to mark our statement.

Mash Ghasem

Andar Bab Cyber-Maximalism

by Mash Ghasem on

We all know who the Maximalist are: nothing less than overthrowing IR matters for anything, it's either all or nothing. If an action or a set of actions doesn't directly result in a total collaps of IR, it's not worth anything. I hope I'm not exaggerating, but if me is exaggerating our dear Maximalist friends (by now you should know who you are) could correct me.

Anywho, in real world and for real people it is Maximalism that doesn't matter.

Now, back in the real world, especally inside Iran there's no lack of herioc struggles on a daily basis, just take a look at the stuff on this site alone. However, the same can not be said about Iranians abroad. For the sheer number Iranians have outside of the country, four to six millions, we are not as organized, effective and prepared to support the struggles of the folks inside, to put it mildly.

So keeping all this context in mind, it migh not be a bad idea to avoid Maximalist attitudes, let's try to see each action and each protest in its own context, and the entire process of overthrowing  IR  not as a one shot event, but a complex and multi-dimensional process.

Apologies for the lecture. Babak had an idea about doing something in the US, could we discuss that? Here in Toronto our hands are full, too many plates already, but if anyone has any ideas it will be great to hear them.

Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, don't be mister in-between, cheero


Thank you!

by Manam_Babak on

Too bad IRI does not have an embassy here in US, so that we could do the same and show our soliderity to our felow Iranians in Ankara.

Once again thank you from all of us. 



by MRX1 on

action but void of much substance. The goons in Tehran are not scared of this sort of thing. blow away some of their top goons and then you see them scared.  To this date we have be thankfull for the people who got rid of Lajevardi and Sayad shirazi.


Yeah, yeah, we heard it a hundred times...

by ghalam-doon on

As soon as somebody tries to be honest and realistic and tell it the way it is, we get people like the last two commentators who resort to personal attacks.

A question for our heroic residents of (myself excluded since as the last commentators mentioned, I'm a coward, unlike our heroic virtual brethren): if we continue with these gestures, plastering Iranian flags on Iranian Embassies all across the world, when do you think the regime will collapse?


Great Job, well done!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

And Next time, our brave  Ghalamdoon Jan can take a big gun and launch a frontal attack on ahmadinezhad, and post the close up, High Definition digital movie of his heroic deed on this site!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

ghalamdon jan, when was the last time you plastered anything on IR's embassies? This action was done by Iranian REFUGEES in Turkey, needless to say what type of a precarious situation they live there as is, and yet they take risks ( calculated risks) and do something. You think this level of protest is to low for your taste, why don't you increase it then, instead of armchair criticism Any protest is better than no protest and endless cyber-chating.

And cinematography was just fine, and Marzieh sounded lovely too.



by ghalam-doon on

Next time use a camera that at least has a zoom function.

I'm pretty sure Khamenei is scared stiff in his house after this heroic action!

This is where the movement stands after 2 years. Ahmadinejad seems to be so confident that he jokes around throughout his press conference and these guys cannot even give us a closeup so we can see for ourselves what is going on.


hamsade ghadimi

they should put superglue in

by hamsade ghadimi on

they should put superglue in the locks of all ir embassies.  i believe someone pulled that prank with all the starbucks stores in nyc.

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

That's what I'm talking about. Direct Action during the day. Low cost, high exposure and publicity. And a thank you to all of you my creative fellow countrymen for an excellent idea, planning and execution. Some banner hanging would be nice. Cheero