Best things happened "after Islam"

Iran excelled militarily, scientifically and culturally under Islam, Khamenei says


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

It's called Kaleh Pache ...

by BoosBoos on

Why do you think it's my responsibility to tell you about Shah Ismael's "soup bowl" ?     

by Arj on BoosBoos, you tell me! Since it was you who brought up the notion! Years ago, I read somewhere about Shah Esmail's favourite soup bowl, which was made out of the scull of one of his opponents! That's actually no less appalling than cannibalism!


The One Thing Iranians Never Seem to Publicly Thank

by JahanKhalili on

The West.

If not for the West, Iran would have no modern medicine.

Do any of these fools remember that Leishmaniasis, Malaria and epidemics of Cholera and Typhoid probably used to be a big problem in Iran? 

What about Leprosy? There used to be leper colonies in Iran even as late as the 1960s.

The West improved Iran.

They rescued it from irrelevancy. 

Iranians didn't even discover their own oil.

They didn't discover or study their own archeological sites. 

They didn't discover or scientifically study or catalogue the plants and animals in their own country. 

They didn't even map their own damned country accurately - or that precious Persian Gulf whose name they keep fighiting with the Arabs over.

They drive Western cars on roads that were built with Western technology (and they still can't do it correctly). 

So quit fighting over which Iranians were the best.

Most of them didn't do squat.

They're great at making speches, accusations, talking and arguing, but are apparently not much good at exploring or discovering.


Re Safavid brutality

by Arj on

BoosBoos, you tell me! Since it was you who brought up the notion!


P.S. Years ago, I read somewhere about Shah Esmail's favourite soup bowl, which was made out of the scull of one of his opponents! That's actually no less appalling than cannibalism!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Were pretty savage. In fact Shah Abbas had cannibals named Qizilbash who ate people right in front of him. This is not my idea of civilizations. Honestly they made the Saudi look pretty good! I mean the savagery of Safavids is pretty sickening.


By "everyone" do you mean the 6 people on

by BoosBoos on

" by Arj on On the contrary BoosBoos, everyone gets the message except (maybe) you! "


The message

by Arj on

On the contrary BoosBoos, everyone gets the message except (maybe) you! The message is that Khmenei lives in a parallel universe in which one of the most devastating and horrific genocidal chapters in Iranian history, that was inflicted on our nation by the Mongol invasion, is justified by the Mongols' conversion to Islam and building a few mosques here and there. And in which our nation's relentless tottering on the brink of extinction is justfied by the forced Shia conversion of the Safavid era!


Everyone missed what he meant

by BoosBoos on

And I always suspected this to be his view.   Very few people realize that though the Safavids were not the first Shia rulers in Iran, they played the biggest role in making Shia Islam the official religion in the whole of Iran.  Shia Islam (ironically) was a method from getting away from the influence of Sunni Islam (invaders from what is now Saudi Arabia):  Here's another way of thinking about it: Iranian-Islam vs. Arabic-Islam.  In the video he says that Iran had worthy achievements in the pre-Islam period ('Cyrus is fine') but more in the post-Islam period ('Shah Ismael is better').  He doesn't cover the mass-killings of the mongols, etc. And the discussion isn't really fact-specific.  Here's another way of looking at the ideological division:  Shah Ismael Saffavi vs. Cyrus the Great.

5 comments below me -- and not one understood what he really said.   


I am living Iran after Islam

by عموجان on

Ahmadi dosen't need to open his mouth. This is what i have seen this useless and worthless religon Islam has done to iran separation of families, lies, unjustness, death, rape, cheating, poverty, misery, unemployment, darkness, theft, hard ship, war, sadness,  do i need to say more. But on the other hand if i beleived in all those things ,then Islam has been good for Iran.   


All of Iran's post-Islamic

by Arj on

All of Iran's post-Islamic achievements took place in spite of Islam, not because of it! Otherwise, Iran would not have degraded  to a third world nation status by the turn of the 20th century, after the passage of 1300 years. Indeed, had it not been for the discovery of oil, we would still be somewhere near where Afghanistan and Pakistan are today!

Moreover, if Islam was the source of all achievements, then why did it not cause such a boom in its birth place, the Arabian peninsula?!


Iranians never forget to

by Cost-of-Progress on

embrace your opressors 5 times a day. You and the Pakis take the cake when it comes to this; you really do.





Maryam Hojjat

Islam Brought Backwardedness to IRAN & IRANIANS

by Maryam Hojjat on

 Look at humanities and treatment of women in IRAN before Islam And after Islam. 

This Rahabar Koocholoo khili harf mizaneh!  All BS.  I can not wait to see him in Jail with his thugs.  

I believe Iranians must treat them in Evin with the same hospitalities of Kahrizak!  This is Ghesas!  They do believe in it.

Jahanshah Javid

No more talk of Cyrus, ok?

by Jahanshah Javid on

Yeah Mahmoud... stop glorifying Cyrus and his cylinder. Anything that takes the spotlight away from dear Islam is a no, no. What do you think Velyat e Faghih is? You think you can say anything that might get Iranians (more) interested in anything other Islam? :)