Taxi Drivar: Woman

Working in Tehran


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There is absolutley nothing wrong with what she is doing

by Gezhap on

She has Honor (Sharaf) and Courage, unlike many of the parasites who feed on people's hard work. She is a true Iranian.  One day Iran will be full of Women like this.



by yolanda on

Wow! This lady works really hard! Apparently she has to solicit for business......that is a lot of work!........well, maybe her taxi does not have a meter to calculate the she has to negotiate the fare first!

Good luck to her!


I have alot of admiration for her integrity and proactive way.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

She's decent in my book and is serving with harm to no one in a situaton that is far tougher than most people should ever be asked to handle.



Best wishes to her

by Bavafa on

And I don't get the passenger mentality when he ask why she is working as a driver.  There is no shame in being a taxi driver, the shame is to hold your hand for handouts.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



I am proud of her.

by comments on

Her job is diffcult, but it pays decent as she indicated.  It's a respectful job compared to many secretery jobs in Iran.


good job

by shushtari on

but what the heck is she wearing.....shame on the akhoonds for doing this to our women

Maryam Hojjat

I am Proud of Her for

by Maryam Hojjat on

Her integrity & independence. Go Girl, some other women should learn from you.