Family of American Hostage in Desperate Plea

Robert Levinson's family releases 'proof of life' video five years after kidnapping

The Guardian: The family of a former FBI agent who disappeared in Iran five years ago has released a previously secret video, showing that he is being held hostage and in poor condition, as part of an appeal to Tehran to help win his freedom. The video shows Robert Levinson, 63, sitting in front of a concrete wall, looking haggard and wearing worn, ill-fitting clothes. Without identifying his captors, he appeals to the US government to respond to their demands, which have not been made public. "I need the help of the United States government to answer the requests of the group that has held me," he says as Arabic music plays in the background. "Please help me get home. Thirty-three years of service to the United States deserves something. Please help me." >>>


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A very moving message….

by Bavafa on

One must have no heart, no soul no dignity not to be moved by their plea and help this guy to get back to his family.


I know nothing about his case, but I know no family should go thru such anguish and terror.

  I hope there is at least one within the gang of kidnappers that has a heart and can help him to get freed.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Oh no another hostage story!

by Disenchanted on


          ....Dear friends, for some "unknown" historical, political and cultural reasons folks over "there"  are not much into you! Specially if you are employed by some Gov. agency!

          Please consider this as a travel advisory and use discretion while planing your next adventure.

     That way you save all of us some headaches!