Virtual U.S. Embassy for Iran

Clinton: "We have missed some important opportunities for dialogue with citizens of Iran."

AP: More than three decades after the bricks-and-mortar U.S. embassy in Tehran was shuttered and diplomatic relations with Iran were severed following the Islamic revolution and hostage crisis, the Obama administration has opened a virtual embassy for Iran to encourage dialogue with the Iranian people. The web-based "embassy" went online Tuesday with versions in English and Farsi explaining why the administration has chosen a virtual diplomatic mission to further expand its effort to reach out to Iranians even as President Barack Obama's attempts to engage the government in Tehran over its nuclear program have yet to succeed >>>


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Just as I thought

by Rea on

..... great, people can talk at last, saw vildemose' link.

Given they can track every bit of communication, what is IRI worried about ?

Darius Kadivar

In other words ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

We are to open a "Virtual" Embassy (Suggested and endorsed by a "Virtual" Iranian American Lobby which boasts to be "Virtually" Grass Root) aimed at restoring the "Virtual" Relations between ourselves and a "Virtual" Entity called the IRI in order to Prevent a "Virtual" War in a "Virtual" hypothetical Future between the Virtual PREEEEEEZIIIIIIIIDEEEEENT OV ZE YOU ESS OV A and the Virtual PREEEEEEZIIIIIDEEEEEENT OV EYE RAN in a bid to overcome the "Virtual" Differences which have poisoned the "Virtual" Relations between the two "Virtual" States ever since the "Virtual" Take Over of the Not so "Virtual" American Embassy in 1979 ( denounced by the "Virtual" Iranian Opposition and the ever so "Virtual" United Nations) so as to normalize the "Virtual" Relations which deteriorated ever since Iran's Not so "Virtual" Revolution was spearheaded by the Not so "Virtual" ANN TELECTUALS who decided to make a Big Fuss out of a "Virtual" Coup by a Not so "Virtual" King against his Not So "Virtual" Prime Minister Yet Only "Virtually" Elected "Democratically" and which has been haunting our "Virtual" Minds ever since with "Virtual" Nonsense for the past 60 or so "Virtual" Decades while the rest of the REAL WORLD has Moved On ...


Get it ?





Dear Mr. Ahosseini, please help me out....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

As I am obviously not clever enough to fully understand what you say (no sarcasm intended...). You seem to reject any known opposition organisation who had been in existancesince  pre 1979 (communists, etc) for their past track record. You also warn us against any organisation which talks of "democracy and human rights"

precisely, could you name a few opposition organisations whom you, personaly trust as being genuine and have the interests of Iranian people in their hearts?



"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


  Iran Blocks U.S.

by vildemose on


Iran Blocks U.S. 'Virtual Embassy'



Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


 The real

by vildemose on

 The real ambassadors:



Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


Here is the picture of the virtual ambassador

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on


هموطنان عزیز, در این شرایط حساس میبایست هوشیاری خود را حفظ کنیم


ما خواستار مناسبات پایاپای با ایالت متحده امریکا, اروپا, روسیه, چین و دیگر کشورهای جهان هستیم.

اوباما و کلینتون میبایست همچون مدلین اوبرایت پیامد های کودتای 28 مرداد و شکایت و گله مردم را بپذیرند

احزاب و سازمان های مستقل بر خواسته از دل جنبش مردمی را به رسمیت بشناسد.

احزابی را که از طریق وال استریت کشورهای مرتحع عرب,اروپا, اسرائیل, روسیه , چین  و ... حمایت مالی میشوند و تحت فرمان آن ها عمل میکنند به مردم ایران تحمیل نکنند.

هموطنان عزیز, ما در این شرایط حساس میبایست هوشیاری خود را حفظ کنیم و تنها به نیروها و شخصیت هایی اعتماد کنیم که پیوسته نظرات و آرای مردم را در هر شرایطی به رسمیت می شناسند.

ما نباید تحت هیچ عنوان فریب کلمات زیبا و دهان پر کن آزادی, دموکراسی, حقوق بشر, ...  را بخوریم.

در گذشته فدائیان و مجاهدین به ما وعده جامعه کموتیستی و بی طبقه توحیدی میدادند و خمینی جامعه الاهی منطبق بر صدر اسلام و تقسیم در آمد نفت را وعده میداد.

همه مزدوران شکست خورده و بقایای جریانات انحرافی گذشته وعده آزادی و دموکراسی میدهند. 

به سازمان ها,وگروه ها, تلویزیونها, سایت هایی که از توان مالی تبلیغاتی وسیع دارند و به نظرات مردم ارزشی قائل نمیشوند به دیده شک بنگریم.

به احزاب, سازمان ها, انجمن ها, تشکلاتی اعتماد کنیم که به نظرات یک یک اعضای آن انجمن ها ارزش قائلند.

همه احزاب وانجمن هایی که مدعی دموکراسی وآزاذی هستند در هر کجای دنیا که باشند میتوانند با استفاده از تکنولژی جدید از نظرات و ارای شما عزیزان برخوردارشوند.

همه احزاب مدعی دموکراسی و آزادی میتواند با استفاده از امکاناتی همچون اتاق های مجازی. اسکایپ, اوو,ایمیل و وبسایتهایی همچون ایرانین دات کام نظرات شما را جویا شوند.


یک قدم دیگر در راستای نابودی رژیم آخوندی


هر اقدامی که به جنبش سبز مردم ایران برای سرنگونی این رژیم فاسد زر و زور و تزویر کمک  کند جای تشکر و  حمایت دارد. مزدوران جمهوری اسهالی ایران در این سایت که از این اقدام گله میکنند اگر واقعا کمی غیرت در کلام و گفتار دارند به ایران برگردند و در آنجا زندگی کنند نه از راه دور نسخه بپیچند.


Wow This is how Low America has sunk

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Announcing that no options are off the table and if things don't change we will bomb iran killing over 100,000 civilians, but we also want to have a virtual embassy with you the people of Iran before we target you is rediculous.  Lady, if anyone doesn't want to speak with the Government of the USA it is the people of Iran.

Regarding dialogue, the people of Iran who are governed by tyranny you funded and helped impose on them would like to speak with the people of the USA, not you, because even though they are in the same position as us, ie they don't have any say at all in politics, at least we can help them see regarding them how badly manipulated they are by your main stream media and your leadership which basically does the job of Selling Americans on war and getting poor Americans to fight them so your !% can benefit from our destruction, poverty and destitute circumstance.

You're as sick as Khamenei, at least he has an excuse, he worships a rapist terrorist, what's your story?????


ترکیدن صدها مونیتور در حمله به سفارت مجازی امریکا!


probabaly already blocked by IRI's internet filters

by on


you know they block that shit before it went live, and those proxy servers vir TOR are now ineffective. Let's come with a real solution people. 


Great News, be koori-e Cheshm-e Islamists and the Left

by IranFirst on


Mullahs and many Basijis will be the first to apply for visas and green cards on-line, while all the West-residing anti-American/West Crowd (the Left plus Islamists) are upset that Iranians can contact US easier now.


Hilary better start by apologizing to the Iranian people

by Disenchanted on


       for threatening to "obliterate" them 3 years ago. That threat came when she was head over heel running for White House and as tradition in this country has it was trying to appease the Israeli lobby.


      Obama at the time a candidate himself criticized Clinton for what it sounded much like Bush's attitude!



by Mahvash Shahegh on

 Who's gonna be our ambassador??

Ari Siletz

Agreed, Bavafa

by Ari Siletz on

Communication is always better than ghahr. I hope ordinary Iranians are able to use this tool smartly to their advantage and barter for something other than war. Regardless of U.S. motive, this is an opportunity for the IRI opposition to explore how outside resources can be used to break their stalemate with the regime without selling out their country. Takes imagination, but it can be done.

Payam s, you have a point regarding the most likely U.S. motive, but espionage activity is also routinely done by brick and mortar embassies, and in most countries this has not been sufficient reason to stop hosting them.


I thought we already had a virtual embassy for Iran…

by Bavafa on

Isn’t VOA serving that purpose?

  However, there shouldn’t be any limit to the channels of communication with the Iranian people. So, I welcome such effort and I hope it serves Iranian & American people well.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


payam s

Virtual embassy? More like spy network

by payam s on

This is desperation. They need informants and agents in iran so bad, they want to lure them in with student visas and a better life in the US. She is so evil. They don't care about iranians and what their concerns are; otherwise they wouldn't sanction iran and make war threats that only benefit the government. All they want and badly need is intelligence. But they will only endanger those who contact them via facebook and twitter. This is retarded.