Hosseini & Arbabi

PBS Art Beat NewsHour: A Look at 'Parazit'

PBS: The popular revolts shaking the Arab world have also made their way to Iran, but with stiff push-back from the government. We took a look at "Parazit," the Voice of America's popular Farsi language television show produced in Washington, D.C,. to see what millions of people in Iran have been watching weekly instead of state run news. The program -- now in its second season -- is webcast and broadcast by satellite into Iran, but the government often jams it, thus the name "Parazit," or static. The "Parazit" duo are Kambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabi. Hosseini studied theater in Iran and worked as an art critic. He left for the United States in 2000 after encountering increasingly restrictive conditions >>>


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Soosan Khanoom

I like Parazit attitude

by Soosan Khanoom on

I like Parazit attitude towards respecting people's religion ......  well said Parazit ..

also watch their extended interview 



abu did u say U...Utah?

by Cost-of-Progress on

do you even know where Utah is? Seems to me that the IR cyber agents have been studying about the US geography. The regime you so defend is nothing but a bunch of anti iran thugs sucking iran's resources and bleeding her people. 

You people are so predictable, it's no challenge.

boro baba, boro rotu kam kon.




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Average American

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


does not live in Utah. That state has a population of ~2.8 million about 1 % of America. IRR better get better mouthpieces.


alaaf, what are you talking about?

by Reality-Bites on

by alaaf on

..Why should his tax dollars be spent on fighting Israel's proxy wars? There's no moral justification for it. Plus u people moan about Iran's money going to Palestine. Hypocrite much? ==================================================

In what way is Parazit fighting Israel's proxy wars? Where does it promote Israel's interests and agenda exactly?

IRI (not Iran) giving money to Hamas, Lebanese Hezbolla, the Iraqi Shia Militia is in no way the same as VOA funding Parazit. Parazit and its presenters are American based and funded by that country. Most countries have foreign language programs. This includes your IRI which funds Arabic programs and English programs via its PressTV mouthpiece.      


Funding the likes of Hamas, Lebanese Hezbolla, Iraqi Shia Militia etc is funding foreign extremist organisations that have nothing to do with Iranian people and do nothing for Iran. All they do is run the real "proxy" war that is being conducted by the IRI. 

Hypocrites? Sounds like you've been smoking a bit too much alaf, alaaf. But talking of hypocrites, I do wonder in which country you live.....



by Doctor mohandes on

You wanna complain about how and why Tax dollars are being squandered, Go through the list of all the wasteful and discretionary expenses that your own local Gov committs on a daily basis.

Funny you don't metion the lion's share of Tax dollars that are given to israel (Borrowed from China by the way) in a direct way and on time every time (every year) that is the bit that should really worry you and get you in a tizzy not some measley budget for a program like parazit.

Think before you type much?


["average" plumber living in Utah]

by Mehrban on

is not the audience of PBS NEWSHOUR, the audience of this hour long, reasonably in depth news program is generally, educated and very interested in international affairs.

Mash Ghasem

alaafy, for your info

by Mash Ghasem on

Mashti here's been doing Palestine work befoer you were born, don't get me this Israel nonsense.

The fact that you don't say a word on Fascist rulers of Iran shows were you come from.

Mardom chra neshestin?

Iran shodeh Felstin.


you're misguided if you criticise Israel?

by alaaf on

HAHA wow. Sounds like something a Fox News neo-Cohen nut-job would say. btw, learn to use 'quote marks' correctly. You're doing it wrong. 


If you criticize parazit

by Cost-of-Progress on

and whine about israel this and israel that, then your intentions are...shall we say misguided? Funny how some folks like to bring israel in any discussion...."some folks"...






to: Mash Ghasem

by alaaf on

I could think of plenty of reason for Americans with Israeli citizenship would be interested in Parazit. But really, what good does this do to the your average plumber living Utah? <br><br> Why should his tax dollars be spent on fighting Israel's proxy wars? There's no moral justification for it. Plus u people moan about Iran's money going to Palestine. Hypocrite much? 


Kambiz and Saman jan

by statira on

should play and talk about the video of the mother pleading for her son. Especially, with their show that is so popular in Iran, showing cases like that , will be a boost to the people's anger and fraustration. 

Mash Ghasem

COP, me thinks alaaf meant the PBS program, not Paerazit itself.

by Mash Ghasem on

But there are many good reasons for "average Amercican" , whatever that means, to be familiar with Parazit. Even you could name a few alaaf. Can't you?



by Cost-of-Progress on

chances are that the average american will not watch Parazit for many reasons, the first one being that it is in parsi.





Makes you proud

by Cost-of-Progress on

I am indeed proud of these two young men for doing this show. I am not sure how many Iranians INSIDE the country - where it counts - have access to this show . I have heard that the mullahs have started their own show mocking Parazit.





The average American

by alaaf on

The average American watching this must be thinkg to themselves WTF has this got to do with me? My tax dollars being spent to destabilize a countries in mid-east thousands of miles away that has nothing to do with me.



by fkhatami on


Talented , Humble , Brave & Sharp . Keep it up guys...

by Marathon-Man on

When I see people like Kambiz & Saman doing  a show like this I start questioning our so called professenal comidiands and  TV  or Radio presenters outside Iran for not doing anything close to Parazit.

I'm sure you agree with me that there are loads of them with good support and opportunities but not being capable or willing to do programs like Parazit.

The main reason that these guys ar so popular is :

They do not belong to any plitical organisations , as far as I know. And are not doing it for money.

Dariush Kabir

Nice Job Parazit!

by Dariush Kabir on

My hat is off to Parazit guys. They have become thorn in the eye of the IRI leadership, and popular with Iranian progressive. Their message is simple straight forward "regime change", they are reflecting what Iranians are saying in the streets of Iran. This massage of regime change was obvious in his interview with the IRI agent head of  NIAC, (I forgot his name). I wish them much success, by the way ; another accomplishment is that they have put the Los Angeles TV program makers to shame.


Well Done!

by Monda on

You did us Proud!