Ali Akbar Salehi

Foreign minister meets top Iraq clerics

AFP: Iran's foreign minister courted top clerics in Najaf, the Iraqi religious heartland, on Thursday, the second day of a visit to Iraq aimed at boosting ties between the Shiite-majority neighbours. "I came carrying a letter from the Iranian leadership to the religious authorities in Najaf," Ali Akbar Salehi told a news conference in the central Iraq Shiite shrine city. The message "said that the Islamic republic supports the new Iraqi government, and will build relations with Iraq based on non-intervention in its internal affairs, and according to the interests between the two countries," Salehi said >>>


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

isn't it about time

by MRX1 on

for the two omatestan to become unify as one and done with! Seriously It saves time from getting visa to vist one from another, not that they are that far apart culturaly, socialy, and linguistically these days.  Karbela can become a captial of this newly founded nation.

Golden Dreams

All I have to say

by Golden Dreams on


JOMBO ... 



eat your hearts out TOKHMA Yah000 


Push comes to shove...

by AryamehrNYC on

These same Iraqi shiites will side with the Arab brethren against us Iranians. These mullahs and their lackeys are too dumb to notice this mere fact.  I guess the Iran/Iraq war was simply a sunni assault on shiites in Iran?  It was a pan-Arab assault on Iran, what sect an Arab was from did not matter.  

Jonny Dollar

Don't blame the Arabs and Americans! Blame ourselves!

by Jonny Dollar on

When we realize the value of our own culture and don't become copy cats we would then grow. GHARB ZADEH - ARAB ZADEH _commonisty, etc, are all the result of our own ignornce and lack of pride in our own culture.  The world learned from the Persians. when are we going to re-learn the value of our culture and practice it?

I actually think it is a very good foreign policy to have influence on our neighbors. If Israel and the US/UK are worried about Iran's influence in those countries, it means Iran is doing something right. Having the influence that the US wished and worked for by spending hundreds of billions and the loss thousands of lives (and still came out short) for fraction of the cost is indeed a good thing.

What? you want the US bring another saddam and fight us again by destroying our country? good neighbor is my preferrence. My problem is culturally pushing us closer to the Arabs not politically.

It is indeed smart to choose this guy who was born there to be foreign minister. If he is a true iranian who loves his country he would first think of Iran's interests. (of course, he is thinking of his own first). 

"God is love!"


A young

by عموجان on

A young Arab asks his father:

- What is this weird hat that we are wearing?

- Why, it's a "chechia" because in the desert it protects our heads from the sun!

- And what is this type of clothing that we are wearing?

- It's a "djbellah" because in the desert it is very hot and it protects your body!

- And what are these ugly shoes that we have on our feet?

- These are "babouches", which keep us from burning our feet when in the desert!

- Tell me, papa?

- Yes, my son?

Then, why are we living in Canada? 


If I have to choose friendship between west or Arab countries, as history shown westerners always been more beneficial to Iran than Arabs.



Islamist Agent

by fullback1 on

Akbar Salehi is nothing but an Agent for the Islamist Occupiers in IRAN, he will soon find his way into garbage pale of history , This SOB will also pay for his crimes. not impressed by his looks or his cloaths just another henchman for Khamenei the MF


Just another blessing from the Leadership of Pres. GW Bush :::

by bushtheliberator on

 Beside deposing a tyrant, and helping to establish a democratic republic in Iraq, dear President Bush has ALSO brought about a more peaceful relationship between historic enemies,Iran, and Iraq;

What a guy !! Spreading Justice & Peace where ever he rolls !

Let's Roll !


You waneh get technical haa!

by SamSamIIII on



There is no evidence, not even an iota of evidence that any of the so-called foreign-born Iranian politicians has ever sacrificed the national interest of his "host" (?!!) country, for the benefit of his Arab fatherland or whatever we choose to call it.

No dice again. The issue is not with some foreign-born cadre but the totality of a foreign-based psyche of a regime they serve whose main purpose is to resurrect Bedoine glory & supremecy . The foreign-born Iraqis simply fall into this ideal & natural recruitment process for Neo- Qadessi system.


Quote from a well known green card resident of Najaf;

"I say let Iran burn, let Iran turn to ashes provided the glory of ommah(read ezzat al arabi) triumphs".



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Sargord Pirouz

SamSam, we're in near agreement

by Sargord Pirouz on

I don't buy the race thing, either. But there certainly are cultural differentiations. 

Funny thing, though. When I look in the mirror I sure see an Iranian lookin' back at me! 

Dirty Angel

yeah Comrade

by Dirty Angel on

من که ال بیل رفتم، اصلا نفهمیدم چی‌ گفتی‌.


ولی‌ بی‌ بدمجون، خمونیما

عجب صدای وحشتناکی، جدی ترسم میگیره،  این زبونشون!


"Stuff happens and some, one way or another, get stuffed"


صداهای عجیب قریب که از توی ته کولون در میان، که من که نگرارن میشم ، هر دفعه آمبولاس صدا می‌کنم


Mr Sargord

by SamSamIIII on


Halfbreed meant to resonate in a metaphorical cultural sense rather than a racial overtone. Race is irrelevant in modern terms. Its not your racial breed but cultural tilt which diffrentiate you otherwise we are all halfbreeds in essence just as a few kiaani monarchs of the past were.

Cheers my Omaru motorcyclist halfbreed friend ;)

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Arab this, Persian that...

by comrade on

There is no evidence, not even an iota of evidence that any of the so-called foreign-born Iranian politicians has ever sacrificed the national interest of his "host" (?!!) country, for the benefit of his Arab fatherland or whatever we choose to call it.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

Yeah, let's hear it for us half-breeds!

In my case the other half is USA-1. lol


Dear Mahmoudag

by SamSamIIII on


"No wonder most of us despise Arabs with a passion. ..."

wrong target pal & thats exactly why most of us are such hypocrite fools & real state patriots devoid of substance. I personaly neither despise contemporary Arabs nor loath them but save it for our own native "waneh be Arabs" & "Arabs in denile" herd of ommah. Arabs have left Iran for over 900 yrs yet what keeps their legacy/culture/language alive are not the Modern Arabs of the day but our own native omaru supremist pimps of Qadessiyeh.

To be honest Arabs dont even waneh deal with us & its always us who keep begging for their attention like a bad date. When you have this huge army of native Arabophil-zombies there is no need for another Omar army to redo whats done already. So no its the native Ajam & not the foreign Arab which is the problem. Who needs Arabs army when you have professor karimi Hakkak the hakker or Ghiass Abadi.

Cheers friend!!!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Simorgh. it was the neoconservative foreign policy failure


same neocons calling for the same strategy with iran. first,  airtight sanctions (what they did to iraq in the 90s and destroyed its society), and if that does not work, we bomb!

same neocons called for bombing Lebanon and encouraged Israel to continue in 2006. Hezbollah is now stronger than ever. 

same neocons who called for and defended bombing Gaza. result, Hamas is stronger than ever.

these neocon fools if not stopped will continue hand over power to the most radical elements in the middle-east. When will people learn to stop being screwed over by the neocons? When will they realize that all their rhetoric about human rights and freedom in the middle-east is BS?! I do not know. 



Omaru-Leninist Sermon

by SamSamIIII on


 There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with being born in Iraq or any other country, for that matter

Genious, if addressed to me, dont twist the subject to have an excuse for yet another self-righteous Omaru-Leninist sermon & Rozehkhooni on humanity.

No, there is nothing wrong with being born in Iraq or any other country for so long as & provided that you dont use the resources of your host country as sacrificial lamb for your Arab cause or your treacherous cecessionist kisseh keshi for Comrad Stalin.

One of my best Farsi Adabiat teachers in high school back home was an Iraqi(Moaaved, whose family was kicked outta Iraq in 70,s) Mr Arsalan Qashqui of kharrazmi h school who used to force us write essays in pure Parsi. We used to mock him for his style then but now I realize what a patriot he was. So no it matters not where you are born but where your heart is. 


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Arab this, Persian that...

by comrade on

There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with being born in Iraq or any other country, for that matter.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



Bush's failure

by Simorgh5555 on

The Terrorist regime in Iran is the prime benefactor of Bush's misguided and catastrophic war in in Iraq. It has expanded the sphere of influence of the terror regime and brought to power Shiite fanatcis such as Maleki and his terrorist thugs such as Mokhtada Sadr igniting sectarian violence and endangering troops. Saddam Hussein's reign of terror has been replaced by an infinitely more evil entity. The War on Terror was lost when Bush focused on Iraq rather than the terrorist regime in Iran. 


Interesting if that many Iraqis

by mahmoudg on

or rather Arabs are all over the system.  No wonder most of us despise Arabs with a passion.  Their attempts to cleanse us of our Persian heritage is evident.  God help Arabs, when we retake our homeland.


Ali Akbar Salehi, another Karbala born Iraqi

by SamSamIIII on


as part of the top brass of mullah republic. Now add this Arab iraqi new foreign minister of Iran to the long list of Iraqis within top cadre of Omaru regime to see the pattern of tokhmeh Qadess in action. Its groundhog day every day in Qadessi land with a 1400 yrs delay.

 just a few Iraqi born halfbreeds among many of their compatriots in IR system;

Ayatollah eraghi shahroudi; Former head of judiciary

Assefi; Ambasador to kuwait, deputy to khatami

Alaodin Boroujerdi; Karbala born vice chairman of IR parliament

Valliollah abdolkarim Boroujerdi(brother); Ambassador to japan.

Kamal kharrazi; Najaf born; Former F Minister of khatami

Sadegh kharrazi; Amb to France

Larijani bros sons of ayatollah A larijani najaf; current ead of majlis + judiciary

M Reza Naghdi; Saamera born iraqi commanding head of basij

Brigadier Abdollah Eraghi; head of Mohamad rasool al ** division sepah

Read somewhere that there are over 1700 Iraqi born omarus on executive level all over judiciary, crown corps (baite rahbari moghoufaat) basij, sepah & specialy intelligence agencies .



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Mola Nasredeen

"Come On Baby Light My Fire!"

by Mola Nasredeen on

So said Salehi to Sistani.