Iran is a "looming threat"

Tony Blair warns

Reuters: Former Prime Minister Tony Blair made a passionate plea on Friday for the West to use force if necessary against Iran over its disputed nuclear programme. Speaking at a London inquiry into the Iraq War where he was having to explain his decision to join the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, Blair said the time had now come to "get our heads out of the sand" and take action against Iran. "I say this with all the passion I possibly can," said Blair, now an envoy for the Quartet of Middle East peacemakers -- the United States, Russia, the EU and the United Nations >>>

Part 1

Part 2




by kavehcal on

I noticed he didn't use the phrase "weapons of mass destruction".  lol


The real threat is Israel

by Mehdi on

But he is paid by them so we'll hear no talk about that ;)



Tony Blair is right on Iran. Wrong on Iraq.

by Simorgh5555 on

It is only wrong because it comes from Blair's mouth. His reputation is severely tarnished and his judgement can never be trusted by anyone again. However, he is right. Iaq is different from Iran. It is a threat not because of the nuclear issue which Blair & Co are ratcheting up but because the entire regime is a threat with or without the bomb. The regime will be removed by military action with the support of the Iranian people. 

When Blair says that  there should be an end to the 'wretched policy of apologising' to the IR he is spot on. Is Blair wrong? Isn't the Islamic Republic a terrorist regime? Doesn't the IR terrorise its own people and send assassination squads to murder dissidents and opponents outside Iran? Doesn't the recent secret shipment of arms intercepted in Nigeria and elsewhere demonstrate its desire to spread terror for the sake of its revolution?

What is it that people find objectionable in what Blair saus about Iran? Was he wrong about Iraq? YES.

Is he wrong about Iran? HELL, NO!  


Jonny Dollar

To add 2 Tony's misery, Druz leader Jumblatt voted 4 Hezbollah!

by Jonny Dollar on

This would definitely weaken the hands of israeli/US/uk.  I don't care for hezbollah, but there is a real political war in the region about who would have the upper hand and influence in the region. Is it Israel/Us/Uk,  Iran/Syria, or Saudi/..... (Turkey).

Currently, as you know, there is a so called Istanbul talks where  there is a tremendous pressure on Iran, and Tony by his timely speech is trying to add to that pressure while he is trying to deflect criticism for his decision in going to war in the first place. Politics as usual. Of course, Tony is frustrated not to be able to weaken the IRI's influence after all these wars and struggle by them and company to defeat IRI. 

"God Is Love - but Love Is Not God!"


Oh Ayatoilet

by J.S. on

The stability and success in Iraq and afgan-arewestillthere-stan is kind of stability we need in Iran.

With his proven track record how could the world go wrong?


Not so straight from the Camel's Mouth

by Ayatoilet on

Folks you heard him, he does not give a rat's fish about Islamic Repubilc's human rights record nor the welfare of the Iranian people. He is only claiming to be concerned with IRI this way: "they carry on with the terrorism, they carry on with the destabilization and they carry on with the nuclear weapons..." Is he going to be happy with the IRI if they stop all the three things he says they carry on with.


Mehrdad & disenchanted have a point - plus a question to Admin

by MM on

I do not think you will find one person of Iranian background who regrets that the coalition kicked Saddam's butt to the kingdom come.  However, if starting wars under false pretences or removing bad regimes is what the leaders of the free world should do, then why not have a schedule to:

* eliminate Kim dynasty from N. Korea for extreme oppression

* eliminate Pakistan for harboring Al Qaeda

* eliminate IRI for acquiring the know-how for nuclear technology and oppression

* eliminate Saudi Arabia for supporting Wahabism and oppression of women

* eliminate the Sudanese regime for genocide

* and the list goes on and on......


Admin - Is it fair to flag those who incite violence, such as bomb this and that?  And, if several people flagged the war-mongers, would it initiate the process of banning a person?


Tony, "Iran" is not a looming threat mate.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Islamic Regime  Is and you know it, so spell it out! 

Put your money where your mouth is by disclosing the billions of pounds of blood money in secret British bank accounts of khamenei, ahmadinezhad, rafsanjani and their extended families. Tell us why "islamic associations" , funded by the ministry of intelligence of the islamist regime are popping up in every British University. Did you not notice that all these "islamic societies" are headed by some bearded middle aged "student" with 44 inch waist line and thick mid_eastern accent, driving to college in his E-Class Merc?!! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Darius Kadivar

The Special Relationship didn't start with Bush's Administration

by Darius Kadivar on

UK & US Special Relationship didn't start with George W. Bush's Administration:


PREMIERSHIP ON SCREEN: Michael Sheen as Tony Blair in "The Special Relationship"


Recommended Reading:

STONING BUSH! by DK (Oliver Stone to make President Bush film "W." starring Josh Brolin in the Title Role)


Oh Benyamin!

by J.S. on

Sane world leaders are not brought to justice! They make the rules and insane world leaders are expected to follow thier words and not thier actions.



by Benyamin on

This guy is pissed for what Ahmadinejad so bluntly called him and he is making it personal. In one of Ahmadinejad`s "infamouse" interviews in the USA he(ahmadinejad) said" Tony Blair is a war criminal and must be brought to justice".

Dirty Angel


by Dirty Angel on

"A leading QC {Michael Mansfield}  tells Channel 4 News that there is
enough evidence for the International Criminal Court to mount a case
against Tony Blair. The former PM has faced the Iraq Inquiry for the
second time."


"Stuff happens and some, one way or another, get stuffed"

Abdy Sadri

Tony Blare

by Abdy Sadri on

 Blare expresses his character better. He is an extremely good actor, one who even managed to deceive the British. But I assure you that the Brits will reward him for his unkind games.

Mash Ghasem

بالام جان زبان

Mash Ghasem

بالام جان زبان من پیرمرد مو در آورد ، چقدر بهتون بگم

کار زیر سر این انگلیسیهاست.

مش قاسم میرزمد، انگلیس میلرزد!


Did Tony Blair do estekhaareh before going to this meeting?



Mehrdad said it best, take your head out of you A$$...

by Disenchanted on


   before calling for people to take their heads out of sand. Strange world we live in. Kill one person you are a murderer. Kill few you are a serial killer. Start a war and Kill a few hundred thousands people you are a leader of free world. Shamelessly call for a new war and you'd be appointed "peace" envoy!


Ol´ Tony

by J.S. on

Representing the honor and value of the great british people.


I can´t hold back... a few more

by J.S. on

Its not like Ol´ Tony ever made a mistake and has the blood of his own people on his hands , let alone others!

Words are words, actions are what really count, and when Ol´ Tony acts he never leads his own nation off the tracks, let alone other people´s nations.

Tony Belhair + G.W. Bush = toobushy cocainesucker



Trust Tony kill and Eye-rain-ehan today


There are no problems hate and racial indifference can not solve.


If its white its right.  <<<< ohhh ohhh that one is kinda catchy


The British EMPIRE strikes backs - starting Dart Tony


You thought the Moooolllllahs were bad, hell let this evil coce-sucker lead your nation, Okay formally since all eye-rain-ehans will be wipes out it is gonna be all white so its alright <<<< lat part of that one is catchy toooooo I am doing good tonight


Laddddieeeeeeeeeeeeees Gentaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllmen I presssssssssssent you the next leader of the pásdaran. his first act as comander to execute everyone. Yes ladddddddies and gentaaaaaaaaaaallllllmen this man does not care if you molest kids or you are a doctor you are guilty before being charged.... fair and deadly <<< not as catchy


And you thought the mooooooollllahhhs having a bomb was bad well this idiot makes the mooooolllllahhhhsss with a bomb look good



His roal anti-christ Toooboney


God save the King

by ImtheKing on

just look how 'doshman' makes you think!


Well if Ol´ Tony

by J.S. on

Says it, it must be true.

I mean Tony is always right!



Dear tony

by alx1711 on

He sounds like he's selling a car to a buyer.

Having said that he acts very affirm & passionate about his belifes, so do Mullahs (when in deep shit!)

Yes, Islamic Parasites in Iran are threat, specially to IRANIAN people.



by Fatollah on

This cluster F#%# has no shame! I think, he's still pissed off, remember a few captured British soldiers ... 


He should have been

by norooz on

He should have been executed for his crimes against humanity, instead he has been given a job as peace maker and what has he been doing with that position, making more wars.  I tell you, he is a special kind of bastard.  But putting him in that position was calculated. They don't want any human rights or peace making organization object and try to stop them when they rage wars. I said this a while back, sooner or later they will use Obama to justify another war.  After All, if Muslim Husein Obama wants war with Muslim eyeranians, they must be real bad. Otherwise, Obama would have never approved it.    

If Obama/west wanted to resolve the issues, there was the chance involving Brazil and Turkey. All these 5+1meetings are BS as well.  They know Iran will not accept the same stupid offers, yet they hold meetings.  All they are trying to do with meetings, is to build a case against Iran, that we have been trying for years, but Iran doesn't cooperate. BILAKH 

what Europe needs is inflation and economic collapse. That will sit them on their seats for a decade or two.


Tony Blair is an EVIL

by Arthimis on

Tony Blair is an EVIL politician! His past records prove that without a shadow of a doubt... However, The ONLY British Politician (ex-Prime Minister England) I ever respected was Mr. John Major! Why? Because I never forget, in "Hard Talk" program on BBC back in September of 2001 (right after 9-11) , he was the ONLY English (British) man who said something like this :

" If you want to see Global Peace, United Kingdom and United States MUST apologize to many people around the world, in particular to the people of Middle East for all the past 50 years of committing crimes against them on so many levels... Once they hear our true intention, We (U.K. & USA) must leave them to make their own decisions and most importantly help them economically to eliminate any further fertile grounds for terrorism!!!!"

That was the last time I heard of John Major in any news media!!! I can't find that show, I think it was a week or two after 9-11! I was in my hotel room in Budapest and saw it on T.V. and was shocked and moved by his sincere and truthful speech on "Hard Talk" BBC!!!!!! His human side came out watching those horrific clips of those two planes hitting the "Twin Towers" and all the people who were killed... (Rest in Peace)

If anyone finds this show please post it here................. 


Mrs Bucket

Riiiiiiiiiicchhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard, these filthy foreigners!

by Mrs Bucket on

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiccccchhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaard, these filthy foreigners flagged Onslow's steak and kidney pie!

Riiiiicchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard, ONSLOW IS BRITISH!


Riiiiichaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard, call the Grenadiers!




How about this one dear flagger!

by Onslow on

Can I most respectfully ask our ex-member of parliament form Sedgefield to close the first portion of his alimentary canal? It !@#$ng stinks. Thank you, sir.

Mrs Bucket

Riiiiiiccchhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard, Onslow's gone radical again

by Mrs Bucket on

Riiiiiiiiiiiiccchhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard, Onslow's rooting for those filthy black foreigners.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaard, they're as black as soya sauce and not even in our Commonwealth.


Riiiiiiiiiccchhhhhhhaaaard, do something!


Riiiiiiiiiiiiicccchhhaaaaaaaaaaard, WE ARE BRITISH!


comrade: That is certainly one way to advance your career

by Bavafa on

And playing your parts to the Neo-cons tune can buy you opportunity and good pay.



more british scum

by asadabad on

The world needs to be cleansed of this british filth.  On a state level, Iran is a dictatorship but using the same standards, the US/UK are a global dictatorship.  He is a war criminal and he can go to hell.


Jonny Dollar

Shut up Tony! Old imperialist England wants iran back too!

by Jonny Dollar on

They went to Iraq together, and now this. Upon entering Irq, UK forign minister said: "We make great partners. We use our knowledge of the region and politics, and US uses its massive military power." (i didn't watch the tapes.)


I really hate the IRI regime! Our hatred for them has blinded some of us from seeing the bigger picture whereby the old and kinda old imperialists are trying to catch fish from the muddy water that this regime has created to achieve their old glory objectives by ruling iran again!


Kourosh Assoudeh Bakhaab Keh Ma Ridim!

"God Is Love - but Love Is Not God!"