Leila Otadi

Backs off from playing the role of Neda Agha Soltan


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dear all god-fearing, free-thinking, self-valuing Iranians,

by merlin on

here's something markedly different than the anti-Iranian, anti-patriarchal, corrupting, perverting, valueless and so on messages that usually appear in this domain that is run by enemies of its audience, in opposition of its audience wittingly or otherwise. have you ever wondered why, with supposedly almost a million members in this powerful nation, the Iranian community lacks even an iota of political power or influence? further, why are Iran's enemies so powerful in contrast that they seemingly direct the minds, values and behavior of Iranians here and abroad in opposing and destroying almost everything that is inherently and naturally desirable: self-determination, rule of Iran by Iranians, pride, dignity, freedom, our traditional cultures and values that are unrivaled in beauty and power? some of your neighbors literally cheer in your face and pat themselves on the back for the boasted murders of your tribes' scientists and educators. are your people too primitive or base to pursue knowledge and application of nuclear technology? no, clearly, what this tyranny fears is the start of an even playing field. their leashed media boasts daily about bombing and killing entire families waking up for school, work and general service of their communities. this is absolute terrorism. they dont want peace on even terms they want absolute control and power over every aspect of your existence. while they have countless ICBM packed with nuclear warheads, a fine gift from american taxpayers, they propogate propaganda and more destructive attacks against iran for setting up a centrifuge. they fear justice. these are complex issues but realizing that the national community has absolutely no authentic counsel is a good start. The PAAIA is financed by enemies and opponents of Iranians' natural interests. the rosenberg foundation is a good example.

Esfand Aashena

Any regime attempt to portray Neda in a film should be protested

by Esfand Aashena on

Nazy jaan there are debates and discussions about all issues in the Iranian TV and they want to take on all issues and give their restricted view and always make the regime and the Islamic system to be vindicated.

I think eventually a film about Neda will be made by the regime and many will believe the film.  However, whoever plays her and whoever else plays in that movie and basically anyone associated with such a film should be boycotted and protested.

This man is saying people should be able to play Neda and make all kinds of films.  Yes of course a "lot of things should be allowed" in Iran!  And as we know and you've said it before we have freedom of speech but we don't have freedom "after" the speech! 

Everything is sacred

Ari Siletz

Thanks Nazy. Interesting issue

by Ari Siletz on

As you suggest, people will find ways to speak their minds. Filling the vacuum for strong opposition "leadership", a self organizing social pressure on visible personalities is probably picking up steam.     The regime would be smarter to stop the film/art propaganda campaign planned against the opposition, as well as the blacklisting of opposition artists. This isn't the type of war any "saazman" can win. The opponent--social stygma --is without a physical body and cannot be put in jail or tortured. The casualties can only come from the regime side as one by one artists perceived as celebrity propagandists publicly commit career suicide. This can only further reveal the extent and power of a grassroots opposition.          I sympathize with Hezaji's point about divari kootahtar az Otadi. But from the comments on his site it is clear that, as in any war, there is zero tolerance for defection, and the easiest targets are the first to fall.    

Nazy Kaviani

Ari Jan,

by Nazy Kaviani on

It's not confusing! Hejazi is not defending the film. He is inviting people to patience with Otadi after the public outcry against her decision to star in the film about Neda Agha Soltan. He suggests that there are bigger figures in the production of this film and asks why people don't go after them, instead of the young actress, whom during his last paragraph, he forewarns about participating in a project that could prove a career breaker for her.

After news of the film first surfaced, there was a major public outcry against Otadi. Her website was hacked with a message about her lack of respect for Neda's life, and her Facebook page was bombarded with admonishments for her participation in the project. After a few days, she announced that she had been inactive with a broken leg (which may have kept her from reading and hearing, too!), disavowing any knowledge about the project!

The man in the clip is talking about the fact that public pressure got to Otadi, making her back out on a project she had already accepted.

The problem with Iranian authorities is that they believe their own lies! Just because they have intimidated and prosecuted everyone into silence, it doesn't mean that people have nothing to say. They do have things to say and they say them whenever the opportunity comes up, the case of Leila Otadi a prime example.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Arash Hejazi seems to support this film. The commenters on his blog rip into him. 


کت مردم


Is that for "People' Coats" or for "People' Shoulders?"

Like "Ga Ga", "Ga-Gos", the subject word is from "Flinstone" ages when Fred & Barney (Sargord Pirooz) were friends together. They are now both resurected as foes on IC!!!

Dirty Angel

گاماس گاماس

Dirty Angel

'Haven't heard that for ages.

Thanks for that ,Fred.:)

No further comment


"Stuff happens and some, one way or another, get stuffed"


گاماس گاماس


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 از آنزمان  آنهاییکه با نظام پر برکت کار میکنند و سر و سری دارند گاماس گاماس راه میرند و میدانند که هوا پس است.

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