TV: Yesterday & Today

Program announcements before after and after 1979



The lady in Hejab

by jasonrobardas on

looks so lifeless , deppressed , artificial,oppressed......while the pre revolution anchor woman is vigorous , vibrant , lively and free

Azam Nemati


by Azam Nemati on

As much as I hate hejab, I think this reader is either stupid or really ognorant. What kind of comments is :"Oh I did not know how beautiful women were before the revolution"? I am the middle-aged Iranain woman who is proud to say the Iranian women are much prettier than before the revolution. They are taller, more outgoing and well read. They are very fashonable and take care of themselves. My majority of my generation (not me) were conservative, did not pluk their eyebrows or remove facial hairs and acted shy and reserved so they could be wife material. Have your eyes examined so you can see how pretty, well spoken and awe inspiring the new generation is and the head cover does not cover their beautiful face and expressions.


That's what happen when they remove your brain

by عموجان on

This is a good sample of what Islam done to us, Stone Age 


Cause and effect

by comrade on

اون بود که این شد.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.




by Shemirani on

Thanks for sharing this !! i didn't remember how gorgeous were women on national tv before 79 !

Not only their apparences had changed,listen to the programs oh gosh ....Normal Tv Vs Deghmarg Tv !


Silly stuff

by fussygorilla on

You guys are apparently running out of stuff to criticize Iran today so run the "oldies".  Yeah, the good ol' days when women were blindly imitating U.S.'s worst shallow aspects of life. How about comparing the statistics on women's education; literarcy, university attendance, professionals, etc. rather than the hijab ( which i personally am against it being involuntary) and the good ol' miniskirts?

Jonny Dollar

Notice her hejab looks like a Cross!!!! Is she a nun? not nuun!

by Jonny Dollar on

This is what I call progress! became christian without her knowing it.

"God Is Love - but Love Is Not God!"