Yaghoubali Jafari

Public execution after murder conviction

یعقوبعلی جعفری با اسم مستعار مهدی و مشهور به قاتل میدان کاج ساعت 6 و 30 دقیقه صبح چهارشنبه در تقاطع خیابانهای دادمان و دریا (چهارراه قدس) و در ملاء عام به دار مجازات آویخته شد.این فرد 31 ساله ششم آبان ماه، رقیب عشقی اش را با ضربات متعدد چاقو به طرز فجیعی به قتل رساند. این پرونده در شعبه 71 دادگاه کیفری استان تهران رسیدگی شد و حکم صادر شده که به تایید دیوان عالی کشور نیز رسیده است.


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Omid Djalili: The Baha'i Faith in Words and Images
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more from mehrdadm

Time to make some money

by عموجان on

I could make a killing if only they would let me sale tokhme, noshabe, ice cream, sandwich  for this kind of events, specially these days.  

That was a quick verdict and execution

Is it because they had live video of him stabbing the gay? Well I have seen so many live video of IRI official driving over people, beating or even killing without any reason when are we going to see them in courts. 

Dariush Kabir

Where is the consistency in IRI?

by Dariush Kabir on

I am not for capital punishment, but if they are enforcing this law in Islamic Iran, then they need to be consistent, and execute Ahmadinejad and Khamenie for being responsible for all the killing, rape and tortures that they committed for the last years. Iran is being run by bunch of thugs, gangsters all of the comanders of Sepah, and Basig would be candidates for this punishment.


I am for it!

by Disenchanted on


    I am for execution in cases like this, clear cut! This was an animal (my apology to animals) that had  along history of violence and aggression. Good riddance! However, he was not alone in this murder. That incompetent, useless, piece of crap, Tehran police chief needs to be punished as well. Anywhere else in the world, police would be held accountable for such colossal failure.




LMAO@ shahkareh ghezavat!

..ajib vali vaghei



شاهکار قضاوت در دستگاه قضایی ایران


 قرعه کشی بین مظنونین برای تعیین قاتل


روزنامه “وطن امروز” نوشت: چندی قبل مردی در میدان انقلاب به قتل می رسد و در این میان دو نفر به عنوان مظنون دستگیر می شوند هر دوی آنها معتقداند که در نزاع شرکت داشته اما قتلی مرتکب نشدند اکنون بعد از گذشت ۲ سال و به دلیل مشخص نبودن قاتل ، قاضی شعبه ۱۱۵۶ دادگاه بعثت به قرعه‌کشی‌ای عجیب دست زد و برای شناسایی قاتل اصلی نام هر دو مظنون را روی ۲ کاغذ جداگانه نوشت و در حضور وکیل خانواده مقتول، به قرعه‌کشی دست زد تا مشخص شود چه کسی باید مجازات شود..


نظرات خوانندگان:

از این به بعد قرار است در پرونده‌های اختلاس “پالام پولوم پیلیش”، در پرونده‌های سیاسی “سنگ کاغذ قیچی” و در پرونده‌های ناموسی “آن مان نواران” و در پرونده‌های مربوط به مواد مخدر “لی لی حوضک” مجرمین را تعیین کرده و بدست عدالت بسپرد


روش دیگری هم هست که قایم باشک نام داره . مظنونین قایم میشن ، اولیاء دم چشم میگذارند هز مظنونی که اولین نفر پیدا شد همون قاتله



Darius Kadivar

I wanna Move to the Dark Side ... Just Like Sargord Pirouz ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I think Evil is Good !

Believe Me Unlike Good ... Evil Has a Future in Show business ... 

To Be Or Not Ot Be

Honestly it's a Good Career Move don't you think ?

Rejoice This is IRI Entertainment at it's Best ! 




After seeing the father,

by J.S. on

son, innocent unarmed citizen bleed out on tape I stick with my original point.

 This man should not have been executed. He needs a green card to the US. We need values like that here.

Oh and do not forget about the rapist, dop dealers, child fuckers that are executed in Iran. They need a green card also.

More so, I search for all you people´s posts about how horrible it is that other countiries execute. Seams kinda weird not one post in my search function so far.





Is this some type of Islamic Gladiator show?

by statira on

Audience seems very entertained!


What's the story?

by Parthianshot91 on

I've never heard of this story, so can anyone explain to me who he killed and why?


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


No such charge as treason in the islamist utopia, Doc.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Only Moharebeh... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

David ET

highest % of population executed in the world

by David ET on


2- China 





by Doctor mohandes on

Nice Try!! are you serious?

Hamin Kam moonde bood. The poor Fella will probably be kept as under some charges such as treason or something and will have his behind fried.



Wow that is horrible

by J.S. on

I think all those convited of murder, rape, dop dealing, fucking children should not be executed.

 How barbaric to have a state convite a man of murder and execute him! That kinda thing never happens in the US. And, if it did there would certainly be blogs about it on a site that states ¨Nothing is sacret¨ 1000s of blogs that is.


Because people here are not hypocrites and they would not say it is wrong for Iran to execute but also wrong for other countries. I am going to read all the other blogs about how horrible people think the rule of law is in the US.


I also vote, that all those, murders, dop dealers, child fuckers, rapists are not executed in Iran but given green cards. Yes, I think they should come here and live. We should built them thier own worship centers in the middle of each and every city.

 I also vote, about relocation, all the rapists and child sex convicts are given jobs. In schools that is.


I am shocked! lets change our immigration laws, now!


An "execution free day"...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

in Iranian calendar would be a great idea. Maybe one of many Iranian.com members enjoying "lines of communication" with islamist regime, can take this suggestion higher up, who knows, if accepted, it could lead to some form of a promotion, bonus, etc. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


" تو توپخونه تماشای دار زدن"

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

مطمئن نیستم کدومشون بدتر  بود:

قتل جوان عاشق با ضربات چاقو،

عدم دخالت اولیه نیروی انتظامی و جان دادن جوان در پیاده رو پس از نیم ساعت ،

به  دار کشیدن قاتل،

یا شعار : " نیروی  انتظامی، تشکر، تشکر !!!! " پس از جنایت دولت.


Shame on you Nirooye entezami!!

by alexqt on

Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders - Emad Baghi said: ‎"Whoever saves a life saves an entire people."

Watch this 



Another ritualized , state sponsered murder!!!!!

by jasonrobardas on

Brutal vengence in the presence of Pir va Javan Koodak va kohansal .



Nirooyeh entezami


Nirooyeh entezami tashakor?..heh! who are we? animals?



by Benyamin on

The people think like sheep, refuged to the wolf from fear of a fox!


سرمشق صحیح


به این میگویند سرمشق صحیح به جامعه دادن.

 مأموران ناز نازی عین دسته جارو وایستادن و بدون مداخله یکربع ساعت تماشاگر قتل در همانجا بودند و بعد قاتل را می آورند و همانجا جلوی چشم بچه و پیر به قتل می رسانند.  


mamlekateh darim?

by mehrdadm on