Bahareh Golestani: Model

Swimsuit photo shoot


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Anonymous Observer

I wonder how they would treat her if she returns home

by Anonymous Observer on

I was watching this documentary on HBO last night, which is actually made by an Iranian-American filmmaker--called the "Love Crimes of Kabul":


It's about women in Kabul who had to serve jail time for having affairs without being married, etc.  So, I wonder how they would treat this Afghan woman if she goes back home. 




What is Middle Eastern?

by ayatoilet1 on

Middle from where? And China is in the Far East? Far from where? And then there is a Near East ...Near to who?? Yes, you guessed it the UK! The world has been or is being defined by UK! So people are allowing themselves to be defined by the Brits or Europeans?!! Its idiotic isn't?

I prefer the term Asian for Chinese (or East Asian), and I actually prefer Central Asia for reference to Iran. Iranians after all have more in common with Afghans or Tajiks (in Central Asia) - than Yemenites or Jordanians. I just think West of the Euphrates is Arabia (not the Middle East) and East of the River is Iran and/or Central Asia...till you hit China or India heading East.

Anyway, Middle Eastern is NOT a Nationality Bahara. There is no single nation across the Middle East. A nation is a community of human beings that share a common language, race, decent, history ... In most Middle East maps doled out by the West, they include Turkey, and Egypt ...And Trust me, Iranians have a different language and different history from most of the people on the rest in those middle eastern maps.

Last comment - don't hide your heritage be proud of it. If you have prostituted your body, you actually don't have to prostitute your dignity. Stand tall - wear your heritage proudly - even if naked some day. Look in the mirror, you are every bit a beautiful Iranian woman.


For a moment

by statira on

I thought she's one of the Kardashian.


My kids are of mixed

by jamh on

My kids are of mixed heritage. I always told them they are Pomeranians.



by IranMarzban on

ghalam-doon i understand the point that you are making, you are correct all i`m saying is persia is part of our history and should be preserved. by the way we still have a province that is called persia aka fars 



Iran Marzban!

by ghalam-doon on

There is nothing wrong with Persia or Persian or whatever as long as people do not try to conceal their true identity, pretending that there is a country called Persia (or as many of our Persian compatriots call it, Per-she-ya) which is located somewhere in Europe and has nothing to do with the terrorist Eye-ran!


بهارا، بسیار باحالا!


Well, her pictures are featured in Performance Auto and Sound magazine which I venture to say, is geared towards NASCAR crowd. I don't think that those folks will be up in arms if they realize that Bahara is not from the Middle East and cancel their subscriptions!

But I could be wrong.


Here is another picture of her changing oil and filter at Jiffy Lube!




what is wrong with

by IranMarzban on

what is wrong with persian iran has been called persia for 1000 of years you guys are destroying history   



Moment, moment!

by ghalam-doon on

Officially Afghanistan is not part of the Middle-East. This lady's origin is becoming very problematic. It's turning into a Baharah-gate!



by asadabad on

It's not a matter of discrimination.  The issue is honesty.  Making her Iranian of the day is like making Kardashian or Nancy Ajram Iranian of the day. 

She may call herself Persian but that's only because she's ashamed of the sorry state Afghanistan is in.  It's just like Iranians who call themselves "Persian" because they're full of shame.  They know that as soon as someone mentions the word "Iran" everyone in the room thinks of Khomeini, terrorism, and beards.



by Faramarz on

We should not discriminate against the country of origin and should treat all beautiful models the same.


Here is Bahara in her Burka!




She isn't Iranian

by asadabad on

She's from Afghanistan.  Golestani is an ethnic Hazara.  Her father was Hamid Golestani, a famous singer from Afghanistan.


Posing for the Troops!

by Faramarz on

کجاست اون تفنگ و قمقمه که وقت دفاع از وطنه!


Middle Eastern?

by ghalam-doon on

Read Per-she-yan and not Eye-ranian.

Kardashian watch out! 

Here comes "Keeping up with Golestanis!"

It all depends how many siblings she has. They don't need to be as cute since Kim is the only cute one in that show/family (other than the mother; she is "whooh"!!).


Middle Eastern???

by afshin on

Everybody has to make a living.  How we go about doing that, well therein lies what we're made of.  All kidding aside, cute girl.  But I do take issue with those who obscure or otherwise hide their Iranian heritage, by saying they're, "Persian" or "Middle Eastern", then they have the temerity to post here.  Not sure what to say to that.  If you're not proud of being Iranian, then just call yourself Puerto Rican and call it a day.  And perhaps you may consider posting to sites you feel more akin to.