Hundreds Displaced by Kurdistan Clashes

Iran major offensive against rebel Kurdish bases in Iraq

AFP: Fighting between Iranian military forces and Kurdish separatists has displaced hundreds of villagers in the border regions of northern Iraq, the Red Cross said on Monday. In addition, Iranian shelling killed two villagers and wounded two others before dawn in Sidakan district, some 100 kilometres (60 miles) northeast of Arbil, said Ismail Maqsud, head of the city's Souran hospital. Iran launched a major offensive Saturday against rebel Kurdish bases in Iraq in which eight of its own elite Revolutionary Guards were killed. The separatist Party of Free Life of Kurdistan, or PJAK, said it had lost two fighters >>>


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Mash Ghasem

Self defense is an unalienable right, playing to enemy's

by Mash Ghasem on

hands would be in a different category. Your support for the revolutionary movement in Kurdestan is very appreciated.  Kurdestan, and  all her pepole shall overocme this latest attack as well.

O Bella Ciao - Maria Farantouri



Mash Ghasem.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 I fully agree that at this point in time the military balance of power is in regime's favour, hence armed uprising is the wrong approach (To my understanding the Kumaleh has not disbanded their peshmargas. They are just not active at this point in time....). I think you are aware of my admiration for the resistance the kurdish people have been demonstrating, in form of mass strikes, etc. Regardless of the Pejak's incorrect approach (I dont know how many hundreds of fighters they have...), the attack was initiated by the regime, under the pretext of crushing the PJAK. In this case, self defence is no offence.  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


this is like poking a wasp

by alx1711 on

this is like poking a wasp nest with a stick....


تشدید فضای امنیتی حاکم بر شهر سنندج

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

خبر دریافتی از سنندج، روز دوشنبه 3 مردادماه فضای حاکم بر این شهر به
بهانه تشیع جنازه کشته شدگان رژیم در درگیری های اخیر مرزی، به شدت امنیتی
شده بود.

دریافتی حاکی است ماموران رژیم به بهانه تشیع جنازه کشته شدگان درگیری های
اخیر مرزی بخش های مرکزی شهر سنندج از جمله "خیابان شاهپور به طرف میدان
انقلاب" را مسدود نمودند که مشکلاتی را برای ترافیک شهر بوجود آورده بود.

در این روز شهر سنندج چهره ای کاملا نظامی به خود گرفته بود. رژیم از
چند روز قبل اقدام به ایجاد پست های نگهبانی در گوشه و کنار شهر از جمله
جلوی دادگستری در میدان اقبال و میدان انقلاب نموده بود تا کنترل اوضاع
امنیتی را در دست داشته باشد.


Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

RG: PJAK is not an Iranian Kurdish formation. All Iranian Kurdish parties have asked them not to conduct operations in Iran. What did you think about  the second comment on this blog?


Read DK's Comment.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Why is it that when our Iranian Kurdish brothers and sisters raise arms to defend themselves from the vali Faghi's gangs of bassij murderers, they become terrorists, but the gangs of child killers on payroll of the chubby boy hassan nassrullah's hezbullah, "freedom fighters fighting zionist oppressors"? 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


DK, Reza shah was aligning himself with Nazis too! oops!

by Disenchanted on


        It would be interesting to see how you being a defender of monarchs and ostensibly a defender of the Zionists try to reconcile these two with the following fact. Of course denying the fact that Reza shah had any such intentions is the easy way out. But it's hard to egt the people to buy it! Here is the quote from Wiki on Reza shah: 

The British left the Shah a face-saving way out:[45]

Would His Highness kindly abdicate in favour of his son, the heir to the throne? We have a high opinion of him and will ensure his position. But His Highness should not think there is any other solution.

The invasion was allegedly in fear that Reza Shah was about to align his petroleum-rich country with Nazi Germany during the war


There is something I like about you DK ! :-)

by Disenchanted on


       ...not sure it's the hat or the fact that you keep reminding us of our "lost glory" :-)

        There is nothing wrong with advocating monarchy as long as you guys remain a minority! :-) Admittedly it's still better than those who advocate MEK! You don't. do you bro? ;-)

Darius Kadivar

Yes Well isn't that Just a shame Sis ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Fawlty Towers - Don't mention the war.mpg



As for Common Sense You can rely on my memory :


Mufti Husseini and Hitler


Not everyone has Alzheimers ... 




DK bro as Salman would say :-)

by Disenchanted on


        I don't know Sahar TV but you admit my likeminds never could show up on IRI TV!

       denying Holocaust is absurd and I am afraid same is your analogy between IRAN/TURKEY to Israel!

      Can't we all get along by using a bit common sense? :-)

Darius Kadivar

Quite True Very much like Your Likeminds Misplaced Denials ...

by Darius Kadivar on


Well, perhaps the fact that those who live in Iran

by Disenchanted on


        ...Have not come from Western Europe and Russia kicking people from their homes and homeland!

         I am not saying much about Kurdish people quest for autonomy. I am just saying drawing analogy with Zionists is misplaced!

Darius Kadivar

Why is this OK but Israelis doing the same in Gaza Ain't ?

by Darius Kadivar on

IRI and Turkey's Double Standards Baffle Me ...



‎'Gaza TearJerkers' and other 'Citizen's of the World' Where Art Thou to Denounce This ? ... 


تعطیل کردن پروژه های عمرانی به بهانه ناامن بودن کردستان

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol


PJAk is effectively playing into IR's hand, as an excuse for "Armed Resistance." Tis 'armed' struggle is being waged by such groups before its approperiate time and place,  Many local parties have reminded them that armed tactics are not approperiate at this juncture, but political mobilization and tactics like General Strike seem to have a lot more mass appeal. Kurdestan alone can not be liberated, no single region in the country can sustain a liberated territory. We've experienced all this thiry some years ago. Liberation is a national project, macro and long tem. Sepah's casualties are much higher than they claim.

در حمله پژاک یک پادگان منهدم وسه پاسدار کشته شدند



I hope

by MRX1 on

The PJAK group who ever they are kill as many pasdar and basiji as possible!