Imam Ali Will Rule for 44,000 Years

Islamic Republic is just the start, more to come, cleric tells faithful


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This blog is the best on ic so far,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I have a hallucination that these ayatollahs of ours are going to eventually unite all iranians to overcome their political differences.

Reading these comments made me laugh.

Check this out on the same subject in a way about handling religion, india, china, the future...


khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on

Didn't Imam Ali kick the bucket a while back?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear SK

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are welcome.

I would very much like to see Darafseh Kaviani be our flag. In my opinion it is the true Iranian flag. Plus it is very beautiful. The original one was adorned with jewels and was supposed to have been values about 1 billion dollars in todays money. Over time each king would add more jewels to it. Omar captured it in the battle of Qadisiyyah. After removing the jewels he burned the remains.

I would love to see a new one created and kept as a national treasure to remind us of our history.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The West has already lost its edge like it or not. India; China and others are taking over. So that horse is out of the barn. Anglo-EU powers are dead. They killed each other in WWII. America is in the process of committing suicide thanks to the Tea Party and other idiots running its government. Self centered and short sighted they are one their way out. I see no difference between us; Indians and Chinese. We are not better than them. I know many brilliant Chinese and Indians.

The problem is that while India and China got decent leadership we did not. So they are advancing while we are not. But they are enough to shift the power balance. Yes if Shah had finished his work we would be a part of that. But in time we will be there. That is why they want to break Iran up. They figure that will stop us. In reality thanks to Bush now Iran practically runs the region: badly but it still does run it!

Soosan Khanoom

Thanks VPK

by Soosan Khanoom on

so it is "Darafseh Kaviani" the Sassanid flag .....  I had no idea  ... thanks for your explanation.

It actually looks much better than our current flag ..... I wish we could change the current one to this one ... 



by Freethought111 on

Has it ever occurred to anyone that the global capitalists are actually afraid of our people and her ingenuity? Even if we gave away our oil to these people they would still find a reason to be messing with us because Iranians are innovaters and trend setters bar none, and generally speaking when we put our mind and collective will to something we do it better than most. As such it is not simplistic to conclude that the whole Devolution of '78/'79 was on one level an orchestrated attempt to keep Iranians down, keep us disunited, fragmented, ineffective for generations to come. Because had we actually attained the Great Civilization the Shah wanted, the globalist powers that be know we would swallow them whole!

Imagine a world today where the balance of power had shifted from the Anglo-European West to prosperous and affluent Eurasian and African continents with a secular Iran as the economic superpower. Such a prospect put the fear of Almighty God into the powers that be of the West during the 1970s, and had the Shah fulfilled his projects that is exactly where we would be today.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Dear Freethought111 and Viledmose: You are both right in what you say. Honestly I would gladly give away half the oil for being left alone. Just let the big corporations take it and leave us in peace. 

I have always believed that the real wealth of Iran is her people. So let them take the damn oil. Big business and capitalists are very open to bribery. They just want money and do not care if we are free or not. So trade freedom for oil. We will in the long run do better educating the people than pumping oil. Why do we need the oil money? India has no oil but it taking jobs away from America like mad. China is not living off oil. Nations that rely on oil are not advanced and prosperous.

Mossadegh made the mistake of putting oil high on his list. That resulted in his demise. As did Shah. We should be understanding capitalists if we are to be free. As you say they have power and are amoral. So they will be open to bribery. They do not want Iran to be miserable. They just want to suck out the oil. The problem is that leaders make deals that just benefit them. I say make a deal that benefits the people and lets multinationals get their oil.


Where ignorance is our

by vildemose on

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace. - Dalai Lama

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx


 6مرداد :سن


 6مرداد :سن اعتياد در ايران به ۱۳سال رسيده است

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx



by Freethought111 on

So long as the politics of petroleum, multinational corporatocracy and big power geostrategic and economic interests rules the roost on this planet, these are all pipe dreams and empty euphemisms. There is not a goddamn thing anyone at the bottom of the ladder can do unless all those at the bottom of the ladder unite and take their pitch-forks and go after the real culprits in this dirty international game which has gotten not just Iran but the whole planet in the pitiful situation we find ourselves right now. These are international banking cartels, multinational corporations, the mainstream media estate, international arms dealers, big lobbyists, the multinational agribusiness industry (like Monsanto) and all the governments and political (as well as religious) actors who are beholden to these evil mf-ers! Corporatacracy and the interests behind them are the enemy of freedom and the human race everywhere right now. For lack of a better way of putting it, the above represents the system of the Dajjal/the Antichrist!

If we truly wish Iran to be free, supporting this or that group or actor is a sure recipe for eventual disappointment. In my view, the freedom of Iran is in many ways linked to the freedom of the rest of the planet from the clutches of Ahriman and his minions who are everywhere right now. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

One more thing

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We have to stop accepting others as our masters. No more EU or US or UN telling us what is right. Who cares if they de-list or not. I have said: all decision as to who is a criminal or not should be up to Iranian people.

The decision as whether to use nuclear technology should also be up to us. Whether we want to be a part of NPT or not. Whether we want to pardon MEK or not. Whether we want to have a Monarchy or a Republic. No more letting the "az ma behtaran" dictating to us what to do. They are already being displaced by India; China and others. Why should we be any less. That was the message that Khomeini falsely gave but it resonated with people. We need to have the real message.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

When are we going to wake up? When are we going to accept the truth of our gullibility?

I think we are already awake. Note how little support the push for MEK is getting. Why did Simorgh disappear after I exposed him as an anti-Iranian voice. When he proposed the disintegration of our nation. We all know the Bernard Lewis and NeoCon gang.

How many people said what you say in 1979. Those days the educated were the dumbest of all. Now our educated actually think. Most Iranians know what is going on. We are not the bunch of gullible idiots we used to be. At least not most of us. Thee is a giant push for disunity and chaos. Which will benefit the top few. At the cost of millions of lives ruined. Their problem is that they are losing their edge. Now the dumbest are the Americans not the Iranian people. 



by vildemose on

 this event in 78-79 was primarily the fault of shadowy actors on the world stage who stage and micro-managed this event from beginning to end. Today they are attempting to do the same thing through other means, but what they are attempting to do is no way an undoing of what they did 32+ years ago.

 Spot on. The manufactured coup of 1978 was micromanaged from outside as it is today with the so-called green movement. When are we going to wake up? When are we going to accept the truth of our gullibility?

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx



by Freethought111 on

Yes, there is much fault-finding to go around. But the nature of this event in 78-79 was primarily the fault of shadowy actors on the world stage who stage and micro-managed this event from beginning to end. Today they are attempting to do the same thing through other means, but what they are attempting to do is no way an undoing of what they did 32+ years ago.

The world is populated at the top end of the chain of things by some incredibly ruthless and amoral characters who play with the lives of entire populations without caring a diddle about the consequences - either to themselves or to others.

Unfortunately the vast majority of human beings are creatures of hype and consensus realities who become easy prey for mass manipulation by those who know what they're doing. This is the case whether we're talking about the Iran of 33/32 years ago or today. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes all you say is right. But we as a nation were at fault. Including the Shah and the population. 

  • Shah did not need to listen to Jimmy Carter. He should have given JC the finger. Never released the scum from jail and not let them do anything.
  • The people did not need to buy into that crap. It our own fault.

I know "educated" people who marched for Khomeini. There was a woman we know very "Westernized". My father asked her if she was really going to wear a "hijab". She replied: For Khomeini I will do anything. Six months after Khomeini took power she was banging at our door in the USA for a place to stay. We let her. Then she turned around and told my father "You must ave done something to have your home confiscated". What a B***. With people like that no wonder we are here.



by Freethought111 on

His Majesty M. R. Pahlavi the Aryamehr Shah of Iran lost his throne to the likes of this man above because a certain establishment in the West wanted him gone. So a Devolution was carefully orchestrated against him by this establishment, with a gullible population duped following in toe, and he left with Iran falling into the hands of the likes of the man above.


پندارنیک ،ملای ویدئو، و من


The answer to your question is simple:



The likes of "the man in the video" were united with the likes of "You", under the Great Imam's leadership, and fooled the Iranian people, asking the Shah to leave.


He obliged.



Now the likes of "the man in the video" is running Iran,

the likes of "You" still explaining and justifying and condoning the glorious Revolution,

and the likes of me are paying the price of that stupidity.

nadeem khan

What is Baha'i Despensation ?

by nadeem khan on

Baha'i despensation is Baha'i laws. There will be a world commonwealth and will be guided (Ruled) by the Supreme, Infallibale Universal House of Justice, in Haifa for 500,000 years.

nadeem khan

So, What ! The Baha’i dispensation will be 500,000 years.

by nadeem khan on

your question relative to the duration of the Baha'i Dispensation. There is no
contradiction between Baha'u'llah's statement in the Iqan about the renewal of
the City of God once every 1000 years, and that of the Guardian in the
'Dispensation' to the effect that the Baha'i cycle will extend over a period of
at least 500,000 years. The apparent contradictions is due to the confusion of
the terms cycle and dispensation. For while the Dispensation of Baha'u'llah
will last for at least one thousand years, His cycle will extend still farther
to at least 500,000."

            (From a
letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, November
14, 1935: Baha'i News. No. 102. August 1936, pp. 2-3)

Lights of Guidance, p. 474 )



Can I cordially invite...

by پندارنیک on

...the spirit of the late King of Kings, His Majesty M. R. Pahlavi the Aryamehr Shah of Iran, to this blog in order to explain how on earth he lost His regime to the likes of the man in the video........


آخر کار هم دایناسورها برای صد هزار سال حکومت می کنند


بعد از حضرت محمد نوبت به پادشاهی حضرت موسی میرسد که شش روز حکومت می کند و بعد هم طوفان نوح می آید و آخر کار هم دایناسورها برای صد هزار سال حکومت می کنند. بعد دوباره روز از نو روزی از نو. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

زکی، این پسر بیچاره بعد از ۱۲۵۰ سال تو سوراخ

Shazde Asdola Mirza

... فقط ۳۰۹ سال حکومت میکنه؟ حالا اصحاب کهف و سگشون ۳۰۹ سال تو سوراخ بودند، چه ربطی‌ به آقا امام زمان داره؟


you are correct VPK...

by Disenchanted on


      As freethought also mentioned Iranians have not cornered the market on stupidity. Just the other day I saw an Indian fellow who adamantly was trying to convert someone in the park to Hinduism!

       To my amazement, totally oblivious of the calendar (21st century) he was genuinely and wholeheartedly trying to convince his captive audience that Krishna is the supreme god but there are 3 million gods below him and soul is indestructible and moves from one body to another!

      We have a saying in Parsi: "come to the world as a calf go as a cow"! ;-) (Goosaleh oomad, Gov raft)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Disenchanted Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


There are thousands of people who believe in alien abduction. There are others who base their decision on astrology. Including Nancy Reagan the former first lady. There are Scientology. 

Do you know their beliefs? It makes Shia appear sane. The short of it is that there is no shortage of insanity. The good news here is that we are not alone. Insanity and stupidity are human traits not just Iranian.

Now hurry up and send your donations to me to IIC! I am a selfless prophet :-) My profits are for a good cause! If you don't like NIAC then let us form something better.


I take a jackass's brain over his any day...

by Disenchanted on


          At least a Jackass brain is not subject to such sever delusions! :-)

          The image he is presenting of god is a of coach who puts his players in and out of the game as he wishes! :-) This a kind of utter nonsense that even looks ridiculous to the rest of mullas!

         One observation: the reason Quran has remained immune from revisions is perhaps because it came later in history when it was easier technologically to preserve a text.  

          Moral of story for folks who believe in all things super natural is to investigate their own ideas. Humans (if you can call him one) clearly are susceptible to sever delusions. While you are laughing at this buffoon, wonder why your own beliefs are any more rational?!



by Vattan on

In shomareharo ina az kojashoon dar meyaran.  Yeah Phile be yeah Gonjeshkeh megeh felanam to felanet , Gonjeshkeh megeh baba yeah chizi begoo begonjeh....

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The flag is "Darafseh Kaviani" the Sassanid flag. It was our flag before Arab invasion. I had one made specially for me. Ya'qub-i Laith Saffari used it in his rebellion. It was that rebellion which freed Iran from Arab rule.

By the way anyone who wants to pay their due should donate it to IIC. Khoms; Zakat or Nazr may all be donated to International Iranian Council. So that we may have a new organization to help bring us back together again.

Soosan Khanoom

VPK.... The Master

by Soosan Khanoom on

the veiled prophet of khorasan ..... we can not wait till you unveil yourself ...

LOL ..... thanks for much needed humur

by the  way ... I have yet to figure out what is it that you have chosen as your avatar?   any specific flag ?




by religionoutofgovernment on

When it comes to religion, those of us who see the inherent conflict of religion with progress, both scientific and social, chose no to believe. We may also feel strongly about religion being a poison to society. 

However, practically speaking we are centuries away from enlightenment of the masses to these facts. We need to unite behind the concept of Secularism, and keep religion out of government. We need to get religious people in our camp as long as they agree to keep their religion to themselves.

On the same lines, we will never see change and will never unite, if we keep calling each other shahollahi and Mosadeghi etc. i suggest that all believing in SECULAR DEMOCRACY should unite. We need to let go of our biases and embrace Secular Democracy, within which we will be able to form political parties to respresent our ideals such as Monarchy or Jebhe Melli etc. Our political parties will be able to run for office within a democratic system of Secular Democracy. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

You are wrong

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The power of God passed from Ali to Abu Muslim then to me Mukanna. If you do not believe me read "The history of Bokhara by Narshakhī. Which has been translated by Prof. Richard Frye.

Read the chapter on the "Appearance of Mukanna". There you go. Hence you need to pay homage to me VPK. Anyone with half a brain knows this; anyone with a whole brain knows better :-)