Ahmadinejad Missing Meetings, Again

100 Majles deputies summon President for questioning

Reuters – Iran's parliament summoned President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for questioning, semi-official Mehr news agency said on Monday, raising tensions in a power struggle between factions in the Islamic Republic's ruling elite. Ahmadinejad -- facing parliamentary elections next year and a presidential race in 2013 -- must attend the assembly within a month, Mehr said, after 100 lawmakers signed a motion calling him in. As well as facing pressure over policy issues, Ahmadinejad faces accusations that many of his closest aides are part of a "deviant current" who they say put secular nationalism ahead of Islamic values and are a threat to Iran's clerical rule >>>


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

puppet show, no party can

by alx1711 on

puppet show, no party can impeach him...


no money, no honey, no millions:

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Thanks for the link to Milani's faramarz. On the millions of supporters you mentioned, well, evidence is that he did try on at least one occasion to bring his "millions" out on the street and ended up with s**t on his face by the lack of response. His support base was primarily amongst the rural poor who received actual cash handouts from him. The super high inflation directly as the result of his administrations thieving, corruption and mismanagment has wiped away those handouts and the support which came with them. The buffoon has well passed his expirey date, as has the entire islamist regime. His fate could be similar to Hoveyda's...

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Ahmadi, the Sacrificial Lamb

by Faramarz on

Ahmadi has always been the "Accidental President!" The son of a blacksmith with no family ties to the clergy, no religious standing and no real connections. Abbas Milani just wrote an article about him and Khamenei and basically stated that if things continue to go bad for the Regime, Ahmadi will become the sacrificial lamb.



On occasions, Ahmadi threatened to bring his many millions of supporters out to the street, but he has not done so for whatever reason. But I agree that his days seem to be numbered. Next wrong move by him and Mashaaii will get it and after that it will be his turn.

p.s. Has anyone noticed that the pro-Regime folks on this site with Ahmadi's avatar have been very silent lately! The guy that was jailed last week, Malekzadeh, the Deputy Foreign Minister was responsible for the activities of the Iranians in the west.

No Money, No Honey!



must be house hunting....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

In Toronto and Londonistan, wanting to move with his fearless bunch of keyboard anti_zionists. Looking forward to meeting him on iranian.com soon, unless he's here already :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mash Ghasem

AN's been 'whacked' for a while now: dead man walking

by Mash Ghasem on

Some might say he was seriously whacked (politically) back in that little election.

Sheila K

looks like AN is gonna be wacked!

by Sheila K on

I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days we hear AN get killed by so called terrorist or CIA agents (wink wink).


Ahmadinejad a Nationalist and Secular???LOL

by vildemose on

who they say put secular nationalism ahead of Islamic values and are a threat to Iran's clerical rule

Ahamdinejad is only using secular nationalism to remove the clerics so he can have free reign in establishing his vision of "true" Islam, inspired by messianic visions of grandeur... Ahmadinejad does not even know what "secular" or "natioalism" mean to save his life...


my comment about this issue!

by Benyamin on

blah blah blah blah, yada yada yada

I can`t care less.


Thanks No Fear...

by پندارنیک on

....'happy now? No one knew before you started your "public enlightenment"!

What're you up to now? My own contract is up for renewal, I might switch siedes........Any head hunter to hook me up with? I mean soon enough before our ass is hunted. Wink, wink.......and I'm in no mood for nudge, nudge............

Keep in touch, this is my email:

Oneflewoverthecuckoo'snest@ jewmail.eithercomeorgo.


Add him to the list

by Reality-Bites on

- Bazargan

- Banisadr

- Moussavi

- Rafsanjani

- Khatami

- and now Ahmadinejad.


Every IRI president/prime minister (who wasn't killed ala Rejai, Beheshti) sooner or later falls out of favour with the Supreme Leader and his mullah cohorts, who hand-picked them in the first place.

These people are so duplicitous, back-stabbing and self serving that they can't even get along with each other.

Jahanshah Javid

He won't last

by Jahanshah Javid on

The avalanche has only just begun. The wave of attacks against Ahmadinejad and his friends will only get bigger and stronger. Just watch him get crushed in the coming weeks.