Car Import Restrictions Lifted

Government ends 32-year policy on limiting foreign cars


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Worcester Mo

Who actually can afford these?

by Worcester Mo on

I am so puzzled that in a country with such a bad economy, unemployement so high and cars that actually value after they get older, who can actually afford these cars?  A Camry is 190% of the ticketed price so a bare Camry should go for $50,000+.  What percentage of Iranians can afford these?  Towards the end of Pahlavi reign- may he rest in peace- we all talked about the vast gap and how he made shantytowns while in north of Iran palaces are built.  The chasm now is so much wider with a few people driving around in Lamborgini while most Iranians drive a beat up Peykan.  In the old days with 70 rails for a dollar, an imported car was no big deal.  So, I am totally confused.


32 years of failure

by mahmoudg on

so this is the same policy the late Shah of Iran was following.  Free Enterprise. But the Nation decided to replace and forwrd thinking Monarch by a bunch of bckward thinking hooligans. Thse goons and morons took over 32 years with the promise that all foreign cars will be banned and every one will have their own vehicle.  I guess they meant that the head rapist, seyed Ali Gheda will exchange his red VW for a bullet proof BMW, but the rest will be relegated to riding their donkeys.  This country deserves these morons for atking itself back in time by their selection of this regime.