Ataollah Mohajerani

Seminar on Green Movement

Kensington Library, London, March 4, 2011:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


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by Doctor mohandes on

8 or 10 Billions? noooo... I doubt it. Modest living is the motto in iran. am i mistaken? Vangahi... At any time any iranian feels the need to get some all they have to do is go and nicely ask for it. That is all they have got to do.



Such a turn off!

by pedramx on

I suggest to you guys to watch the 3 parts videos of Q&A following his speech... same old khatami era rhetorics and bombast... Mohajerani even questioned the fact that people were killed by Islamic government in the  recent protest. (in part 2, min 14:20 to 14:55)

Part 2:



G. Rahmanian

You Want The Real Answer?

by G. Rahmanian on

The IR!!! His main priority, though, is to "prove" Mojabaa K. does not have between 8 and 10 billion dollars worth of various foreign currencies in banks outside in Iran. As if the issues Iranians are dealing with right now have been narrowed down to the thievery of the ruling clique in Tehran! People are shouting, "Death to dictator!" and want regime change, but this guy is screaming about Karl Popper. Revolutions are better defined after they take place!


Get your damn Priorities Straight

by Doctor mohandes on


Help these poor souls get their kids outta jail, Then you can set up all the Kounferenz and Sendeminars that you want to.


Jangoolak bazi??

by Doctor mohandes on

Baba get off of it.

What the Frek is there to analyze and bah bah o chah chah about? Seminar or 4 minar?

Bunch of Beekar and Forsat talab. WHo is paying these Idiots?
Oh i am sorry. I did not realize it Reflects something popular!

My badz.

G. Rahmanian

Who Is This Guy?

by G. Rahmanian on

Is he an IR spokesman or a Green Movement advocate? Or both? Anyhow, whatever he is, I must admit he possesses perfect mastery of the art of charlatanry!



by comrade on

The reformist movement which is reflecting on the popular demands by making the due adjustments is displaying its utmost efficiency. It certainly deserves its popularity among the majority.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



نیوکان هراسی


حاجی خبر نداره که تاریخ مصزف این وعده سر خرمن دادن "اصلاح طلبان" سر آمده و جز آنهایی که علاقه و عادت به گول خوردن دارند، خریداری نخواهد داشت. این نیوکان هراسی هم زمانش گذشته.