Monarchist Norooz Message

Anjoman Padeshahi Iran



The great Froud Fouladvand

by Simorgh5555 on

I never agreed with everything Froud Fouladvand had said and some of the things he said bordered on the paranoia but he inspired so many Iranians to reclaim their heritage and revealed Islam to be the evil death cult it is; 

Here is the best of Fouladvand:  




Must see video

by Simorgh5555 on

Nefrin Nameh 


Nefrin Nameh 2






isn't there a better looking shahi?


خیلی‌ با مزه و شیرین!


فارسی "گوگولیت" اخی!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

اگه محمود خوشگله تو چرا حسودیت شده؟

انقدر هل نزن! واب کوروش جا انداختی، بپا شست پات تو چشت نره!

بدو که تو ایران انقلاب شده و منتظر تو هستن بری افتتاحش کنی‌



راست میگی‌ اخی، بیچاره کورش...


که رئیس جمهوری قلّابی تو محمود خوشگله و نوچه‌های  لبنانیش هم حالا هی‌ کورش کورش می‌کنن!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

بیچاره کوروش کبیر که این خانوم شده نما یندش.

Soosan Khanoom

بعدش زندانش کردند ، شما چه غلطی براشون کردی/ آن جوان بخت برگشته

Soosan Khanoom

daer sam jade,

and if they even reach power .... they probably will put that poor kid back into the jail !  Hopefully Iranian inside Iran are smarter than falling  for these craps.....

May they achieve what they deserve in Iran and that is the secular democracy 



kohan, kohan, kohan

by ComraidsConcubine on

 I'm all for recycling kohne things, but sometimes it's good to just turn them into something new. You know, like old tires into playground swings or something or maybe a nice kohne museum full of fossil?


مرده پرستان همیشه در صحنه

sam jade

این خانوم پیام شادی نوروزی میده یا از شوهرش ناراحته؟؟

این اولش میگه "شاهنشاه ما زنده باد ،،،،،،" یک خبری بدم شاهنشاه مرده ،،

فولادوند هم بی‌احتمال زیاد مردم را چاپید و رفت ،، با اریا کد آمریکا نشسته پشت
میز بی‌مردم هشدار هم میده برید کشته شید ، این خانوم از پشت این میز با این پیامش
چه کمکی میکنه نمیدونم ،،

بابا دست از تحریک مردم بردارید ، خودتون توی آمریکا راحت زندگی‌ می‌کنید بی‌آن
بد بخت‌ها دستور میدید که چی‌ یک سایت مجانی‌ هم گیر آوردند مثل ایرانیان دات کام ،
تبلیغ مفت میکنند ، از این خانوم بپرسید اصلا کی‌ هستی‌ ، چه غلطی تا بی‌حال برای
مردمت کردی ، آیا آنقدر تحصیلات و تجربه در هماهنگی تظاهرات سیاسی و تظاهرات
خیابانی داری که راهنما باشید؟

فقط یک مشت جملات تکراری و کلیشه یی دکلمه میکنی‌ که مردم برید کشته شید ، لطفا
وقتی‌ رفتید ایران از آنجا پیام بفرستید و این مردم بی‌رهبر را رهبری کنید ، وگر نه
کنار گود نشستید  میگید لنگش کن لنگش کن،، آن جوان بخت برگشته یی که گوش بی‌حرف شما
داد بعدش زندانش کردند ، شما چه غلطی براشون کردید ، با شعار شما که کسی‌ از زندان
آزاد نمیشه خجالت بکشید مرده پرستی تا کی‌...



Go Forward for GOD Sake

by ali_aaa on

what the heck is this?

do we want to bring back people from dead and live with them

Why we cannot go forward, experince something new?

Been there, done that. Drop it and move on lady 


Immortal Guard

What happened to Forood Fooladvand?

by Immortal Guard on

What happened to Forood Fooladvand?



by Simorgh5555 on

The Kingdom Assembley have not carried out any violence against the IR. There is no evidence to support this and anything that comes from the propaganda machine of the IR is not reliable to say the lease. There has been no international indictment against any member of the Kingdom Assembley, they are not wanted by INTERPOL, they are not wanted by the war crimes tribunal in the hague and they have not been banned as a group sponsoring or supporting terror by any country in the world except for the IR which is a terrorist regime and there is almost unanimous agreement on. I am afriad you have swallowed IR Propaganda hook, line and sinker (Press TV is not the greatest source of reliable news information). 

I challenege you to find one speach of Dr Fouladvand where he has encouraged or glorified terror against the Iranian people or even the regime itself. His videos appear on You Tube.  

Don't get me wrong any 'terrorism' act - as you call it - against the IR is entitely moral and legitamate.  I have - and call for - target assassinations of all ministers. MPs, President and so-called Spiritual Leader of the IR. If the Kingdom Assembley advocated this tactic (which they haven't) then I will have even more reason to support their cause. 


hamsade ghadimi

چه قیافهٔ عنق

hamsade ghadimi

چه قیافهٔ عنق منکسری: "جشن نوروزی را به ملت منقرض شده، سرافکنده، تسلیم، نیمه جان، نفس زنان، اندوهگین، مایوس، مات و مبهوت ایران تبریک میگوییم...."  فکر کنم خانوم یادش رفت قرص پروزاکش رو بخوره.


Very depressing but true.

by vildemose on

Very depressing but true.

shaayad keh

Very sad...

by shaayad keh on

What a negative and depressing Nowruz message both in content and in presentation. Very disappointing. 

Shaayad Keh

payam s


by payam s on

What an excellent analysis you made: "What made Dr. Fouladvand different from other monarchists is that the sovereign ruler of Iran must earn the right to rule. It must never be taken for granted."

Wow, What an accomplishment. This is what Thomas Hobbes proposed in the 17th century; rule by consent. Apparently many have not moved beyond that time.

Tondar is nothing but a terrorist group advocating nothing but assassinations and terror tactics (quite similar to IRI and their strategies). They claim the only way toward "freedom" is violence, which reflects their medieval political thought. They reject the green movement for its dedication to non-violence.


Iran Kingdom Assembly

by Simorgh5555 on

A special New Year message to families of Dr Fouladvand, Nazzen Schmit and Alexander Valizadeh who disappeared in 2007.

D Fouladvand and his colleagues were true patriotic Iranians and made the ultimate sacrifice for the love of their country.

What made Dr Foualdvand different from other monarchists is that the sovreign ruler of Iran must earn the rght to rule. It must never be taken for granted.

Please see the prposed constitution of the Kingdom Assembley:

Death to the barbaric Tazi invaders. Death to the Islamic Republic.  



by Simorgh5555 on

Sale no ra shad bash migam be tamame dustane Anjomane Padeshahi. 

Payande bad Iran.