
Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz

Arrested in connection with collapse of Icelandic banking giant

Jewish Chronicle -- The Iranian Jewish property entrepreneurs Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz were among nine people arrested March 9th in connection with the collapse of Icelandic banking giant Kaupthing. Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz were arrested early this morning and are being questioned by police in central London. Robert Tchenguiz was a director and key borrower of Kaupthing until it failed during Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008... The brothers grew up in Iran after their family was forced to flee Iraq after Israel was created. They are known for their philanthropy as donors to charities including the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem >>>




by ComraidsConcubine on

 Robert is a sweetie, always up to other kind of funny mischief. I'm sure it will all turn out quite, quite kosher.


Settle down people!

by shahabshahab on

These two have done much more than you and I will ever do. They were movers and sjakers and made many business transactions. The fact that they were unorthodox in some of their dealings will be dealt with in courts. You should simply acknowledge that these people who made a lot possible were from Iran, for better or for worse.

payam s

Good, they are nothin but parasites!

by payam s on

Iranian or not, they deserve it. Philanthropy my ass, the term only means the rich can divert attention from their thievery and parasitic existence toward some worthless, liberal, self-indulging charity that promotes their enterprises and provides financial gain. They are responsible for the suffering of many working class people. Hope they rot in jail. 


According to Wikipedia

by alaaf on

When their dad came to Iran to scape prosecution, he changed his surname to Genghis. What a grateful man lol.

It would be like me moving to Israel and changing my surname to Hitler.


Iranian of the day ey?

by alaaf on

These two are as Iranian as Benjamin Natanyahu.