Kasrai's "Scarlet Stone"

Performances in San Diego and Los Angeles based Siavash Kasrai's last work

Scarlet Stone is a new multidisciplinary and collaborative music/dance/animation work by Shahrokh Yadegari, in collaboration with Shahrokh Moshkin-Ghalam, featuring performances by Shahrokh Moshkin-Ghalam, Afshin Mofid, Ida Saki, Mariam Peretz, and Gordafarid. Scarlet Stone is based on the last work of Siavash Kasrai, Moher-ye Sorkh... Upcoming performances in San Diego (November 19) and Los Angeles (December 10, 11) >>> scarletstone.com

Scarlet Stone - Trailer from Shahrokh Yadegari on Vimeo.



Energy Efficient Performance!

by Faramarz on

ما که نفهمیدیم اینا دارن تو تاریکی چیکار میکنن!

حداقل یک لامپی، چراغ فیتیله ای، چیزی رو روشن کنین که ببینیم چه خبره.



by jmyt17 on

Like it thanks for sharing.

And good luck to all of you.

Hope to see more of your proformance.