Hamsar Joon

Dating service


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Buyer beware

by Tabarzin on

A distant acquintance was recently fleeced to the tune of nearly 30 grand by one of these sites.


What the heck?

by azadi5 on

This type of promo for getting married in order to become an immigrant is illegal in Canada. one call to the immigration services will put these people away.

on the other hand, anyone who lives outside of Iran and is remotely thinking about marrying someone from Iran (man or woman) should really really think hard. I know from experiences of close friends that no one in Iran marries someone outside of Iran just because they love that person. They just want to get out by any means necessary, and for the poor people who get suckered in to this phony love, you should wise up. just say no and turn away.




by jasonrobardas on

She probably has an engineering degree in "Dallalegi", mate finding .

Soosan Khanoom

Faramarz dear

by Soosan Khanoom on

I rather die alone than  find a match at " Hamsoor Joon " dot com .. .

I am still laughing ... the entire thing is funny ... the add .. the voice  .. the lady.  





Stop Laughing Soosan Khanoom!

by Faramarz on

Get your application in with your check and you never know, you may get lucky with a Hamsar Joon!

Soosan Khanoom

OMG .. this is so funny

by Soosan Khanoom on

 I can not stop laughing  ....




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