Parazit: Akbar Ganji

Interview with opposition activist and...


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iraj khan


by iraj khan on

Your comment saying:

"He is full of contradiction"

is correct. Ganji is full of contradictions, so is the reform movements, so is the Iranian society and the Iranian government.

Change happens by contradicting forces in action. That's why I find him interesting to watch.

It's interesting to observe the changes that he has gone through and the legitimacy that some one with his stature and background brings into the fore.


One Sabzollah interviewing another sabzollah

by SamSamIIII on


In short they all belong to what i call the invisible "bani abbasss Network" in the west. parazit , lobby groups, folks like dabashi, ganji, soroush, behnood, nabavi, kadivar...etc. The recruitment dept of major Farsi media such as VOA, BBC is taken over by elements of this network to only absorb pro-bani abbass elements such as Mr husseini character. Just look at the amout of respect & dignity he provides for omaru Ganji in comparison to his rare(if any) nationalist guests. They are all west residing omarus.



نوحه سرایی اکبر گنجی


Akbar Ganji now advocates secular democracy without Islam.

Good for him!

But when he is asked about Shia Islam, he goes through this long-winded description of his beliefs and how they are different from the Regime’s. As if it matters that the 12th Emam was hidding in the well or not!

If he is truly a reformed politician and believes in a secular democracy, he should just say, “my beliefs are between me and my god and I practice them in the privacy of my home and my mosque.”

These people are still Islamist to the core and are just singing a different tune today.

This Regime is as reformable as North Korea, Libya or Syria and the rest of them.

iraj khan

Excellent interview

by iraj khan on

with Ganji (starts at minute 14).

Interviewer lets him speak his mind without too many interruption and the result is a good informative show.

Ganji is talking about change in all aspects of the political landscape. He states we don't have one Islam, we have many Islams. Instead of having one Reformist movement we have many Reformist movements, etc. 

Ganji is talking of acknowledging one another and working together for change. He believes in a nonviolent approach towards achieving that goal.

He's always interesting to watch.


Vatanam, a few points

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

1) Ganji was a revolutionary guard.  A dirty start.

2) He is a blessing in the sense that he is the author of the Republican Manifesto for Iran. Republicans can have and keep him.

3) The West is unified in it's Opposition to a Constitutional Monarchy for Iran, which is both secular & democratic at its heart.  That is, anything that gives Iranians a competitive edge, greater unity, then the west does not want it.  See the rankings for 2010 and reflect on it.  //


Anonymous Observer

You're right "vatanam," a/k/a gol-dust, a/k/a Obama, etc,...

by Anonymous Observer on

Ganji IS a sell out.  He had much more credibility when he was a Pasdaar!  

It's the Jews man.  They must have done something to him.  I would look into it if I were you.  They must have implanted something in his head.  They have those things in Israel.  Definitely.  Look into it!! There's something there...something defnitely Jew related.  But you better act  fast.  Otherwise, they will come to get you too! 


Ganji has lost his legitimacy! Sold out! I don't trust him!


He is full of contradiction.

G. Rahmanian

Ganji & Change!

by G. Rahmanian on

He has revisited some of his old beliefs and altered his position to a an extent However, he still sticks to the bankrupt and outmoded notion that regime change is possible through peaceful means. Here's what I wrote recently after reading a piece by Dr. Jahanbegloo who seems to have finally realized peaceful methods have their limitations.Finally, An Intelligent Approach!by G. Rahmanian on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:18 PM PDT"Finally, An Intelligent Approach by Dr. Jahanbegloo! Yes, Doctor, it is not the people who seek violence. It is the regime in Tehran which has "blocked" all forms of peaceful dissent against its brutal rule. And this didn't start two years ago. It has been going on for more than three decades! The regime must be overthrown whatever it takes. Until very recently, the international community, except for a handful of countries, was mostly concerned with protecting its own interests turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the murderous savages ruling Iran against Iranian citizens. At the same time, IR's sponsorship of terrorism abroad seemed to go unnoticed by most countries for decades. The international community can help Iranians in bringing down the regime by boycotting its oil and gas!"

G. Rahmanian

Female Parliamentarian Speaking Of "Hejaab!"

by G. Rahmanian on

I have yet to see, in photos that is, one of these "women" who does not look like a black oil barrel: short, obese and worthless, especially when hit by sanctions.

maziar 58

Daring ?rahe door

by maziar 58 on

ganji can go back in Iran and say those things.

where does his pay checks comes from? to pay for his expenses in here?

I have to work 6 days a week almost 60 hrs and some times not in my home and away from my family just to be able to pay my dues here

forget about politic my bills and bill collectors only accept CASH.



لایق هر سر نباشد افسری


ای هموطن،ای دوست درد آشنا آیا بد از ۳۳ سال قتل، اعدام، تجاوز فکر می‌کنید این رژیم احتیاج به افشاگری توسط افرادی چون گنجی‌ها دارد؟با گفتن موضوع امام زمان او فقط قصد دارد در بین گروهی جا باز کند،اگر مایل به شناخت اصل و شیعه هستید هزاران منبع وجود دارد از جمله آقای مشیری، کسروی.این جور ادامها هرگز عوض نمیشوند.گرگ زاده گرگ شود حتا اگر با آدمی‌ بزرگ شود.




by Arj on

Damesh garm, regardless of what his previous beliefs may have been, it takes real guts to call on Emam Zaman and Emamzadeh business as superstition, knowing there could be a price on his head! We need more taboo breakers like this guy!


آقای صائب


من هدفم دفاع از کسی‌ نیست، و هیچوقت نمی‌خوام که رهبری جنبش مردمی ما گنجی که به کنار، بلکه دست میر حسین موسوی بیفته. ولی‌ شما فکر می‌کنید که مردم هیچ وقت عوض نمیشن؟ شما فکر نمیکنید که حمله به اشخاصی‌ مثل گنجی که با تمام جرم‌های قبلی‌، با افشا گری‌های خود ضربه‌های محکمی به این رژیم زدند، به سود دشمن ما جمهوری اسلامی هست؟



ما کی‌ درس عبرت میگیریم ؟


به هیچ عنوان و تحت هیچ شرایطی من به این دارو دسته اطمینان نمیکنم.این بابا خودش پیامش را گفت:امام گفته برای تحقق جمهوری اسلامی هر کاری باید کرد حتا شرب خمر.کسی‌ که تا چند وقت پیش جوانان و مردم بیگناه را سلاخی میکرده حتا در جای شنیدم که همین آقا در اوایل کار باعث آزار دختران به اصطلاح بد حجاب می‌شده حالا اصلا منکر دین و امام زمان خودش شده و و و و و و وو،هنوز هم میگویم این دایه‌های مهربان تر از مادر امسال گنجی و سازگارا ........عوامل نفوذی جمهوری اسلامی هستند و به هیچ عنوان نباید به آنها اعتماد کرد.جمهوری اسلامی از این‌ها کوچک تر‌ها را سلاخی کرده،حالا این آقایان به سادگی‌ از ایران خارج و تشکیل جبهه مخالف داده‌اند.کمی‌ باید فکر کرد.

Jahanshah Javid

All good

by Jahanshah Javid on

Good interview with Ganji. Good to know where he stood and stands today. Good to know he's for a secular democracy.