
Mohammad Davari: Prisoner of the day

Journalist, told Kahrizak story

JARAS: Mohammad Davari, former Editor-in-Chief of Saham News website, who is completing the third year of a five-year prison term, was searched in a humiliating and degrading way on Saturday, August 25, when he returned to prison from an short visit to the hospital.

According to Saham News, Evin Prison security forces asked Davari to remove all his clothes and become completely naked before he could re-enter the prison. Two security forces had accompanied Mohammad Davari to hospital in the morning, staying with him throughout his examination, and returning him to Evin Prison at noon. Mohammad Davari had not received any visitors during his short hospital trip.

Evin political prisoners have repeatedly objected to the degrading treatment of Evin prison guards through use of handcuffs, footcuffs, blindfolds, and strip searching.

Recently, Abolfazl Ghadyani, a 70-year-old political prisoner inside Evin's Ward 350, was handcuffed and transferred to prison by force. Such rough handling by prison authorities exposed Ghadyani to the risk of another heart attack, jeopardizing his life.

Throughout his three-year imprisonment, Mohammad Davari has been under immense pressure and limitations. He has not been allowed even one day of furlough in three years.

In 2009, in the aftermath of the disputed presidential election in Iran, Mohammad Davari exposed horrific abuse at the Kahrizak Detention Center, videotaping statements from detainees who said they had been raped, abused, and tortured. The center was closed in July 2009 amid public uproar, but by September of that year the coverage had landed Davari in Evin Prison. He is serving a five-year prison-term for "collusion against the regime." His mother wrote to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to say that her son had himself been tortured in custody. Despite severe physical and psychological pressure on Mohammad Davari to make confessions against Mehdi Karroubi on Iranian television, he never did. In a 2011 open letter from prison, Mohammad Davari wrote about his brutal torture at Evin.

Mohammad Davari is a disabled Iran-Iraq War veteran. Davari received the 2010 Committee to Protect Journalists' Press Freedom Award.


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First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Shame on those of us who have not been jailed in the US.......where cavity check upon admission is a routine........

Free Mohammad for all logical reasons.............Reform is the only viable remedy for our social/political ailment...............


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یار دَربَندم،  دلم همراه توست

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جور دِژخیمان تحمل می کنی

عدل و آزادی شعار نابِ توست

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سَربداری بَهرِ مردم کارِ توست

خویش ِ تو دلخسته و افسرده است

کشور اما شوکت و فخرش زتوست

میهنِ ما سرفراز از دانِشت

دشمنان نالان زِ بیداری توست

ای که در بندی،  فدای غیرتت

این وطن مدیونِ کوشش های توست

پهلوان ِ حال و فردای منی

مُلکِ ایران زنده از فریادِ توست

راه روشن شد ز جانبازی تو

پای هر آزاده ای در راهِ توست

فکرو پیکارت به ما جان داده است

ملک و ملت وامدار کارِ توست

می کنیم آخر وطن آزاد و شاد

شادی و آزادگی همنام توست

سیاسی محبوبترین مبارزان ایرانند.  بی
تردید همه ما آنها را دوست می داریم و محترم می شماریم و کارشان را اساسی و گرامی
می دانیم. ابرازسپاسمان، به شکلهای گوناگون، بر امید آنها، تعداد مبارزان و همگامی
همگانی خواهد افزود. درود بی پایان بر آنها و پاینده ایران


چرا ایرانیان از آخوندها متنفر شده اند؟


شیخ برو کُلِ نظامت ببر


گفت آخوندی که ما نان آوریم



Majority of Political Prisoners are opposed to sanctions and War

by Zendanian on

Shame on all who use this platform for daily advocacy of a policy that overwhelming majority of Iranian political prisoners are opposed to.

You know who you are.

Iran Paidar 1st

ننگ بر آنکه

Iran Paidar 1st

ننگ بر آنکه تنها ترسش نابودی و سرنگونی رژیم منحوس اسلامی است و با به میان کشاندن رفتار دولت‌های خارجی‌ تلاش برای منحرف کردن افکار از درد ایرانیان دارد. ننگ بر شما.


درود بر تمام زندانیان سیاسی


ننگ بر آنانیکه از این زندانیان شجاع برای هدف شخصی خود سؤ استفاده میکنند

Iranians of all walks of life taking a stand for their freedom and just rights.  They are to be commanded and supported by all freedom loving folks.


  Iranians need to stand united in their support for these brave souls, support their goals and aspiration for a  free independent and prospers Iran. 

 Foreign nations which thru their apartheid policy practice the same insanity and unjust detentions cannot be a good example for the future of Iran and need not to apply. 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Regime change for Mohammad's sake

by Fred on

Regime change by Iranian people with logistical help from the sane world is the only way to end this 34 year long national nightmare.

Messianic Islamist Rapists, “reformers” and all, have proven to be gross violators of human rights. During the Prime Ministership of Mousavi, their now poster boy for “reform”, crime against humanity was committed by the regime.

Backbreaking airtight sanctions plus air/naval quarantine is a must.