First crack

UK House of Commons' motion to rule out use of force against Iran


First crack

The first major crack in the western alliance against Iran has now surfaced in the UK's House of Commons by a rebellious Conservative back bencher who has for the first time in a western country proposed a motion against the hawkish western Iran policy. The anti-war groups activists and peace activists all around the world will see this as a promising sign to build a strong lobbying and media campaign to successfully oppose the war drive on Iran.

For the first time in many years, the UK Parliament has held a debate specifically on Iran. The Motion tabled by the Conservative MP, John Baron (Basildon and Billericay), secured a debate on 20/02/2012 on a Motion calling on the government to rule out the use of force against Iran, arguing for calm and vigorous diplomacy as the only sensible option.

John Baron intends “to divide the house to test the view and will of Parliament”. He states that “The catalyst for the latest round of condemnation against Iran has been the IAEA’s November report. But close reading reveals no ‘smoking gun’. There is no evidence of attempts to produce nuclear weapons, or of a decision to do so. Much is made of Western intelligence reports – but Iraq should have told us to be careful on this front.”

In his interview on BBC Radio 4’ s Today program on February 20th , Baron urged the west to recognize the Islamic Republic as a super power in the region and opt for a rapprochement with Iran in the style of Richard Nixon who visited China to end the long term US hostility against the country.

This development clearly reveals the gigantic hoax in the Western allegations of Iranian nuclear threat that the US and UK, while constantly prodded by Israel, have used in recent years to once again deceive the world nearly ten years after their fabricated and false dossiers paved the way for the criminal and Illegal invasion of Iraq.

In fact, many British and Western parliamentarians who voted for war on Iraq, claimed afterwards that they had been ‘misled’. The motion by John Baron reflects this sentiment and highlights the disarray in the British and western political establishment.

Not only do the majority of the International community as organised in the 118 nations of the non-aligned movement defend Iran's rights for a civilian nuclear programme and criticise the western pressures on Iran, but we now see that the supposed unity of the western alliance against Iran is actually fragile and can be cracked by further public pressure.

It is the responsibility of the antiwar organisations and peace activists to mobilise the public opinion on British Parliamentarians to abandon their aggressive stance on Iran.

Systematic and orchestrated lobbying of parliamentarians is therefore crucial to avert the gathering tide of sanctions, covert war and military attack on Iran. Parliamentarians and key decision makers must be publicly questioned by groups of activists and individuals in their constituencies and held accountable for their positions and their evidence on which they might support sanctions, interference or military strike on Iran.

The lobbying work should be backed up by a systematic campaign to challenge the western biased media which played a decisive role in manipulating public opinion and paving the path to the invasion of Iraq. Well-informed and sustained media work such as writing letters to editors and journalists to challenge lies and distortions, writing articles, and giving media interviews are crucial in mobilising public opinion against sanctions and war and towards negotiations without pre-conditions. CASMII’s Key Reasons Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, provides a regularly updated record of the issues of US-Iran stand-off.

In February 2003, in response to the huge and unprecedented anti-war demonstrations that engulfed the world days before Iraq was invaded, the NY Times, acknowledged the existence of “two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion”. Those demonstrations, including the two million strong demonstration in London did not stop the war, but created fractures and fears in the ranks of the decision makers. For history not to be repeated we must educate and win the public and mobilise it to win parliamentarians.

Local and national antiwar organisations are vital for building a strong lobbying and media campaign against the war drive on Iran. On 4th February 2012, Anti-war activists in many cities in the US demonstrated against sanctions, military attack, covert operations and domestic interference in Iran. CASMII for many years has been consistently campaigning against domestic interference and any type of sanctions as destructive to Iranian society and a prelude to war. The crushing sanctions on the Iranian economy and the massive military build-up in the Persian Gulf have prompted the main anti-war organisations in the UK and the US to now rally around the slogans of No Sanctions, No interference, No assassinations alongside the slogan of No War on Iran.

CASMII calls upon all concerned Iranian and non-Iranians to urgently join and build national campaigns in the UK (Stop the War Coalition), the US and other Western countries to mobilise public opinion against the sanctions and war drive on Iran by building a strong lobbying and media campaign. A peaceful resolution to the stand-off between the West and Iran would benefit all geopolitical parties involved and would avoid a doomsday scenario in which there will be no winners.

Contact CASMII for more information and if you wish to get involved.


Recently by CASMIICommentsDate
UK Resolution against War and Sanctions
Nov 02, 2010
Hidden motives
Jun 01, 2010
Non-Aligned Movement on Iran nuclear issue
Aug 22, 2008
more from CASMII

Netanyahu attacks Gen. Dempsey as agent of Iran!

by Disenchanted on

I repost this link here as it is very insightful as for the dynamics of US_Israel relation over Iran's issue behind the scene or rather out in the open!  //
..........................  Wait a minute, is this true? Now Bibi is telling highest ranking military officer in US army what to say and what to do?! This is getting even beyond absurd. He comes to US & lectures president of this country and now tells US military leaders what to say?! Isn't time for someone in US of A to show this clown that he is a marginally elected official of an occupied land of a puny 20 thousand square miles that needs to shut up and bow to the hands that feeds him! Someone needs to flush this guy like we do certain things few times a day! :-)

iraj khan


by iraj khan on

the report again:

"For the first time in many years, the UK Parliament has held a debate specifically on Iran. The Motion tabled by the Conservative MP, John Baron (Basildon and Billericay), secured a debate on 20/02/2012 on a Motion calling on the government to rule out the use of force against Iran, arguing for calm and vigorous diplomacy as the only sensible option"

What part of the above report is supporting Iranian regime?

Also, the sentence 'Aftab Amad dalil aftab' is a qoute from Shamlo, either in his poems or his speeches. 

So before getting too excited or emotional read the report and read my comments exposing those who shed crocodile tears for Iran and Iranians and pretend to be anti-war.

Siamak Asadian

Against Islamic Repubic, War & Sanction: RAHA Iranian Feminists

by Siamak Asadian on


Same old, Same old, Morally Bankrupt Despicable West

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

War is unnecessary agreed, yet the central issue is removing the unlawful criminal governement in Iran that does not even follow its own laws.  For the last 33 years what we see, is a desire for the west to support extremism for Iran and the region, the very same extremists they brought to power together.  The west, lead by the USA/UK/France/Israel are all Morally bankrupt for their policy of Loving Islamic extremists and setting this in stone as a pillar of their policy, for talking of war on people they are abusing, for protecting the IRI regime tooth and nail and for opposing the idea put out by Reza Pahlavi the Second to give majority of Iranians who are in opposition to the IRI a chance to take matters into their own hands.


How can one be "antiwar" & support the IRI?

by AMIR1973 on

Which already got Iran involved in one worthless war that it prolonged for years because it wanted to march into Karbala before it conquered Qods? The IRI is the number one danger to the Iranian people -- whether it be the tens of thousands it has executed or the hundreds of thousands (including some as young as 12 years old) that it sent off to run over mine fields.

Siamak Asadian

Before misquoting from Shamlo, recall that he always opposed IR,

by Siamak Asadian on

to his last day.

Ahmad Shamloo (RIP) was opposed to Khomeini and IR from day one. That's why IR thugs have been attacking and damaging his grave even after his death. Using a misquatation of his poem in defense of IR is really unprincipaled and opportunistics, to say the least.

The poem you're referring to is posted below. It has none of the words you are using. 


 با چشم‌ها
            ز حیرتِ این صبحِ نابجای
خشکیده بر دریچه‌ی خورشیدِ چارتاق
بر تارکِ سپیده‌ی این روزِ پابه‌زای،

دستانِ بسته‌ام را
آزاد کردم از
زنجیرهای خواب.


فریاد برکشیدم:
«ــ اینک
    چراغ معجزه
    تشخیصِ نیم‌شب را از فجر
    در چشم‌های کوردلی‌تان
    سویی به جای اگر
    مانده‌ست آن‌قدر،
      کیسه‌تان نرفته تماشا کنید خوب
    در آسمانِ شب
    پروازِ آفتاب را !
    با گوش‌های ناشنوایی‌تان
    این طُرفه بشنوید:
    در نیم‌پرده‌ی شب
    آوازِ آفتاب را!»


«ــ دیدیم
           (گفتند خلق، نیمی)
    پروازِ روشنش را. آری!»


نیمی به شادی از دل
فریاد برکشیدند:


«ــ با گوشِ جان شنیدیم
    آوازِ روشنش را!»


من با دهانِ حیرت گفتم:


«ــ ای یاوه
    مستید و منگ؟
                         یا به تظاهر
    تزویر می‌کنید؟
    از شب هنوز مانده دو دانگی.
    ور تایبید و پاک و مسلمان
                                       نماز را
    از چاوشان نیامده بانگی!»



هر گاوگَندچاله دهانی
آتشفشانِ روشنِ خشمی شد:


«ــ این گول بین که روشنیِ آفتاب را
    از ما دلیل می‌طلبد.»


توفانِ خنده‌ها...


«ــ خورشید را گذاشته،
    با اتکا به ساعتِ شماطه‌دارِ خویش
    بیچاره خلق را متقاعد کند
                                        که شب
    از نیمه نیز برنگذشته‌ست.»


توفانِ خنده‌ها...


درد در رگانم
حسرت در استخوانم
چیزی نظیرِ آتش در جانم


سرتاسرِ وجودِ مرا
چیزی به هم فشرد
تا قطره‌یی به تفتگیِ خورشید
جوشید از دو چشمم.
از تلخیِ تمامیِ دریاها
در اشکِ ناتوانیِ خود ساغری زدم.


آنان به آفتاب شیفته بودند
زیرا که آفتاب
تنهاترین حقیقتِشان بود
احساسِ واقعیتِشان بود.
با نور و گرمی‌اش
مفهومِ بی‌ریای رفاقت بود
با تابناکی‌اش
مفهومِ بی‌فریبِ صداقت بود.



(ای کاش می‌توانستند
از آفتاب یاد بگیرند
که بی‌دریغ باشند
در دردها و شادی‌هاشان
   با نانِ خشکِشان. ــ
و کاردهایشان را
جز از برایِ قسمت کردن
بیرون نیاورند.)



مفهومِ بی‌دریغِ عدالت بود و
آنان به عدل شیفته بودند و
      با آفتاب‌گونه‌یی
                        آنان را
         فریفته بودند!



ای کاش می‌توانستم
خونِ رگانِ خود را
تا باورم کنند.


ای کاش می‌توانستم
                         ــ یک لحظه می‌توانستم ای کاش ــ
بر شانه‌های خود بنشانم
این خلقِ بی‌شمار را،
گردِ حبابِ خاک بگردانم
تا با دو چشمِ خویش ببینند که خورشیدِشان کجاست
و باورم کنند.


ای کاش


Ahmad Shamloo- مرثیه های خاک - Ba chashmha -با چشمها 


iraj khan

آفتاب آمد، دلیل آفتاب (شاملو)

iraj khan

A war monger is a war monger is a war monger.

How can one claim to be anti-war on IC but push for no negotiation with Iran?

How can one claim to be anti-war but encourage assassination of Iranian scientists?

How can one pretend to be anti-war when he/she compares Iranian regime to Nazi Germany and Hitler?

This is what the 'Israeli Lobby & Shoraka' has been repeating over and over again.

Occupy AIPAC!


 It's astounding that

by vildemose on

 It's astounding that those who promote and support IRI's foreign policy try to paint themsleves as anti-war while inadvertently and reckleslly are the biggest warmonger on this site.

I can easily accuse those who are anti-west or pro-IRI SAVAMA or VEVAK agenst but I'm not not going to go there because it is just waste of precsious time.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Siamak Asadian

Western powers never wanted to overthrow IR,only to 'modify' its

by Siamak Asadian on


One more proof: US Army's Cheif of Staff's words in Israel:

Israeli PM Netanyahu attacks Gen. Dempsey as Servant of Iran

Likely officials of the far right wing Likud Party were especially angered by Dempsey’s assessment that the Iranian leadership is made up of “rational actors.”


iraj khan


by iraj khan on

Do Learn,

"This development clearly reveals the gigantic hoax in the Western allegations of Iranian nuclear threat that the US and UK, while constantly prodded by Israel, have used in recent years to once again deceive the world nearly ten years after their fabricated and false dossiers paved the way for the criminal and Illegal invasion of Iraq."

But AIPAC's mouthpieces on IC never give up pushing for a war on Iran.


 The Brits never

by vildemose on

 The Brits never learn:


Neville Chamberlain on Appeasement (1939)

Britain and France pursued a policy of appeasement in the hope that Hitler would not drag Europe into another world war. Appeasement expressed the widespread British desire to heal the wounds of World War I and to correct what many British officials regarded as the injustices of the Versailles Treaty. Some officials regarded a powerful Germany as a bulwark against the Soviet Union.

On September 27, 1938, when negotiations between Hitler and Chamberlain were strained, the British Prime Minister addressed the British people. Excerpts of this speech and another before the House of Commons are included here.

* * * * *


A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr



The cartoon is very telling....

by Bavafa on


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



More answers Fred

by Abarmard on

Here is more since you have plenty of time to read and post.



Thank you Siamak Asadian

by Abarmard on

Thank you Siamak Asadian. Good piece and great organization.

Fred  your question is only valid when Iran is threatening rather than responding to threats.

Remember "all options are on table" phrase? Remember Israel's "preemptive strike" episodes? Remember the questions of how to "attack" Iran and cost of military options? Remember "sanctions", which mean/leads [to] war? Remember AIPAC? Remember Israeli government support for Neo-cons since Obama is not too willing for war with Iran? Remember Mossad's killing of Iranian scientists? Remember Jundallah? Remember The Netanyahu government and its echo chamber in U.S. politics and media, the neoconservatives, members of Congress, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum?

-Note:  Israel has 200 atomic bombs and three ways to deliver them, while Iran has never built, tested, or weaponized a nuclear device. Who is the existential threat to whom here?

Some information source:


-War with Iran, how soon? in media news sources indicate the threat of war being imposed from one side to the other.


In a dog eat dog world, it

by Khebedin on

In a dog eat dog world, it is refershing to see such articles and those brave and indepandant enough to initiate such movements. I admire the author. These are the men and women Iran ( and the world) needs. Good health and good luck


Lol at CASMI

by masoudA on

Serving and saving the Islamic the cracks don't you?    Funny how the first savior for IR had to be the House of British Commoners!!!!!   

You go on and seek peace for IR - in due time we will all remember.....especialy those inside Iranian jails. 

Siamak Asadian

Islamic Republic & Western powers,both sides should be condemned

by Siamak Asadian on

Resolution against the economic sanctions and threat of war on Iran

 The International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI) strongly condemns militaristic policies of capitalism.

IASWI is a part of the anti-capitalist movement, of the working class global front and the 99% of the world’s population, for a real and enduring peace based on freedom, equality, social and economic justice and the abolition of exploitation.

IASWI strongly condemns the US and its allies' threat of military intervention and war against Iran. It also condemns the Islamic Republic of Iran's militaristic method of governance as a cause for intensifying the repression of workers and other toiling sectors in society struggling for their human rights.

Based on a position of working class independence and autonomy, IASWI considers the conflict between US, its allies and the ruling government in Iran capitalistic, repressive and anti- workers in nature. We resolutely oppose all militaristic, destructive, inhuman policies of the US and its allies and seek to continue gathering progressive and working class international support against the totality of the capitalist and anti-worker Islamic Republic of Iran.

IASWI is strongly opposed to the economic sanctions against Iran. These sanctions will result in further expansion of poverty, destitution and unemployment throughout the country. As a result of this policy, there has already been a drastic rise in the prices of goods, scarcity of basic food items and a rise in unemployment. The economic sanctions are primarily a further burden for the working class and poor in Iran, rather than the regime of Islamic Republic. 

 The economic sanctions and threats of war are nothing but inhuman instruments in the hands of world capitalism against the workers and poor in Iran. The Islamic Republic continues to use the threat of war and policy of economic sanctions as an excuse to further repress workers and disadvantaged people in Iran and intensify fear and intimidation throughout the country.

IASWI calls on all workers' and progressive movements throughout the world to raise the banner of class solidarity and: Condemn the threats of war and militarization and the economic sanctions pursued by the US and its allies against the people of Iran.  Support the class-based movement and struggles of workers and toilers in Iran to create their own independent organizations, and achieve freedom of expression, assembly, protest and strike.  To initiate and support international solidarity campaigns by:

- Condemning the threats of war and economic sanctions against Iran;

- Opposing the Islamic Republic's repression of workers and people's struggles in Iran; 

- Supporting workers and progressive movements of Iran. 

International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI)

February 14, 2012

iraj khan

A picture is worth a thousand words

by iraj khan on

and such is the political cartoon on this page portraying the worst racist regime in the world who tries to pose as victim.

Israel's Lobby in the United States (AIPAC) is going to have its gathering in Washington on March 2-6. The antiwar organizations and Occupy Movement have their own plan on those days for the criminal regime of Israel and her supporters:

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

CASMII lobby  & NIAC lobby ......  

The least Iranians abroad can do is to rally behind any anti-war voices that are out there.   

Thanks for posting this info... 



by Fred on

According to court documents and public records, CASMII lobby and its conjoined twin, the NIAC lobby, are tight with various high officials of the Islamist Rapist Republic (IRR).

If they are really for peace, doesn’t make sense for them to tell their friends to stop their warmongering a bit?