AFP: Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei on Sunday warned the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas against any "compromise" in its fight against Tehran's nemesis Israel, his official website reported. "Always be wary of infiltration by the compromisers in a resistance organisation, which will gradually weaken it," Khamenei told the visiting Hamas Gaza prime minister Ismail Haniya, according to the website. "We have no doubt about your resistance and that of many of your brothers, and the people only have this expectation of you," said Khamenei, reaffirming that Iran "will always be alongside the Palestinian resistance.">>>
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
گیلانی عزیز
مآمورMon Feb 13, 2012 08:59 AM PST
توهین ناسزا کار افراد ضعیف است. کلماتی بهتر وجود دارد که شما به عنوان یک فرد فرهیسته متوانی استفاده کنی. من از تفاسیر سیاسی شما لذت برده ام. مثل ان یکی که خود رژیم مسئول ترور انشمندان...................و از این قبیل.
I wear an Omega watch
عزیز تیز پرواز
مآمورSun Feb 12, 2012 10:42 PM PST
این سوال را من جوابش را قبلأ دادم. از عزیز گلیلانی که انشاله در خانه اش در آمریکا صحیح و سلامت باشد بپرسید.
I wear an Omega watch
ماشااله به این کفایت
مآمورSun Feb 12, 2012 10:13 PM PST
عزیزان اپوزیسیون اگر احتیاج به ترجمه متون از عربی به فارسی یا بالعکس دارید من خودم همه جور در خدمت هستم . مثلأ اگر خواستید از زبان خود مصریها بشنوید چطور دست خالی با وجود مخالفث اسرائیل موفق شدند رژیم را سرنگون کنند تا بتوانید درک کنید چرا شما که از هر اره-سره با یله و دله روی هم همان رفیق دغلتان اسراي ل کوره هم کمک گرفتید و باز راه به جای نبرديد من با کمال میل در خدمت شما عزیزان بی عرضه اپوزیسیون هستم.
I wear an Omega watch
Mammon ...
by Harpi-Eagle on Sun Feb 12, 2012 09:26 PM PSTCan you just elaborate on your avatar, what exactly is Esfandiar doing to Mahmood Chita in that picture? I didn't know these two had been educated in Madreseh Faizieh Qum! Ha ha.
Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland
same story
by maziar 58 on Sun Feb 12, 2012 07:03 PM PSTRemember when that maloon aarafat stopped by khomeini kissing his BROTHER!
and leaving with cash AND next sitting with saddam and shooting the first round of saroug toward Iran.
Hammas will do the same in the event If Israel try to launch an attack on Iran.
ايها المجنون الاهوازي
مآمورSun Feb 12, 2012 06:55 PM PST
اذا كنت تدعي بانك تتكلم العربية فاني انصحك للمرة الثانية ان تتعلمها جيدا فكل ما تكتبة بالعربية لا يمت للعربية بصلة اني اعتقد و الله اعلم بانك من عرب الاهواز فان عربيتهم ركيكة جدا و مختلطة بكثير من الفارسية كما جاء في ما كتبته سابقا للمرة الثالثة انصحك بتعلم قواعد اللغة بدلا من مهاتراتك السياسية االغبية على كل لا يهم ما يكتبة الحمقى من امثالك لانك جاهل بكل معنى الكلمة
I wear an Omega watch
Damet garm divaneh jaan,
by Arthimis on Sun Feb 12, 2012 06:47 PM PSTDamet garm divaneh jaan, kheili baa mazeh bod in Arabit ... :D
Jenab (Masalan)Mamoor, Thank you for your suggestion, I'll take it in a positive way, even though I have a feeling that I'm much older and experienced in life than you... LOL :-)
Anyway, as much as I dislike Arabic , Chinese and even Russian to some extend, I will make it a personal mission to learn them all on at least "Pimsleur" level! These are the languages of my enemies who attacked/ing my beloved Iran...
ديوانه جان
G. RahmanianSun Feb 12, 2012 04:50 PM PST
با فصاحت و بلاغت نوشتي. كيف كردم. منظور اينكه از خنده روده بر شدم!
The Pretext Of Palestine. IR Wants War!
by G. Rahmanian on Sun Feb 12, 2012 04:33 PM PSTIn the past 33 years, while the Islamist terrorists in Tehran have talked about exporting their revolution, the majority of Iranians have suffered and sacrificed a lot.
If the ruling Mullahs and the goons who go along with them want war with the rest of the world, they should have it. But no at the expense of the people of Iran.
Like Islam's legendary saints, they too can wage wars. They and their families can go to wherever they like and fight against whatever enemies they have. They should simply leave poor Iranians alone.
الارتمیس الایرانی
divanehSun Feb 12, 2012 04:18 PM PST
لا زحمات الشدیده فی مامور الکذاب الاسلامی. هذا مامور المعذور الملعون انجام الوظائف و الحصول الفلوس فی الچرندیات و الکرسی شعر الکبیرا. قل موضوع العنوان المقاله. الرئیس القیطاس الفلسطینی هجرت فی تهران و الملاقات الامام الخامنه ای العبنه ای والبوس و الدستمالی فی جوف الشلوار و الحصول الفلوس العالی. قصة الخامنه ای و القیطاس الفلسطینی هو قصة العاشق والمعشوق بالوازلین العظیما.
تست جنسیت
مآمورSun Feb 12, 2012 03:55 PM PST
میگم گیلانی جان پارسال پندار نیک بودم
امسال تصمیم گرفتی زن باشم؟
البته همه خانمها هم خواهر ما هستند من و خواهرم نداریم
I wear an Omega watch
thanx god, u r ok
by مآمور on Sun Feb 12, 2012 03:29 PM PSTمن نگران حال شما شدم چون این کلماتی عربی که شما به عنوان جمله کنار هم گذاشتید اصلأ مفهوم ندارند. خوب شد توضیح دادید و من را از نگرانی در آوردید. در مورد اصل و نسب خود همین میگویم که جد در جد و پسر بعد از پدر فقط چای لاهیچان نوشیده و برنج دیلم طبخ کرده.
به آن عزیزی هم که از عربی نوشتن من شاکی هست این ضرب امثل انگلیسی را یادآوری میکنم
education talks, ignorance walks
arabs' money talks(in BBC,CNN, London Newyork.....)
old Pahlavi BS commits suicides.......
I wear an Omega watch
So much for helping their friends!
by G. Rahmanian on Sun Feb 12, 2012 04:56 PM PSTBetween 1980 and 1988, as a result of an IR provoked and prolonged war with Iraq, one million Iranians died. The war also caused US$500 billion in material damages.
But the Islamist terrorists ruling Iran were neither able to liberate Jerusalem nor could they export their revolution.
IR terrorists stood by and did nothing as Israeli forces razed Lebanon's infrastructure to the ground, bombed suspected nuclear facility in Syria and bombed and invaded Gaza.
In the meantime, IR's "foreign-policy advisors" of all colors and shades and its cyber army foot soldiers are busy talking about how to make Israel return to its pre-'67 borders.
by vildemose on Sun Feb 12, 2012 01:15 PM PST...
Arthimis, please leave her alone, let her speak...
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:53 PM PSTIn the language of her fathers. You see, I paid khaemeni and hamas guy some compliments in a language that one of their west residing mozdoor bi-vatan, would underestand, and it was a bulls eye, as usual, judging by the angry retort :)
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Hey Mamoor!!! We are
by Arthimis on Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:25 PM PSTHey Mamoor!!!
We are Iranian and don't care for neither "Arabic" nor "Hebrew" here on IC or in Iran as whole. Our Official language and wish to communicate among ourselves is Persian language only! To communicate with outside world, we prefer English or other more pretty languages, OK! Don't waste our time here... Ciao & Khalaas ...
PS. As my beloved uncle(RIP) use to say in Iran : "Our only crime as Iranians is to be born in this part of the world and next to you know whom..." LEAVE US THE F... ALONE! WE ARE IRANIANS AND DON'T WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN YOUR NATIONAL, RELIGIOUS AND EXISTENTIAL PROBLEMS...
من يحب الشاي الكيلاني أكثر العرب أم الاسرائليين ؟
مآمورSun Feb 12, 2012 11:57 AM PST
في هذه السنوات الاخيرة كان هناك الحاح شديد من الاسرائيليين على الخونة من الايرانيين بتعلم اللغة العربية و كما هو واضح انهم لم يتعلموها و لن يتعلموها ابدا . عزيز دل كيلاني اطلب منك ان تحاول الاتصال بوزارة الامور الخارجية الاسرائيلية لتصحيح اللغة العربية عندك فان معلمك هناك لم يعطك دروسا صحيحة او انك تلميذ بليد و لم تتعلمها جيدا فشتان ما بين العربية و العبرية
I wear an Omega watch
iamfine indeed ... Yes we
by Arthimis on Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:32 AM PSTiamfine indeed ...
Yes we Iranians had a lot of "intellectuals" in Iran who followed, supported, invited and brought a "Psychiatric patient" (you know who...) to Iran in 1979!!! And now their "Great number of well educated" children who "very well know about how to deal with west as well as Israel" are actually direct servants of their Russian & Chinese Masters who are also directly responsible for supporting , arming dictatorships like Syria & I.R. and in our own Iranian case, against the interest and well being of almost 73 million peaceful, unarmed & freedom loving Iranian people (on every level...) who simply ask for their GOD given human rights and 70-75% of young Iranians under 30-35 years of age who want to live freely and count the days to join the international community with the respect and dignity that every human being deserves... These (70-75%) are far more "EDUCATED" (and also in numbers!) on every level than the ones you mentioned now running our beloved country , Iran!!!
Free Iran.
I am sure
by iamfine on Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:30 AM PSTI am sure IRI is smart enough to know what they are doing with regard to Hamas. They must expecting something in return from who ever they are giving their $. In reality, Mullahs are not running the foreign policy of Iran rather, the intellectuals that have good understanding of what is happening around the world. We have great number of well educated Iranians that very well know about how to deal with west as well as Israel.
چقدر باهوشن
ArthimisSun Feb 12, 2012 10:05 AM PST
چقدر باهوشن این گرامیان!!! موش بخوره دشون... چند وقتی بود بعد از محاصره اقتصادی حقوق شون در حساب بانک ارسال نشده بود... حالا آشکارا آمدن به ولی وقیح لب بدن و چمدوناشون پر از ($$ کش...) کنن برن دنبال لات بازی شون تو سوریه... نمیدونیم خنده داره یا گریه ...
Sunnis killed Emam Hossein (ass)
by عموجان on Sun Feb 12, 2012 09:13 AM PSTAnd now they are coming to get pay for it.
خونة من العالم، وتوحد، لديك كل هذه الأموال المسروقة إلى النفط يخ
Roozbeh_GilaniSun Feb 12, 2012 08:20 AM PST
اثنين من الخونة والدة سخيف. اتطلع الى رؤية لهم على حد سواء الحق في شنق امام السفارة الصينية في طهران، مع فمه قذر مليء اموال النفط المسروقة من الشعب الإيراني
This also proves that IRR "meekhareh" for an Israeli attack!
by Oon Yaroo on Sun Feb 12, 2012 07:51 AM PSTSyria is engulfed in the battle between pro-IRR and pro-Saudi rebels and will soon fall in neither's hands! That's Syria will be free country soon.
That has made Khayemenei so desperate to resort to the last stick to grab on and that happens to be Hammas's stick!?
He is blatantly and openly inviting Israel to attack IRR hoping it will survive an extra day.
Israel is smarter than that. They will not attack IRR and spend so much money and blood when they know the septic tank (i.e., IRR) is full to the brim and it is just a matter of time for the Rhbar to take the last mouth full of stuff....!
If this is not proxy war
by vildemose on Sun Feb 12, 2012 07:25 AM PSTIf this is not proxy war against Israel I don't know what is??
Hala nemishod in neshast mahramaneh basheh?? Ajab khengayee hastand. Oonvaght intezar daran hichkas behshoon nageh balaye cheshmeshoon abroo hast...divangegi ta in had?????
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
by پندارنیک on Sun Feb 12, 2012 07:20 AM PSTIs it any surprise that Israel might retaliate by working with the likes of MKO (if true)?
It is true............and it isn't surprising at all. Neither by the Israeli side of the equation, nor from what was expected from the cultist nature of the Rajavists...........One thing has to be remembered though...........Hamas can claim to be, at least once, representing the democratic will of the Palestinian people...............Hamas is not a terrorist group, it's a political movement........
Wait a minute!
by Reality-Bites on Sun Feb 12, 2012 06:59 AM PSTDid I read this correctly:
"AFP: Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei on Sunday warned the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas against any "compromise" in its fight against Tehran's nemesis Israel, his official website reported...."
So Khamenei is openly "telling" Hamas how it should and should not deal with Israel? So has the "Rahbar" taken it upon himself to determine Palestinian policy?
Why on earth is he sticking his nose in something that has nothing to do with Iran and when, as it is, Iran faces numerous problems of its own, thanks to the "Rahbar's" and his followers' policies and actions?
Is it any surprise that Israel might retaliate by working with the likes of MKO (if true)?
These two terrorists are planning some evil activities against..
by Oon Yaroo on Sun Feb 12, 2012 06:52 AM PSTIsrael!? If I were Israel I would take preemptive actions against both immediately.
Maybe strikes against the IRR centers of murder should take place sooner than later!
Bending over for Cold Cash
by Faramarz on Sun Feb 12, 2012 06:31 AM PSTLast week Hamas agreed to become a part of the unity government with Mahmoud Abbas and pursue only peaceful resistance. This week he is in Iran, "Bending for Dollars!"
Terrorist and Terrorist
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Feb 12, 2012 06:05 AM PSTAh!!!!!!!!!!!
A match made in hell. Kahmenei is going to extend him Persian hospitality good and the expense of the Iranian people's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
اهلاً و سهلاً، یا اخی
پندارنیکSun Feb 12, 2012 05:44 AM PST
Now it's absolutely upon the shoulders, the ever-weakening shoulders of the Jewish state to play its trump hand by returning to her internationally recognized borders of pre-67, and sign the NPT.................