Man Scared of Giving Blood

Makes a scene because of all the "pain"


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maziar 58


by maziar 58 on



INSTEAD OF yawash and ya abolfazl.




by yolanda on

I watched the video twice. I am not sure he was really in pain or he acted like he was in pain.......his face was really calm (no grimaces) while his lower body seemed to be in pain.......the videographer was giggling in the background.....usually you don't dare to laugh when a person is suffering and truly in pain!

If he was acting, he deserves an Oscar!

Jeesh Daram

فشار سیخ

Jeesh Daram

اگر خوب دقت کنید یکنفر زیر تخت است و دارد با یک سیخ کباب به ما تحت او فشار میاورد. آن دست و پا زدن و ناله کردن ها مال فشار سیخ است و ارتباطی به مسایل دیگر ندارد. یکبار دیگر نگاه کنید.  خدا نصیب گرگ بیابون نکنه 

Ari Siletz

Thanks darius

by Ari Siletz on



You are correct

by darius on

Ari, your  analysis is correct .


Ari Siletz

Thanks spatima

by Ari Siletz on

Don't see medical gloves on your palm. 



by spatima on




In hope of a Free, Democratic, Independent and Secular Iran

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Since you seem to be in the medical field, you may be able to settle the IV question. Does the IV attached the back of the patient's left hand suggest he is being treated for an illnes for which the blood is being drawn for lab tests? Is that a port centered on his belly (like this one for diabetics) or just a bandaid on a wound that happened to fall exactly on the centerline of his body? Also, would you address the issue of patient privacy? At your place of work, do they allow videotaping of the patient during a procedure--for non-medical reasons?


Its obvious he is suffering from needle phobia

by spatima on

The man is suffering from needle phobia

i have had cases like this at work.

its not funny.



In hope of a Free, Democratic, Independent and Secular Iran

Anahid Hojjati

Maybe they take too much blood and he knows it too

by Anahid Hojjati on

IV is attached to him so he would not faint because of losing too much blood.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

خدا نکند که آدمی‌ به دامِ این اطّباء و این حکیمان گرفتار شود... پناه بر خدا و هر دو جهان شاهدم  ! تنها دل‌ِ خوشی این است که سرکارِپرستار خانم زیبا باشد و تو دل‌ بُرو...اندک خلوتی با ایشان و شاید بدین نحو سرِ طاعَت به درد آوری از دستِ این سالم کُشان راحت.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

هرچه هست، خدا بد ندهد.


Nemidounam :)

by Souri on

that, I can't answer.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Let's hope you're right. Why is there an IV attached to the patient's other hand? 

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

خیر،در دستِ چپِ ایشان به خوبی‌ دیده میشود که سرم به وی زده اند... هر چه هست قضیه جدی است،از ایشان خون میگیرند احتمالا برایِ مسمومیت و یا مشکلِ جدی دیگری که پزشک نیاز به دانستنِ اطلاعاتِ وسیعی در رابطه با مریض دارد و این اطلاعات تنها از آزمایشِ خون میتوان آگاه شد.



by Souri on

The lady who puts her hand over his mouth, must be his wife or someone close. She is definitvely not a nurse ( no unifrom)

I belive this is really a simple blood taking and they guy is just scared. The guy who is filming this, is laughing all the time. I assume he too, is a member of the family. Nothing really dramatic about this video.

Ari Siletz

From an informed source

by Ari Siletz on

Reply from someone in the medical field to an email asking about this video:

"...They are taking blood presumably
for a lab test.  The IV line appears to be attached to what looks like
an intraperitoneal
[into the body cavity] catheter port (I could be wrong about this, perhaps
its just a bandage, it's hard to see what's what).   Intraperitoneal
catheters are used to infuse chemotherapy drugs for cancers that have
spread throughout the abdomen, and they are used for dialysis, such as
in kidney failure...

Also you don't put your hand over the mouth of a patient
who is just being scared of giving blood--you remove the needle and let
him go.  The doctor or nurse who does this is trying to keep him from
getting too agitated, I would assume because the blood draw is too vital
to forego.


RedWine: your compassion is appreciated.


ریلاکس باباجون


اومدی خون بدی نه اینکه %ون بدی! 

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

کاملاً مشخّص است که این هم میهن در سرایِ کمکهایِ اَولیّهٔ یک شَفاخانه به سَر میبرد،نمی‌ دانم چرا اطرافیان به ایشان می‌خندند،انگاری یادشان رفته آن سالی‌ که طهران را طاعون برداشته بود و مردها صّفْ در صّفْ در کویْ و خیابان غَش میکردند و بیچاره شیر و خورشیدی‌ها !