
Mohammad Soleimani Nia: Prisoner of the day

"Funny in Farsi" translator

Firoozeh Dumas (HuffingtonPost):Two weeks ago, my translator in Iran, Mohammad Soleimani Nia, was arrested without any reason. For every one of you reading this article, his name means nothing but let me tell you something about my friend, Mohammad.

Iran does not adhere to International Copyright Laws. This means that any book can be translated and published in Iran without the author's knowledge or permission. This has happened to me and let me assure you, it's theft. Plain and simple.

After the publication of my first book Funny in Farsi

, Mohammad Soleimani Nia contacted me asking for my permission to translate my book. He also offered to send me each chapter after it was translated so I could add my own edits. He made it clear that he wanted his translation to be an honorable one. He made every single edit that I suggested.

It is not easy to translate humor but Mohammad was brilliant. Where my American humor did not translate, he found the equivalent in Persian. Thanks to him, I appeared funny in more than one language.

His translation of Funny in Farsi became an enormous bestseller in Iran. If a book sells 2000 copies in Iran, it has done well. The translation of Funny in Farsi (called Atre Sombol, Atre Koj) went on to sell over 100,000 copies before it was banned for further censorship about a year ago >>>

[Thanks to Ghormeh Sabzi for forwarding this link.]24-Jan-2012

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What one can say?

by عموجان on

except I hate Islam. 

Imam Hossian(ass) is wacthing over him.(that is my islamic prayer)

My thoughs with him and his family.(my heart prayer)    


Doorood bar tamame Iranian e mobarez...

by Bavafa on

Every prison for conscience in IRI prison ought to mean lots to every Iranian regardless of the name.  They are oru brave souls who have stood up against tyranny and they need our support and pressure on IRI for their immediate and unconditional freedom.

  I salute them all for their bravery and conscience.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Maryam Hojjat

Esfan A, I feel the same

by Maryam Hojjat on

You said my words of disgust of IRR.


Defend and Support Mohammad Soleimani Nia

by Zendanian on

Sample Protest letter:

Please take a moment to send this protest letter or use your own version:

Free Mohammad Soleimani Nia!

I (we) am (are) writing this to condemn arrest and incarceration of Mr. Mohammad Soleimani Nia. The sentence brought upon Mr. Mohammad Soleimani Nia must be immediately revoked.

In particular, this letter is written to express my (our) serious concern about the health and well being of Ms. Mohammad Soleimani Nia who has been imprisoned for almost two weeks now.

I (we) condemn the continuous gross attacks on human rights in Iran. I (we) demand the immediate and unconditional freedom of Mr. Mohammad Soleimani Nia and all other political prisoners, and call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to respect the right of all Iranian people; to organize, assemble and freedom of association and expression.




Send Copy of your Protest Letters to:,,;;,,,;;

Esfand Aashena

Shame upon shame upon shame upon shame on Islamic Republic

by Esfand Aashena on

Just when you think they can't get any lower and more shameful they do another shameful act that takes them up one notch.

Arrest a translator because he has translated a book?  Censor a well received translation?  There is nothing in Funny in Farsi that people don't know already.

May they go to the dust bin of history as soon as possible.  Death to Dictator!  

Everything is sacred