
Negar Monazami: Prisoner of the day

Arrested on International Women's Day

hra-news: Basij forces arrested Negar Monazami, 29, on 8 March 2011, during street protests commemorating the International Women's Day. She was first transferred to Security Police and later taken to Evin Prison. She was released on bail 28 days later.

Branch 28 of Tehran Revolutionary Court, with Judge Moghisseh presiding, sentenced Negar Monazami to 14 months in prison and 75 lashes.

Monazami was arrested again on 13 June 2011 in order to start serving her prison term. Several days after her arrest, her family learned that she was inside Intelligence Ministry's Ward 209 at Evin Prison. Monazami received her flogging sentence immediately after her June arrest. According to a 10 October 2011 report, for unknown reasons, Monazami remained inside Ward 209 four months after her arrest, and the authorities refused to provide her family with any information about her situation or allow her to visit with them.

Monazami was reportedly born in prison in 1983, as her parents were both political prisoners at the time of her birth.Her father, Saeed Monazami, a Constitutionalist, was executed in 1988 during the mass executions of political prisoners in Iranian prisons.


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Absolutely heartbreaking

by Simorgh5555 on

The evil that is the Islamic Republic must be destroyed. Only violence and spilling the blood of the Basij will open the door to freedom for Negar and the tbousands of other Iranian political prisoners. All who have harmed this young woman should pay with their life.


Esfand Aashena

Born in a prison, a political prison. What a shame.

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


Doorood bar tamame Iranian e mobarez...

by Bavafa on

Iranian women, also known as Iranian Sheer-Zan have proven to hold a firm place in this fight against tryranny.

 I salute all of those who are putting their dignity and their human rights ahead of walking free but bound by a chain that they cannot speak freely.They need our full support for their immediate and unconditional freedom.

My hats off to them all.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Ghormeh sabzi for posting about Negar

by Anahid Hojjati on

It is up to us not to forget the prisoners amid the terror attacks. These prisoners are the ones who have been fighting for cause of democracy in Iran. If there is uncertainty about who is behind terror attacks, there is no doubt about these prisoners and that they need our support. How sad that Negar was born in prison and almost three decades later, no progress has been made in the sense that IRI still tortures and kills its political opponents, and then they talk about terror. Putting political activists and artists in prison is a form of terror too, and what is execution of political activists? it is terror but some people selectively use the term terrorist to only apply to instances when someone from IRI gets killed.


Human rights?

by Cost-of-Progress on

This regime crossed the boundaries of human decency a long time ago.





"Basij forces arrested Negar Monazami, 29"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on


"Monazami was reportedly born in prison in 1983, as her parents were both political prisoners at the time of her birth.Her father, Saeed Monazami, a Constitutionalist, was executed in 1988 during the mass executions of political prisoners in Iranian prisons."

Well. I for one would not shed any tears when those Bassij Scums arresting this brave young lady, and killing her father are blown to hell on their way to "work", in  their chauffeur driven cars....


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."