Next Time You See an Iranian...

Rep. Mark Foley speaking on Bill Maher's show


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by yolanda on

Hi!  rtayebi1 and RG,

    If Mark Foley's pedophilia is cured, no Iranians are going to vote for him. He is ignorant & arrogant!

G. Rahmanian

Dear Yolanda:

by G. Rahmanian on

Please listen to Bill Maher carefully. He is ridiculing politicians who use anything to get votes. It's simple English.

Bill Maher uses "red neck" which is also a derogatory tem, as well. 



by rtayebi1 on

u r just great. thank you fir caring so much

G. Rahmanian

These Guys Were Being Funny!

by G. Rahmanian on

These guys were being funny. That's all. As if Iranians love each other.

There are Iranians living in North America or Europe who cannot bear the sight of other Iranians, Arabs, Pakistanis, Afghans, etc.

And there's a regime in Tehran which hates Iran and Iranians.

A regime that has killed tens of thousands of Iranians.

A regime that hates Sunnies, Jews, Christians, Baha'is and Zoroastrians.

A regime that hates the poor while stashing away billions of US dollars in foreign banks.

A regime that has been a great source of embarrassment for Iranians.

A regime that has forced millions of Iranians into exile.

So, while criticizing a former American politician, Iranians need to focus on the politicians back home who are the real causes of their problems.

BTW, Bill Maher is mocking US politicians who resort to anything to get votes.

P.S. Mark Foley says: "Last time ... ."
By which he means there are no Iranians in Florida. He was trying to be funny.

Being gay, he was poking fun of Ahmanejad who claimed there were no gays in Iran.


I dont line in Florida or

by alx1711 on

I dont line in Florida or the US. But seriously they sound like bunch of illiterate red necks. This is what i hate about media whether in US or Australia. They have bunch of clueless people with verbal diarrhoea all with the aim of selling their TV ads.



by yolanda on

A funny post from you-tube for this video:

"He is so wrong! There are many Iranians in Florida and they don't deal with the Immigration. They are u.s. Citizens. They are the Professors, Doctors and the Engineers.Foley was too busy sending sex messages to young boys to notice these things. Bill is a pseudo intellectual too. He is good entertainer. A clown! No offense to real clowns!"



by jmyt17 on

What a show, make a fan of Iranian in US.Hope bone day they show their respect to Iranian in Their land.Another stupid politician


Here, Here

by masoudA on

There are Iranians in Florida - and on average they are doing very well in comparison to Iranians in other states.   Unfortunately, Like Eyranians everywhere else we have failed to form unified political organizations and our definition of social activity is limited to concerts.....!!!  We do travel up and down I-95 every day, and our lifestyles does not rhym too well with pedeophiles like Foley......


Looks like There are many Iranians in florida

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on


Maher talks to Mark Foley?!!!

by Disenchanted on


       What happened to Maher?! How old is the video?!

       Mark Foley was chasing congressional pages (interns) for sexual favors. Watch the video!

       Floridians shoud be worried about likes of him not Iranians going down I-95!


map of iranian-american distribution

by Fesenjoon2 on


Florida has some, but not too many though. 

Tiger Lily

That was funny though!

by Tiger Lily on

Everyone hating Iranians, who apparently aren't even there. LOL



by yolanda on

Is Mark Foley a phedophile? I recall he resigned from congress and he claimed he was molested when he was young.

Here is a Persian restaurant in Florida, there must be Iranians there:


They have Belly dance and poetry night:


iraj khan

And who is Mark Foley?

by iraj khan on

A low life ex-Republican U.S. congressman who was forced out of congress for having sex with teenage boys who were working as 'interns' for him and others in congress.

This gay guy was advocating for some of the harshest anti-gay legislations when he was in congress.


Also, there are many Iranians who do live in Florida and are U.S. citizens, residents or students. All one has to do is perform a simple search, but obviously these two morons didn't not know it.



by Mahvash Shahegh on


If/when you come, you are not coming from I-95:) Don't worry!!