Nuclear scientist killed in Tehran

U.S. denies involvement, condemns killing

BBC: The US has condemned the killing of an Iranian nuclear scientist in a car bomb attack in north Tehran. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said the US "had absolutely nothing to do" with the attack. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, who worked at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility, died along with the driver of the car. "The United States had absolutely nothing to do with this. We strongly condemn all acts of violence, including acts of violence like this," said Mr Vietor >>>

Hillary Clinton reaction:

Scene of the killing:


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Tiger Lily

better than war, they say. link to proper analysis

by Tiger Lily on

"It is true, as both Julian Borger and Saeed Kamali Dehghan
pointed out, that whoever is doing this risks profound consequences for
the region. What many people fail to recognise, though, is that a
covert campaign, while rife with physical, diplomatic and legal risks,
is the lesser of many evils."


"Many commentators argue that supporters of a covert campaign see it
as an alternative to war. They warn that covert action will ruin chances
of dialogue with Tehran while encouraging Iran to use its own covert
operations. What this fails to recognise is that Iran has long been the
master of covert operations.

Through the Revolutionary Guards
(IRGC), Iran has been responsible for increasing the efficacy of
insurgent improvised bombs in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It has helped
to prop up Bashar al-Assad's murderous regime in Syria and has a track
record of attempting to assassinate or imprison its enemies – both at
home and abroad.

Instead of damaging the chances of dialogue,
covert action might actually do the opposite. All those who have been
involved in negotiating with Iran understand the difficulties involved.
Iran's leaders continue to see the Islamic Republic through its long and
rich history as a regional and world power rather than through its
modern reality as an isolated pariah state with a weak economy that
oppresses its brave citizens while rigging "democratic" elections."




P.S. Have a look at the comments too.


G. Rahmanian

Scientific Method? You Mean Your Islamist Type?

by G. Rahmanian on

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the "scientific methods" of 1400 years ago. The "scientific methods" that you guys were able to learn and apply! I only base what I write on what I saw in 2009 when tens of millions of Iranians took to the streets declaring their hatred for the regime and its lackeys.

Oh, and I also spent several years before and after '79 in Iran and saw how the revolution failed to achieve its primary objectives. I mean how the revolution was "hijacked!"

Isn't that the term you are using, yourself? And can you seriously claim you actually know what that means? I didn't think so! I explain it to you. It means, the Islamist regime of the mullahs was not legitimate from day one. If it were legitimate and wanted by Iranians, you wouldn't need to use that term, would you?

And the term "regime" applies to the whole state apparatus including all those who support, defend or promote its ideology and rule, one way or another.

Or is the usage of such terms part of your lies(read Taghieh or demagoguery)? The Taghieh or demagoguery you employ so those who listen to or read your contradictory analyses would actually believe you are on the side of Iranians and not on the side of the criminal Islamists in power in Iran.

As I have said to you and your ilk before, if you wanted any good for Iran and Iranians, you would not allow your ideology ad self-interest to get in the way of your analysis. But you can't help it, can you?


Abamard on love of IRI by USA.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

A Status of forces agreement is what the USA wanted to be able to stay in Iraq free of prosecution & they could have gotten it too,
but they pretended that because they didn't get it, they had to leave
Iraq.  The reality was that they want Iran and Iraq to be close
together, their #1 goal is to strengthen the mullahs rule on Iranians. 
The longer the USA stayed in Iraq the less closer and secure the IRI
would be, now the IRI can work with maliki closely and strengthen
themselves.  So the real reason the USA left Iraq, was in order to
strengthen IRI, using the SOF agreement as an excuse.

My Question to you is How long can the USA continue playing this 33 year bluff, while having Iranians
and their own people/Americans totally deceived, regarding their desire for and backing of the IRI, amazing no?  They pretend manipulatively
that they are opposed to the IRI, yet in practice they absolutely will
do anything to help IRI and are against the people of Iran liberating
themselves.  If the USA feels that bombing Iran will strengthen the
mullahs (and the IRI can not do anything in response to endanger its
position as #1 US protectorate that talks down to the USA) they will
bomb them. Otherwise they will live with the IRI, even if it gets nukes, provided its not made public knowledge.


Abamard on love of IRI by USA.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

A Status of forces agreement is what the USA wanted to be able to stay in Iraq free of prosecution & they could have gotten it too,
but they pretended that because they didn't get it, they had to leave
Iraq.  The reality was that they want Iran and Iraq to be close
together, their #1 goal is to strengthen the mullahs rule on Iranians. 
The longer the USA stayed in Iraq the less closer and secure the IRI
would be, now the IRI can work with maliki closely and strengthen
themselves.  So the real reason the USA left Iraq, was in order to
strengthen IRI, using the SOF agreement as an excuse.

My Question to you is How long can the USA continue playing this 33 year bluff, while having Iranians
and their own people/Americans totally deceived, regarding their desire for and backing of the IRI, amazing no?  They pretend manipulatively
that they are opposed to the IRI, yet in practice they absolutely will
do anything to help IRI and are against the people of Iran liberating
themselves.  If the USA feels that bombing Iran will strengthen the
mullahs (and the IRI can not do anything in response to endanger its
position as #1 US protectorate that talks down to the USA) they will
bomb them. Otherwise they will live with the IRI, even if it gets nuke, provided its not made public knowledge.

Ari Siletz

Well reasoned, Abarmard

by Ari Siletz on

#1 is self complete. Finally, a Poirot on the case.


3 decades of IRI terrorism are boomeranging back

by AMIR1973 on

By virtue of its worthless nuclear program and reckless terrorism, the IRI is the chief culprit for the current state of affairs in Iran, including the bombings related to its nuclear program.


Politically Shah was smart too, his mistake became forever known

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

as having created an alliance with the USA, a power that would betray him and his people (all the people of Iran infact), by knowingly manipulating his people and by disingenuously portraying him as a dictator.  Iran was 8 years away from being the 4th wealthiest country in the world after the USA/Japan/Germany.  Yet alas Iran had 2 weaknesses, a backward uneducated people (he could not give them all the experience necessary in such a short time)  and an ally that wanted to dominate the region by supporting minority religious fundamentalists.  It's good to stand on the shoulder of giants from time to time, even if it causes other people to become smaller than ants.  Being aware of the conclusion that today, America loves these mullahs and will do everything she can to keep them in power is a step too big for most minds to absorb.  This is the sad part today after all the opposition to the IRI, that the US is against the people of Iran and actively working to weaken the people and strengthen the regime.


There is a lot of truth to your comment

by Abarmard on

amirparvizforsecularmonarchy, if Shah had a better sense of the country and political landscape, then Iran would have been nothing less than any developed Western European ncountry today. No doubt about that. Many countries owed Iranian banks huge amount of capital and Shah, a very smart and intereligent in many ways had directed the economy to service and finance. Way a head of his time. But politically...

There would be no UAE and most of the old Soviet Republics would be under direct influence of Iran, if not reunited.

Yes, it's a sad story...


Abarmard analysis backed

by vildemose on

Abarmard analysis backed up by Amirparvizforsecularmonarchy?? LOL

 A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Abamard keep your analysis to the point, like this

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Amrika hamin dozd ha, adam kosh ha, besharaf ha, va doorgoo ha ro mikhad barayeh Iran, ke betooneh mellat ro bad bakht va agab oftadeh negar dareh.  Barayeh in Pahlavi-aro maroufi-kard be esmeh dictator va az iran beroonesh kard va barayeh in akhoondaro ovord be jash, ke betooneh Iranro bechapeh va bad bakht negar dareh, Amrika Ashegeh in Akhoondast barayeh iran.  Emrooz, gabl, va hamisheh.  hichi in eshqro nemishkaneh, na khariateh akhoond ya yek jang ba amrika, chenin as siasateh kesafateh amrika.


Clinton: The USA Condemns the Killing of Nuclear Scientist.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

But the USA is Okay with Urinating on his dead body.  Got that USA fans!  If Hillary were President, she'd have a car battery tied to his extremities and switched on after she urinated all over his dead body.  Sending a clear message from the Golden State to Iran.  Look who's trying to out lie General Powell.  LOL.  Hillarys just trying to secure a place for women at the top, and make sure they don't fall back after all the years of progress made, LOL. So she personally wants to pee on his dead body, go figure. 



by Abarmard on

The reasoning behind these kinds of terrorist activity might be to push Iran hard enough so Iran makes a miscalculation in their political strategies. These kinds of criminal activities, which started decades ago with creation of Sunni extremism in Afghanistan, has become a normal foreign policy procedure and strategy for Israeli based politics. The reality is that those who manage these crimes and their superiors know that one can’t stop an institution. Institutions are not run based on one, two, or in this case four individuals. Even though they are all important assets of Iranian nation yet they are not the core of Iranian science and technology. They are members. Hence Iranian nuclear progress will continue perhaps even faster now than before.

To clarify a possible objective of murdering people and proudly announcing it as political victory may lay in strategy to force an uncooperative reaction from Iran. Here is what one may expect as an Iranian reaction:

1- The officials are aware that Iran openly disclosed the location, name of staff, and other important information about their nuclear program. By giving this to the enemies of Iran, the IAEA has declared its position to the Iranians that we are not here to cooperate. That information is the basis to target these scientists. Iran is now forced to withheld information, which will cost them harsher reaction and turn of public opinion to more negative. Certainly you will not allow your sworn enemy the possibility of harming you at the core. So expect changes in Iranian behavior, which maybe the objective of this strategy.

2- Iranian regime is forced to monitor the population activity even more to gain upper hand in security. Security trumps freedom in any society and we have witnesses first hand that when things start to open up a bit, a sudden threat to the system forces harsh reaction from the regime. In this case of course there will be some people who take advantage of the situation to further their own political agenda, which normally is in opposite direction than population demand.  Now we move from bad to worse. To some this is a good sign based on the logic that it will force the society to rise against the establishment but to those who carefully analyze the political landscape this seem bad in any direction. The result of more power to one party for the sake of security and threat does not mean revolution will come. Population would become busier with their daily struggle and the system feels less need to be responsive to people.

3- What a group of people want doesn’t mean the entire population is in line with them. In other words, threat and possibility of war has been helping the current party gain momentum and justify their harsh response with examples that people can see and feel daily. Although small middle class and upper middle class would want nothing less than overthrow of current establishment, the majority of Iranians are worried about the economy. To proof this point, in your next visit view your families’ desire to go on streets and revolt against the system. The tighter grip is justified and promoted hence less communication among different social groups and parties has become even more than ever before.

4- Conclusion from above points makes one objective clear. The actions of IAEA along with Western reaction to the “Iranian threat” have been to strengthen rather than weakening Iranian establishment. Perhaps one simple reason can be that the Islamic Republic is good for business and by them being in charge, West has been able to profit and take control of otherwise powerful Iranian influence. The current influence is nothing compared to what Iran is capable of, and that’s exactly what most Iranians are angry about. A more open and democratic system in Iran would change the course of many countries in the region, while a dictatorial Iran, a threat to the region and stability accomplishes two major objective:

A- Sales from arm and military services to uplift the shrinking Western economy. Cheaper investment with higher return as growing risk will yield to many giants in business.

B- China is in need for oil in Middle East while US is entering the energy exporting business. By destabilizing the region and making future higher risk for oil production of the region, the price of oil will increase and allows US to compete in a more balanced playing field against the rising south Asian economy.

This all means that the West does want the Islamic Republic remain in place, even if war makes the system stronger.


Yeah, and you know that

by Mammad on

from far that the "Great Majority of Iranians" do not give a hoot, and that only his relatives are in pain. What scientific method did you use to arrive at this conclusion? Did you take a quick poll? Or, did you, as usual, imagine things?

If there is a regime change, it would be the likes of you who would be looking for a soorakh moosh to buy.




VPK: that's a good

by vildemose on

VPK: that's a good idea... 

 A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Iraj Khan & others

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have not seen many people here happy about this terror act. Pretty much all the people here have condemned it. Including me and people of all political bends. Nobody I know is happy about this criminal act.

I have many family members in Iran and don't want them hurt. The questions are: who did it and how to prevent another one. The first question leads to how to get justice for the victims. 

If the victims think they have proof of Western or Israeli involvement I have an idea. Why not sue the parties here in the USA. Getting a verdict in Iran is not as good because you don't get to collect. But if Israeli get millions for supposed IRI involvement in a terror act why not Iranians. If Iranian families of the victims do a civil suit they just need a "preponderance of evidence". Show that to jury; then tell them about the other awards. Why not if they think there is proof.


Acts of violence!

by farokh2000 on

I guess invading other Countries(Iraq and Afghanistan), murdering their innocent people and occupying them for over a decade don't count as Acts of Violence.

They condemn "all acts of violence".

Wow, what a humanitarian bunch of people!

iraj khan

Some May

by iraj khan on

have fun with the killing of Iranian scientist being discussed here. They are in the minority I call them the alienated ones, the ones who have been separated from their roots and their humanity, the %3 pro war crowd.

The other %97 anti war Iranian Americans do not have fun with this terrorist act and do not try to pretend 'it is insignificant'. They are shocked and angry.

As for the Iranians living in Iran, I'm sure they hate to get up in the morning and have bombs being exploded on their way to work, hence overwhelmingly condemn it. 

It's obvious to see.

G. Rahmanian

Great Majority of Iranians!

by G. Rahmanian on

The Great Majority of Iranians don't give a hoot about this terrorist act. They have too many problems of their own.

The Islamists are probably barking like crazy pretending they care. But, in fact, they are worried about their own safety and what happens to them if there is a regime change.

The only people who are really in pain right now are his relatives!


More Suspects ...

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Japan:  Provided the motorbike

France: Provided a plan of the Peugot showing its most vulnerable part

Malaysia: supplied the Hard-Disk, from which the magnet for the bomb was taken.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Prime Suspects

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes without proof you do not make accusations. That it right! Now if you want to pick suspects all these may be involved:

  • USA
  • Israel
  • Britain
  • MEK
  • Taliban
  • Saudi
  • Sunni Iranian forces angry at IRI: Kurd; Balouchi ...
  • Iranian opposition
  • IRI internal factions.
  • IRI main faction

This is just a tip of the iceberg. Any may be working together with others. Regarding making accusations without proof. How do you like it if next time a terror attack happens you get singled out because you are Iranian?

If we start pointing fingers without proof better be ready to get the same treatment. The idea of "innocent until proven" goes for all. If not it has no meaning. It is sad to see all these Iranians missing such a vital point of justice.


Unnatural things will happen in 2012

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

I thought that Benny Gatz (Israel's chief of staff) was referring to the arrival of the 12th Immam, or am I wrong ???


Prime Suspect Hillary opens her gob.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

// since there is no evidence we may as well blame Mongolia they say.  When their is no evidence you can't accuse anyone, you just go by logic and who the prime suspects are and why they are honestly likely to have carried it out.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • Disenchanted: all the examples you give are based on clear evidence. For example historical records or laws of physics. There is still no evidence showing us who did this one.
  • BBC: is the same organization which promoted Khomeini. The same that refuses to say Persian Gulf. I give more credibility to a dog barking than BBC.
  • Siavash: again we do not have proof that IRI did it.


Folks what do you find so hard about "I don't know". What I see is people reacting based on their political bent. If you hate IRI more than West blame IRI. If you hate West more then blame it. Stick to fact if you don't want to guess:

  • We don't know.
  • BBC voiced an opinion not a fact.
  • IRI has many enemies any of whom may have done this.
  • Anyone may do a murder and make it look like others did it.
  • IRI itself is no angel.
  • All this happens because of the climate made by IRI.


G. Rahmanian

Anger Management!

by G. Rahmanian on

"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." Aristotle

Your level of control over your anger is dangerously low. You are in an urgent need of the anger-management course I have suggested below. Good luck!


begin contributing to a good debate

by Mammad on

if you can. State your position regarding the two types of things that I listed.

If anyone needs anger management, it is you. It was you who did not even read what I said, and just jumped in impulsively. How did you know I was referring to you? Several people respond to me here all the time. How did you know it was meant to be you?

We khoraasaani haa have a proverb: panbeh dozd dast beh rishesh mikesheh [hence indicating who the thief is]. You understand this?

I was talking about terrorism and saying those who claim to reject terrorism and related things must reject them BY EVERYONE, not just the VF regime. We do not, and must not, have good terrorism and bad terrorism. Terrorism is terrorism, no matter who commits it. Your response: I am a defender of the regime!! I laughed so hard, it hurt!

What people like you do not get, and due to which have made the U.S./Israel their "ghebleh aalam" is that, both nations are not in love with bringing democracy to any nation. They are after protecting, and if possible expanding, their interests, or what they perceive as such. So, if this means supporting dictators, so be it. If it means invading or bombing others, so be it. If it means assassination, so be it.

Iranians do not need such "friends," in my opinion.

That is why I said, dom-e khorous az laaye abaa oomadeh biroon. Open your eyes to see it.



In the interest of justice and ….

by Bavafa on

Putting a stop to the ongoing tit for tat, I hope one day soon the responsible party of these killing are brought to justice.  Perhaps only then and with that sort of approach, peace can be brought to our home land.  Otherwise this act of terrorism will be answered in kind in due time.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Tiger Lily

BBC said it was an Israeli job and

by Tiger Lily on

then added something weird. The analyst said that it was clearly a clean Israeli proxy  job hiring Iranians, but that the question was if the hired Iranians knew who they were working for.

That is werid. If that is supposed to be a  Mosad hallmark, how could the terrorists not know what method they are using?  Mad world!

P.S. Somebody shut that woman's (clinton) gob. Yeah, she isn't keen on violence, her preference is obliterating an entire nation off the map, as campaign candy. 


Clinton Denies any U.S. Role. And Condemns killing. LOL

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

What a Pillar Of Credibilty we have here!  We want to do everything in our power to covertly slow down the Mullahs Nuclear Program (only participate in actions that are realistically deniable).  And why not condemn such a barbric action?  Its not as if the USA didn't kill the late shah, didn't help pay to train Khomeini's militia's, didn't massively fund and orchestrate the 1979 Angolab.  No a clean and pure country like the USA would never do such things. Khak bar sareh har kesi ke manipulate besheh az dasteh in zaneh agaboftadeh.  Haif ke Amrika hanooz ke hanoozeh ashegeh eslameh barayeh Iran. Fekr mikonan bagiyeham mesleh khodeshoonan.


Seems like it was khamanie's job

by Siavash300 on

The method of assassination is very much similar to what happened last years to another scientist. He was one of prominent figure in Green Movement.  In both incidents, mullahs claims they couldn't find the murders. Stinky mullahs also claimed they couldn't find the murder of Neda Agha Soltan. They couldn't find it because they did it themselves.

 Magnetic bomb is kind of sofisticated bomb and it can't be structured without big money and big power behind it. Mullahs are the only ones who could do it because they have power and they have our oil money in their pockets. It was a professional hit. Highly unlikely some college kids who pass some college course could manage such an operation without getting caught.


What is the matter with you people?

by Rastgoo on

They are MURDERING Scientists in broad day light with car bombs that are the proven methods of the Mosad!  The Israeli government doesn't condemn such acts and in fact you have their politicians gloating on facebook about them!  Regardless of the political persuasion of the Scientists these acts constitute terrorism.  IRI has nothing to gain by assassinating it's own brightest.  Wake up and smell the coffee:  Israel is no friend of Iran.  Israel would love to see Iran disintegrate into oblivion.  You have to separate the regime from the people.  Just because a Scientist is working for the government it doesn't make him/her a regime sympathizer and even if they were that doesn't mean they deserve to be murdered in cold blood. You must love Iran more than your own selfish interests.