Pahlavi on formation of national congress

Interview with Masih Alinejad

در این گفتگو که در ژانویه ۲۰۱۲ منتشر شده است رضا پهلوی از تلاش خود برای تشکیل یک کنگره ملی خبر می دهد و در پاسخ به این سوال که آیا می خواهد در این کنگره بالانشین و رهبر باشد می گوید چنین قصدی ندارد و هدف او همراه کردن همه نیروهای اپوزوسیون است. او در عین حال از ذکر اسامی تیم همراه خود برای تشکیل چنین کنگره ای خودداری کرد. رضا پهلوی در این مصاحبه به چالش هایی در مورد عنوان «ولیعهدی» خود، دیکتاتور خوانده شدن پدرش در انقلاب ۵۷، ماجرای مصدق، موضوع شکایت از خامنه اي، وضعیت اپوزسیون خارج از کشور و هدف خود برای تغییر رژیم به سوالات مسیح علینژاد پاسخ می دهد.

Part 2

Part 1


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by Joubin on

No sane American holds the view that we are marching towards progress by upturning the crown jewel of Anglo-Saxon civilization, the Magna Carta, and shredding the American Constitution left to us by the framers. This is a generation led by deceivers and traitors of the highest order who are clearly bent on the destruction of America.

"My point with antiquity was we never had a Spartacus movement, because we never had such widespread depravity in Persia. Slavery was forbidden."

Thank you for clarifying.  Something to be quietly proud of, I agree.  (One rather hopes for expressions of Iranian Exceptionalism in deeds and not in words; that is both good form and evidence of such sentiments.  Please note, dear Amir Parviz, that there is another tribe that is given to excessive (and some would say delusional) self regard and congratulation and it has proven to be a self defeating approach "winning" them enemies where ever they go, for we are a mixed crowd on this little planet, and more importantly, each nation has (had) something positive to offer mankind.  Yes, even the Romans :))

I agree that it is quite annoying to see the continual barrage of calumny against our late great Shah. "Dictator".  Not even that; as some here have it, a "petty" dictator, "among the worst tyrants of 20 century", blah blah blah.  Meanwhile they worship at the alter of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the hanging Ayatollahs or the global Bankster Order; cold blooded tyrants that collectively have destroyed the lives of tens of millions of innocent humans -- without the least exaggeration as this is a matter of historic record -- during their wretched ideological reigns of terror, some of which are ongoing.  

What can you do?  This is what happens when a human being permits ideology to do the thinking instead of using his or her God given brain.



I agree we were discussing antiquity, now lets move to today &.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

then jump back to Antiquity and finally end with today if thats okay with you.  This process will help us hit the target right on exactly in the bulls eye. Lets start, think of our last King or other Individuals of his time, they could not kill, have harmed or eternally detain anIranian without any authorization (based on individual whims) and
without any ones knowledge (in absolute secret).  I know you could say times are changing and the US is leading us into a modern era, I'm just saying even during the cold war Iran wasn't this bad.  In My view, in our recent pre-IRI history, since IRI is a disaster by all standards, the laws Mohammed Reza Pahlavi adhered to have now become a standard far higher than the ones practiced by the USA today. Jumping back.

My point with antiquity was we never had a Spartacus movement, because we never had such widespread depravity in Persia. Slavery was forbidden.  Iranians and their Kings like Khosrow-Parviz did Rebel for the sake of the freedom of their people and did succeed in creating lots of value for them.  In to this era, we have the late shah mohammed reza pahlavi rebelling for the sake of his people and his majesty today also is rebelling for the sake of his people (starting to).  These leaders have everything they need, that they are taking on the role of a noble king for the freedom of their people for peace, progress and human rights is appreciated by me, even if the worlds main stream media doesn't pay attention to it or misrepresents them, manipulates the viewers of the world and calls the last one a dictator. 


Amir Parviz

by Joubin on

"I disagree." 

It is perfectly healthy to have different points of view.  

"Since Iranian Culture impacted by the Monarchy has always been a force for Freedom"

I consider the equation of culture (society) and social movement to be informed by a categorical error. Regardless, I suggest you review your Shahnameh.  

Iranian high culture is informed by exceptional men and women wearing diadems of spirit, arms, arts, and, letters, a subset of whom also wore a golden crown.  Foremost, of course, is the Prophet Zarathustra and his noble teachings. And the mythical Iranian Kaveh Ahangar clearly has far more in common with Spartacus than Khosrow Parviz.  Regardless, the "impacting" force has always been our conception of God. 

"unless you believe the family is an ideological construct."

A thought provoking question.  Certainly, when considering the set of possible modalities of family, there appears to be some ground for such a consideration.  That said, the slave owning Romans also had families.

"Today the Republic of the USA .."

A Red, Whlte, and Blue Herring, dear Amir Parviz. We were discussing antiquity.  


How about the way Iranian Society lived.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The only mass movement in human history that had no ideological
foundation beyond the shared human concern of freedom, liberty, and
happiness was and remains the uprising of the slaves of Roman empire led
by Spartacus.

I disagree, Since Iranian Culture impacted by the Monarchy has always been a force for Freedom, Justice & Happiness, Our Culture has been one of the longest and most inspirational mass movement with out ideological foundation, unless you believe the family is an ideological construct.

Today the Republic of the USA has probably 10,000 times or 1 Million Percent more people living in dire Poverty and without access to any health care than the Romans had Gladiators and today the Islamic Republic is even worse in these respects. Since we lost the monarchy, we also lost the priorities and duties set forth by our iranian culture and the brightest aspect of Iranian life was that we had many issues that were not negotiable, like the human rights of our people.  No iranian King or Individual could kill, harm or eternally detain an Iranian with out any authorization (so based on individual whims) and without any ones knowledge (so in absolut secret).

Warm fuzzy feelings come to mind when president obama went to the cia building and publicly told all his officers that they could not ever be brought to any trial for secretly torturing anyone Americans Included.  The USA AND ITS FORM OF TYRANNY is the real True Dictatorship that the world has to defend itself against, the suggestion that the LATE SHAH WAS A DICTATOR BY THESE DECEITFUL AND DISNINGENOUS HYPOCRITS OR THEIR BRITISH LACKEYS is IMAGINATIVE AND VERY VERSATILE. 



Mazdakian va Babakian

by Joubin on

"Iran and Iranians have also witnessed some of the earliest socialist movements in history of mankind, such as those of Mazdak and Babak Khorramdin against the social injustice in their respective times!"


It is disingenuous/uninformed (take your pick) to mention the above movements as primarily social movements.  Both were theological movements and it remains a thought experiment to wonder at the nature of societies based on these 2 ideologies, had they not met a terminal fate at the hands of other theologians e.g. Magi.

The only mass movement in human history that had no ideological foundation beyond the shared human concern of freedom, liberty, and happiness was and remains the uprising of the slaves of Roman empire led by Spartacus.




by AryamehrNYC on

You are truly a comical old chap.  The Americans have people like in you Mississippi... rednecks... they are still fighting the civil war.  Your shallow posts are of a generation lost... a generation that did not know what they had and now a generation that is apologetic for taking to the streets in the 70s and helping to ruin a country with so much promise.  Dont worry, my generation will clean up your mess and restore Iran to its rightful place in the international community.


Bad behavior

by Siavash300 on

Dear truthseeker,

I strongly condemn bad behavior and sexist comment and I fight against sexism and unequality between men and women.

    On the other hand, what I am asking for forgiveness and compassion for our country man that might used the wrong word. He/she probably may didn't mean it in a bad way. It happens many times because of lack of proper education some people say something that they don't mean it.



Sexual harassment

by Truthseeker9 on

Please Sir, stop making excuses for bad behaviour and blaming people who point it out to you. In any case it is interesting to see some peoples reactions to a forthright woman doing her job. It is all revealing of certain mindsets. 


Mr. Truthseekers9 where is your compassion for your country man

by Siavash300 on

Mr. Truthseeker ,

Forgiveness and compassion and unity under one leadership is what we need at this time to save Iran. Where is your heart for your country man who may be made mistake to use the wrong word.



Mr Shemirani

by Souri on

Two points in the video you have posted:

1) Mr Faravahar is trying to prove that RP is being manipulated by the other fractions of the opposition! He said : They always try to get a FATWA from him, against his Monarchist supporters!

So,  in a way, Mr Faravahar wants to prove that RP's straight and direct message to those Monarchists, is being forced to him, and should not be taken seriously by the Monarchists. LOL!

2) I haven't listend to the entire video (I thought it worth not my time) but until the minute 55, he even talked about Takhti, who died more than 40 years ago.....he says tasliat to the Iranians, but he doesn't say a word about Alireza Pahlavi, the son of Shah who killed himself only one year ago!

Indeed, i havent' heard or seen anything of commemorating Alireza, these days, from any Monarchist  group! So much for their loyality!


Shemirani, about sexism

by Truthseeker9 on

To see
inappropriate comment about women doing her job (with respect to appearance) is so disappointing but somehow predictable. Wonder why overweight, kachal or otherwise physically unattractive guys do not get judged by their looks at work. Ah well ... Wonder if th defenders of these sexist comments would think it is OK for their mother, wives, sisters, daughters to be told they resemble payed Sex workers, but "nicely meant". 


Misunderstanding of "porn star"

by Siavash300 on

"there is a shameful comment here, someone wrote "she looks like a porn actress" !! What a shame" Shamirani

I think sometimes people say something that they don't mean it in a bad way. I think this person was trying to say the interviewer is "beautiful lady", but the person couldn't say it in a right way. I don't think that comment came from his/her evil side. I think it came from his/her good side, but worded badly. It happens.


l'interviewer interviewée :D

by Shemirani on

From 45:00

K.Fravahar having few good points about the interviewer !!



En aparté: there is a shameful comment here, someone wrote "she looks like a porn actress" !! What a shame ! She doesn't look like it and its not because she is a woman that you can allow yourself to insult her) keep your sexist comment !!!feeling sorry for you (who ever you are) that your parents didn't teach you to respect women !


Thanks Amirparviz.....

by Siavash300 on

I looked at the link you posted for me. It was very interesting. Thanks.

   Yes, I missed the culture. thanks for reminding me. Our history is Padeshahi. One mess happened 32 years ago in Iran. That doesn't mean we should forget our culture and our history and most importantly we shouldn't forget our heritage.

    Some stinky rag head criminals UNlawfully took power in Iran, That doesn't mean we forget who we are. We have had Great Persian empire with rich history of monarchy and culture.  All the sudden, some folks on this site forget who we were and what was going on for over 5000 years in our country. I am surprise how forgetfull some people are.  Soon we will defeat these Islamic monsters. Present of shah in political arena will resolve the issue of separtist. No separtist movement.  Shah has been symbol of unity, integrity and strength of our nation throughout history. With the help of our padeshah hand to hand, shoulder to shoulder, we will re-built our country and we will gain our respect back once again. International court for all mullahs.  




Why you didn't post this 2nd part, sooner

by Souri on

There are some questions (especially by Divaneh) which have been answered in this second part of the interview.


Siavash300 Kudo's to you, well done

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

You are on the right path,

1 link to know of, use and learn from //

I would add to your comment, that it is not just the history of our civilization that is at stake, but our Iranian Culture which has benefitted from the Monarchy.  See the Contrast between the Culture of a Norway, a Netherlands, and a Japan, how the culture is defended by the Monarchy and massively impacted the culture for the positive and how much sweater life is for all the people.  Then in the context of Culture see how life is today for the American, the Frenchman or the Italian.  It is that distinction, Culture what ours was and can be again that is critical.  The truth will get all humanity further albeit slower.

Mullahs are not the only ones lying about the Monarchy, so are Republics, it is their technique of manipulation of their own intellectuals.  Those that allow this manipulation in are going to be deeply hurt by it and will also hurt fellow Iranians they mislead as they already have, without acknowledging how outstanding the service of monarchy is towards our culture.


Maryam Hojjat

GUYS who are opposing RP Should Learn from Bahram Moshiri

by Maryam Hojjat on

You all know who he is.  He is very much against SHah & Reza Shah dictatorships and he thinks they were the root cause of creation of IRR in IRAN.   However, despite of his view and feeling about two last Pahlavies he (Bahram Moshiri) is supporting RP in formation a National Congress and he said he would participate as Iranian for IRAN.

Jeesh Daram


by Jeesh Daram on

سوری خانم با سپاس.  واقعا که درست فرمودید (سلب). ولی بجای بهنویش تمام دوستان بهتر است از خود ویندو استفاده کنند و فقط کی-برد شان را فارسی کنند و آنگاه میتوانند سریع تایپ کنند.  بله اشتباهات املایی  نمایان عدم تماس کامل است.  اگر این وبسایت نبود ما همین دو خط را هم نمینوشتیم و طبق معمول فقط با خودمان فارسی حرف میزدیم.  شاد باشید

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Moths? lucky TL

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


While ago I found to my horror moths had gorged themselves on my rugs. Two beautiful wool Tabriz. Adding insult to injury they also went for my hanging "picture" rug. 

I discovered they don't eat silk rugs though. Hence I wrote my Mullah operatives on Qum but they refused to send me any. Now I say F** them all no silk rug; fine I am supporting RP. 


To All Monarchists Remember to Focus Against IRI

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

And not Against the Opposition to IRI, Commie, Principalist, Capitalist, Socialist, Conservative, Liberal, Monarchy.  Monarchists are the ones who yet again need to set an example for others to follow and correct various groups within our Secular Democratic Kingdom to work in harmony with each other.

Our Leadership and Standards are essential For Iran, whether appreciated or not is irrelevant.



by Souri on

LOL, you kill me :)

Salb be farsi ba sin neveshteh misheh.

khoda begam  in Behnevis ro chekar koneh?

digeh Farsi khodemoon ham yademoon raft, ba in Behnevis.....LOL

Jeesh Daram

مگه من تاج سرمه

Jeesh Daram

خیلی خندیدم اونجاش که رضا پهلوی در پاسخ میگه :   "مگه من الان تاج سرمه؟"  خیلی خوب گفت بعد هم به اون دخترک عصبی میگه:  "گوش کن"  به عبارت دیگر بچه پررو گوش کن و اینقدر زوز نزن شیرت خشک میشه.  اگر تمام ایرانیان هم جمع شوند عنوان شاهزاده از این مرد صلب شدنی نیست.  فارسی را هم از 90% لوس آنجلسی ها بهتر صحبت میکند و او مسئول مستفیم اعمال پدرش نیست.  ما در حال حاضر اگر اشتباه نکنم بیش از پنجاه شاهزاده قاجار داریم که عنوانشان سر جایشان است ولی همه آمده اند به این جوان بند کرده اند.  اگر دلش میخواهد خدمت کند اجازه بدهید کارش را انجام دهد.  برای ملتی که حتی یک نفر دیگر را ندارد که کاندیدا کند این هشداری است، که گناه بر گردن خود ما ملت است که چشم نداریم یکدیگر را ببینیم.......این مطلب مرا یاد خاطره ای انداخت....یک روز


The fact remains the same

by Siavash300 on

The fact is our history has been intimated with monarchy or rather Padeshahi over 5000 years and no one can take our precious histoty from us. We are proud of our history. Our ancestors introduced monarchy as a politcal system for the first time to the history of mankind. Our ancestors were smart and way knowledgble. Mullah's propaganda is based on false assumption that monarchy is equal to "dictatorship" and is out dated. They said it in 60's and 70's to take power and they are saying it now to stay in power. 

The fact is U.K the most democratic country on the face of the earth runs by "monarchy". They are not dictatorship. Stinky Mullahs are lying. Monarchy is the most democratic system that our ancestors lived under for many centuries and many generations. Our ancestors were smart.

Long live Reza Pahlavi the lawful king of Iran

                          Goal : RESTORING MONARCHY 

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

I hear you. Imagine living in a place with high humidity. Fighting moths AND molds at the same time. In the winter some people smell like mothballs!!!


Undoubtedly one of our best, Still needs CRITIQUE though

by bahmani on

I was very impressed with Masih's interview, she asked almost all of the burning questions that I think we have all wanted to ask RP.

It was not perfect however.

The following critique is intended to be positive:

Hair & Look:

Masih jan, neither you are a reggae artist, nor Jamaican. The Rasta look went out in the 90's. As a representative of the modern Iranian youth, you need to dress the part. No one will EVER give you kids control looking like that. The credibility of the look, is absolutely required in common, decent company. Honestly this is why RP occasionally lost patience with you. This critical moment in history, is not the time to dress like a German hippie on a backpacking trip to Machu-Picchu.

Open Laptop:

I know it's your other right hand, and like most you'd be lost without it, but for an interview, I think it shows disrespect to the interviewee, and blocks them from you with an inanimate object. Get an iPad if you want to look cooler, or need to keep track of your questions, or better yet write them on a single piece of paper. There is absolutely no need to have a laptop open in front of you for this interview.

Water Glasses:

You need equal water glasses, yours was crystal, his was a paper cup,. That gave him the moral edge. Also no cookies, it's not a party without tea. And this was not a party.

Framing the Questions:

I felt you were a bit too insistent to tell RP that you and the youth don't need this or don't believe in that anymore, it felt like you were trying to show him that he was not relevant. Then why interview him at all? So, since you did want to interview him, (And I will thank you for doing that!) you CANNOT however, put him down or in his place as it felt you were doing as you prefaced your trickier questions. I'm not protecting him from criticism, I'm protecting you from being a hypocrite by coming off smug and arrogant, and seeming to suggest that you are somehow more important and above the person you are interviewing. You aren't. If you want to become a real journalist (do you really?), you need to defer to the story and subject. And your audience. After you first take care of them, they will take care of you.


Excellent, I give you a B+ A- for this interview. I did not however, believe that this is you and your destiny though, you appear to me to be one idea away from your true calling, and have only taken this on now, as the next step to another step in your life. I'm not buying your sincerity at this job. It could be the hair and outfit. However you choose to go, you need to stop being Masih the former "Iranian jailed activist", and learn how journalism actually works. Which is that it asks tough questions, and lets the subject answer them. A great journalist will not let a smart subject get away from answering a tough question. The so called best, Cooper, King, Amanpour, are good, but not great.

All three have been bested by Ahmadinejad.

Great job once again, I want more! Maybe Hillary or Obama?

To read more bahmani posts visit: //

Tiger Lily

G. R, lol! RP is now the boogeyman?

by Tiger Lily on

believe me I'm worried about moths boogie nighting, gorging themselves on my entire wardrobe at the moment.

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

If that's the case, why worry about who says what regarding RP? It was the same with MEK. Why bother at all? Of all the millions of Iranians in diaspora, why should it bother you what RP's supporters say?

Tiger Lily

RP the wannabe spokesperson was fiddling with his nose!

by Tiger Lily on

If anything, Masih Alinejad, who has a wide-ranging fan-base both inside and outside of Iran, for bloody good reasons, has given this guy credibility, by bothering to interview him.

P.S. JJ, 6 thousand of views for Pahlavi punters on IC, mainly for entertainment, don't translate into votes of the odd 4 million in diaspora, let alone the millions of voting population inside Iran. Clueless!




Welcome to reality

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

You're the one  24/7 in here spending your time and
energy in "monarchists mutual admirers club" thinking you're actually
building an alternative against IR in cyber space. How silly and stupid
can one get.

Name one real prisoner in Iran that was freed due to your efforts?

Name one students organization in Iran that has benefited from your assistance?

Name one workers' formation you know of in Iran that's active and you've assisted?

The answer to all the above queries and another query of that type is none, none, and none. 

knowledge of Iranian history is so limited and low, it's no surprise
you have nothing but distortion and lies about Marxism, (not to mention
your idea of Marxism is one left over from the cold-war era).

Communist Party of Iran has up held, and practised the principal of unlimited political freedoms  for the past thirty years. Show me one bankrupt monarchist grouping that even comes close to upholding principal on unlimited political freedoms? Again, the answer to this query as well is none, cause deep down you're all just a bunch of jojeh fascist.



Ary Az Mehry as degeneration

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Ary Az Mehr jaan, your avatar and your parlance all point out to one and one thing thing stemming from you:DEGENERATION.